Holiday ?! (Part 4)

You're My Destiny
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“Excuse me”

A guy with black t-shirt and sun glasses got into my room. His style is no joke, looks extremely fine with blue jeans and sneakers.


“Hello, Krys. Feels better now ?”

“Yeah, but I still had migraine last night.”

“You should eat well, Krys. Don’t press yourself, okay ?” He handed me a paperbag

“Okay” I opened it, “Whoaa, thank you so much, Oppa~~ I’ll eat well”

“Krys, Amber is calling.” Suddenly he handed me my phone, I putted it on the table because I should charge it.


5 missed calls.


“Am ?” I answered her call

“Krystal!!! I miss you, baby. Where you have been ? Have you received the gift ?”

“Am, come here I miss you. Well I’ve received it, thanks a lot. You make me fluttered” Oppa is answering call too, he suddenly go out.

“I can’t, Krys. I have many scheds now.”

“Am..... please. I want to see your face, even just a minute.”

“I can’t, Babe. And... I want to tell you something. But please don’t get mad”

“What is that ?”

“Promise me, you won’t get mad”


“Krys.... I think we have to cancel the trip”

“What ????!!!!”

“Yeah, I’m very sorry about this. Sorry...”

“Where will you go ? Or you have to do something very important?”



“Excuse me” Suddenly Dr. Lee opened the door, and got in. “Excuse me, Krys. I have to do this, you both are my patient. So I placed her here. But, if you don’t like it just tell me.”


What ? What did he said ?


What did he mean ‘You both ?’



Two nurses entering my room prepare a bed.


We still in phone, but both me and Amber suddenly quite, honestly I couldn’t get Dr. Lee mean.




A nurse pushed a wheelchair into my room. 



My heart skipped a beat.

Oh my God, am I wrong ? Something wrong in my eye ? A girl who sat on the wheelchair...with phone in her ear....


“Krystal ???” this voice....Yeah, my eye wasn’t wrong.



“Amber ????!!!” I called her too. Gosh, I can’t believe this. Since when her doctor is Dr. Lee ? And, is she sick ? I don’t even know...


“Ms. Liu, this is Ms. Jung. Ms. Jung, this is Ms. Liu. Sorry, I have to placed you here Ms. Liu I do this with any reason. Okay, I leave now.” He left after the nurses completed their work for Amber.


Why he did it to me ? He already know about me and Amber ? And really sick ?









Krystal, my girlfriend, hospitalized.<

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2072 streak #1
Chapter 3: What no what why how
Chapter 20: great stories! i like it! daebakk ~
Chapter 18: Woooo. Nice!
jasonds #4
Chapter 18: auch nice secret
15lehna #5
Chapter 18: I really liked secret!
Chapter 17: Woo. Share the secrets w us. Is it krystal?
Chapter 17: The helllllllllllll , go update soon you selfish author , share your next story ppaliiiii
Chapter 16: black bra, and it printed "Krystal"...lolx....
Chapter 16:'re such a tease author...I hate you*pouts*
Chapter 16: That was getting smexxxyyy! Hahahha. Why did you have to stop like that?!