You are the only one who can give me this feeling

I’m thankful that you’re here

Eun Bi squeeze her scrunchy really hard and cry on her way home. She wipe her tears, try to calm herself but a video message came..

"Aigoo..look at that hideous know, you are really ugly when you cry. Your eyes looks like cute panda and your nose become really red like that crab we ate.. ah cem.. it's not right, I should picture that you're ugly but it still appear cute in my mind.. smile mischievous .. remember hold your head high and smile okay.. I just one digit away from you, call me when you miss me.....Eun Bi-ah, I will be waiting.."

Eun Bi then smile and replay the video again and again until she reach home. Eun Byul was there waiting her..

"Unnie, why are you outside?"

"I am waiting for Are you okay? Do you have a chance to tell your feeling?"

"I will be lying if I said I am okay, I miss him already but I think I will be alright. I have you Unnie..and about that.. I haven't tell my true feeling.."


"I am sacred unnie, I am afraid losing him.. He is the only person that I have when everyone I had are from you. From being you. He allows me to be someone that I want to be. I cannot deny my feeling has changed but... When I choose Han Yi Ahn, I thought that my feeling and his feeling will last forever. I thought for sure that Han Yi Ahn is the one that I want, I even hurt Tae Kwang for him.. me and Han Yi Ahn don't have anything between us but still we grew apart, and in the end it didn't work out. I want to make sure that my feeling is not just some fling, that can be wipe away because the distance and time. He the one that I really want,the most important person, my everything that I think about. Losing him will make me.....I don't want to...He's mine unnie.. I know I am selfish, but just for this one, I want to be selfish."

"Eun Bi.. you're really not my style. But if its your decision than I won't said anything. Just tell me if he hurt you, I will kick him so hard..okay?"

"Gomawo unnie.."


Eun Bi spent the summer holiday with her mother and sister. When she's not with her unnie and her mom, she play the video again and again. She checked million times whether she got any message. She will smile her brightest when Tae Kwang message came. Even her sister thinks that she became crazy..

"Ya! I think we need to visit a mental hospital or something, it is not normal when people smile like that while looking at phone" 

"Unnie..Tae Kwang-ie is messaging me..hihi.. He sent me a picture!! Isn't he cute unnie?"

"I really need to call doctor right away.. You even think Tae Kwang cute.. The world become crazy now.. rather than seeing you become more insane than this, I am going to see Han Yi Ahn."

"Unnie, is Han Yi Ahn okay?"

"Not really but you don't need to worry. He need this kind of stuff so he can be more mature when encounter other problems. He will come around eventually. Just gave him some time." 

"I really want to be his friend again unnie."

"I know Eun Bi.I am going.."

Eun Byul leave Eun Bi and her phone. Suddenly, Eun Bi feels really guilty making her relationship with Han Yi Ahn like this. She then look her phone and Tae Kwang message. 

A message then came again

"Eun Bi, are you okay?"

"I am fine. Why?"

"You didn't reply my message almost an hour. Is it something wrong? Should I sent you more photo of mine?" 

Eun Bi can picture his smile mischievously "Please don't.. Your face will reduce my appetite.. hihi.."

She then message him again, "It's Han Yi Ahn..."

"What's wrong with Han Yi Ahn?"

"Ani.. nothing..I just felt guilty"

"Why? because our kiss?"


"Do you hate when I kiss you?"


"Do you like when I kiss you?"


"Should I kiss another girl so you don't fell guilty again?"


"Waaah.. I am kidding..hihi biyan"

"If you kiss another girl other than me, I am going to sent Eun Byul to kick your .."

"Please don't.. Your sister strength is no joke.. She should enter MMA fighter."

She and Tae kwang spend almost an hour message each other until he excuse himself because he need to help his father. Eun Bi feels more relax after their message. she thought "Eun Byul is right. This is for the best, Han Yi Ahn will come eventually. I just need to gave him some time." 


Eun Bi finally enter Education program in Seoul National University. It was her long dream to became a teacher. Even though she know that it's only the beginning of her long journey to achieving her dream but she determine to fulfill it. Tae Kwang is busy with his business school and his new prototype business. 

Go Eun Byul is studying medical to become a doctor, she date several guy aboard but nothing last than 3 months. Han Yi Ahn preparing the Olympic and sometimes do modeling. In modeling he often meet Song Joo. They eventually date for a year or so. Eun Byul and Han Yi Ahn remain close. 

Eun Bi and Tae Kwang message become less and less. They still talk everyday but not as intense as they used to. Their new life finally interfering their relationship. While attending the university, she had rejected many guy who asked her to date until one guy come around. His name is Han Jung-Woo​. He persistent like Tae Kwang which remind her of him. She miss Tae Kwang even more, but no matter how similar they are, he is not Tae Kwang. No one can replace her feeling towards Tae Kwang. 


Eun Bi

Eun Bi didn't want to give up on their relationship just yet. Since it almost Tae Kwang birthday. Eun Bi check everything again to make sure she didn't forget anything. She plan something for his birthday. Even though Tae Kwang said that he hate his birthday the most but Eun Bi want to change his idea of birthday.

On the day Tae Kwang birthday, she arrive at Boston where Tae Kwang is. She called him but a girl answer (using korean)..

"Halo Tae Kwang..."

"Halo..Tae Kwang is busy.." 

"Who is this?"

"Who is this?? I am his special friend, his Lee Soo-Yeon.."

Who is this girl?! Special friend?? Tae Kwang never mention her.. I really want to hit Tae Kwang face right now

"It is Eun Bi, Go Eun Bi! Can you just gave this phone to his right owner?"

I tried not to sound angry but I just can't help it

"Ya! why you answer my phone? noh mi-cheoss-oh??!" "Oh my is Eun Bi!"

"I am just play around..hehe"

"Halo Eun Bi-ah. Biyan, my friend has lost her mind. Why are you called? Is it something wrong?"

"Who is she?!"

"She is my friend. We are in the same class, she just come by because she wants to borrow my notes."


Tae Kwang notice, she make her upset..

"Eun Bi-ah, please trust me. I will kill her because she make you like this.."

"Tae Kwang..Can you open the door? I was downstairs. In front of your flat."

"What?! okay"

buzz sound and I enter the flat and go to his door. He open his door with confused face but then he pull me. He hug me like he never hug me before. He embrace me

" Bo-go sipoEun Bi-ah, neo-mu neo-mu bo-go sipo" 


​"Of course I miss you, it's all I do"

"Tae Kwang-ie..Me too..Missing crazy"

"Tae Kwang-ie? Wow you become more cute than before.. My cute crazy Eun Bi.."

"Ehem..Ya I know you're happy to see her but at least you can hold until I leave.."

"Ah yes, you still here.. Eun Bi this is Lee Soo-Yeon, Lee Soo-Yeon this is my Eun Bi."

"So this is the famous Eun Bi.. I am happy finally to meet you. You are such a legend here. He reject one of the most beautiful girl named Joy because of you."

"Really? I though no one will like him since he just too crazy."

"Ya! I am not that crazy!"

"Well, I have to go.. See you Eun Bi..Tae Kwang-ah, called me when she dumped you,okay? hehe"

"Just don't listen to her Eun Bi, she's living in US since she was a kid so her behavior is different from us. So why are you here?"

He took my hand and we enter his small studio flat. I am kind of surprise he has a clean and tidy room.

"It's your birthday. That's why I came. To celebrate with you."

I open a small box that I bought before I came to his flat. A small cake. I put a candle on top of that. I light the candle

"Happy 21st birthday Tae Kwang-ie.."

"Eun Bi-ah..You don't have to this.. I don't like birthday."

"I know but I want to..hurry up make the wish and blow the candle."

He close his eyes and blow the candle.

"Yay!! And this is for you.."

Eun Bi gave him a medium box and Tae Kwang open it and he saw a watch..

"A couple watch. Look I also wear the same one. So even though the time and distance are our enemy now but we still wear the same watch to remind me of you and you of me."

"Eun Bi-ah.."

"Do you like it?"

"I love it! Thank you Eun Bi."

"And one more thing.. This.."

Eun Bi kiss Tae Kwang

​"So from now on, whenever you think of birthday,you think of me."

"I hate you Eun Bi.."

"I hate you more Tae Kwang"

Tae Kwang embrace her hair and smile. I never see his smile like this..he's so handsome..I cannot believe it took me long enough to see it

"So where will you stay? You sleep with me tonight right?hehe" He and his naughty act.. no wonder I fall for him

"Ani-yo! I will leave tonight and visit Unnie.."

"Ah I forgot we're in the same country.. Well then I still have few hours, let me show you around, If we spent another minutes in here, I don't think I can hold it anymore.. I am guy you know.."

I kick his leg

"Ya! stop your dirty mind or I kick you even harder.."


"Hihi let's go.."

"Just tell me if you tired okay Eun Bi" 

(Love song, ost Yook Sung Jae as a background)


Short visit to US have rise my mood. I can't stop giggle and touch my lips. Our kiss still felt in my lips.

"Go Eun Bi, I assume that your trip to see him is going well."

"Yes..Han Jung-Woo​.. Ah cem, when I was absent, is there something happen?"

"Nothing much. Only me, missing you.."

"Han Jung-Woo​.. You know that.."

"I know but I just hate to see you like this.."

He then pull Eun Bi and kiss her in her lips.. She then kick his leg so hard and push him away..

"Noh mi-cheoss-oh??! What was that?!"

"Biyane, I just missing you.."

"You?! Stay away from me?!"

"Go Eun Bi! you say that Tae Kwang has one side before like me but then he finally in your heart. Why cannot be like him too?"

"Don't you dare compare yourself with him!"

I run from him.. I never this angry before..Tae Kwang never did something like that..well it's not entire true but he never in my lips, and I don't mind when Tae Kwang kiss my cheek before or even when I rejected him and his hug but still I don't mind..wait..don't say that I already has a feeling for him from a long time ago?! Even when before I choose Yi Ahn? Maybe that's why there's always something missing when I was with Han Yi Ahn..Only Tae Kwang that can make me like this..I cannot fully explain the feeling I feel for him..

I stop and I saw that girl I meet in Tae Kwang flat..

"Halo Go Eun Bi..I need to talk to you.."

"Lee Soo-Yeon.. Why are you here?"

"I come to see you. I have a favor to ask..You.. You need to stay away from Tae Kwang. Leave him!"



ps. the name of Lee Soo-Yeon and Han Jung-Woo are from I missing you, Joy I took it from red velvet, Sungaje partner in WGM 


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Shrota13 #1
Chapter 6: This was great story you did. Way better ending then the show gave us.
fatma16 #2
Chapter 3: i didnt like the ending of the drama , so happy to have author like you to write such fanfic <3
Chapter 5: I hate the writers of the drama they didn't let eun bi end up with tae kwang :( but your story make me happy :)
jessamedalla #4
Chapter 6: cute
jparkk #5
niice i like it ~~ ♥ u know me too i didn't like the end of the drama so i'm so exited to read ur fanfic ♥♥
kdramabunny #6
Chapter 5: Dear all thank you so much for read my first fanfic. I just update the last chapter. I wrote another TaeBi story in
I wish you enjoy my story.. Gomawo :D
sheargwyz #7
Chapter 5: nooooo... taekwang pabo. eunbi loves you, not yian.
update soon ^^
andinip #8
Chapter 5: update fast please!! fighting!!
andinip #9
Chapter 3: Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh andwaeeee dont leave taekwang-ie eunbiyaa aiiish, update soon, it's getting more and more exiting!!