Something's boiling^^( not part of the story tho)


hello dear readers and subbies!!!^^


I just wanted to tell everyone that SOMETHING finally struck my lazy mind (accdentally?) and the idea fits perfectly with this story.

REAL ACTION this time.


honestly i really did forgot this story. hahahaha silly me!^^ But someone reminded me about it and i really do thank her for that.


Thanks jasmine751 for loving this story!!! 


ill be dedicating the next chap especially for you! hehehehe

see? i told you to be patient coz im not going to abandon this fic im currently working on it!


please wait for the update but i wont give any specific date just SOON.


love lots!




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Flamestar18 #1
Chapter 1: Omg I really hope u writ more gdyb stories. Maybe u could write one where gd cheats/ breaks up with yb then tries to win him back after he sees yb with someone else. Only if u want. BTW your an amazing writer
aesthetic_pleasure #2
Chapter 20: there’s just something about gdyb :) Their personalities go so well together, so I’m glad you’re taking advantage of that and writing about them ❤️
Chapter 20: This is so good.. Thankyou again for continuing this story.
Chapter 19: That's one hell of a cliffhanger... Excited to read about the next chapter to know what will be bae 's answer.. Thanks for the update. Loved this
Chapter 18: What is happening??? You were right.. I got a shock. Can't wait to read how this will turn out.. Thanks for the update. Loved reading this
Flamestar18 #6
Chapter 17: Oh this is getting good. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Chapter 17: The last sentence..
I am happy for both of them.. Excited to know what will happen next
aesthetic_pleasure #8
Chapter 16: My heart! ...I have so many different ways I see this going ! Ahh how could you do this to me authornim ! I’ve been waiting so long for updates and now I can’t bear to wait longer ??
Plng25 #9
Chapter 16: Pls continue this good story that I've been waiting for update since eternity....
Chapter 16: I love how straightforward is ji and flushed bae is..this is such a beautiful story to read.i hope bae will give in and be happy.i am in love with this story.thanks for the update.