Office madness Part 1

White Blossom

Nini has learnt.She need to wear makeup.She need to look beautiful.She don’t understand why she need to but she assumed that it is because she is one ugly duckling.That day,she had interview.She made sure she look as beautiful as as she can.She wore her mini black skirt that fit her perfectly.He put on fake smile,ready for interview.


Her interviewer was Kim Dong Wan,the supervisor. The first time Nini entered the room,he looked at her from head to toe.Then he smirked before fitting his eyes at her chest and not the eyes. Nini,being blur and nervous at the same time,did not realise his actions.


“What can you do,little Miss?” KDW asked.


“I am trained in microsoft office.I can put in data for the company.Quite good at organising  paperwork.I learn easily too.You can teach me anything.” Nini answered.


KDW eyes then fit at her lips.He smiled sneakily.


“Hired.We have tons of paperwork to clear.”


Wow.That was quick and easy,as Nini thought.


Nini worked diligently at the office under KDW’s care.Since it required not much thinking,Nini handled the job well. Just one problem.The Kim Dong Wan.


He always came to her office room and chatted with her both job related and not related.It was normal,Nini thought.One day,he starred at her working on excel sheet.


“I don’t know how to use excel sheet.”he told Nini.

Nini looked at him with surprised eyes.Is is possible that supervisor didn’t know that?

She didn’t know.


“It is actually very easy,This is for...and this..”

As she was explaining that,he walked beside her and bent his body,positioning his head beside her… Nini wanted to tell him off but she is scared that she would lose her job and didn’t want to mess up like last time.It would be seriously embarrassing if she was to lose job for second time.Also she is unsure if he is sincerely didn’t know how to do this or not...Maybe he is old-schooled that why?She wondered…

“EXCUSE ME!” Andy entered into the room...

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