The Observationist


Jimin discovers that he knows even less than he assumes as he and his partners uncover several potentially dark secrets surrounding both their own personal pasts and the network of Sensors as a whole. When faced with a choice between digging for answers or holding onto nostalgia and familiarity, Jimin struggles to cope with the demands of his new life as pieces of the old are ripped apart.


Is the world of the unknown rife with threats? Or could there be balance between nightmare and comfort?


Note: This is a sequel to one of my other fics. It is titled The Monster Hunter, and can be found here.

This will probably not make sense unless you've read that one, so please start there before you read ths!




Hello again, everyone : )

Some of you expressed interest in a sequel for The Monster Hunter, and I was definitely interested in writing one, so here we go! Not a lot else to say except I hope you enjoy it, and as always I'm open to any comments or criticisms you care to leave. I'm excited to continue this story, and hope that you guys find it interesting.

Thank you to everyone for reading, and here we go!


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hopefool #1
Chapter 14: hello! so i'm a fan of whispers and found the monster hunter while looking at your stories, and let me just tell you, these two (plus whispers!) are amazing. i admire your writing, i love the whole story, i love how you brought the characters to life (tae <333) and of course, the vmin!!!!
thank you for providing me with some sort of comfort as i take a break from studying. i would really enjoy a third installment, trust me, i'll be supporting that. ^^
Chapter 14: Is this really the... End? But I would totally be in for a third installment!! I would like to know more about Jimin's hidden past :D
hotkisseu #3
Chapter 14: ur story is so awesome. it'll be great if u continue this story, or make a side story like u said. I'll love everything you write TT
_mystic #4
Please continue it! I'm curious to know about jimin and jungkook's family and what happened between tae and hoseok o.o
Nichie #5
Chapter 13: ugh Jimin please be safe
dvxinst #6

i'm curious about what will happen next, i'm waiting for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: Jin!!! Who are you really???
Chapter 6: OH EM JIIIIIIII! But still hasn't been confirmed that Jin is a Guardian. Why would he watch over Jimin though? Ahhh, the feelz! >//<
Chapter 5: Woah, you update so fast! And finally! The moment we have all been waiting for! Who or what exactly is Jin's identity? Can't wait! >//<
Chapter 4: I have a feeling Namjoon is gonna meet Jin :D