that's so cheesy but keep going

oil & water

(written in their POV)







So I’ve always wanted a grand love story to tell—my kids, my grandkids. I’d like to think of myself as a hopeless romantic. I crave affection, attention, kisses, hugs, touches, and lingering stares. I crave for love. And in an unexpected turn of events, I saw it in you and you gave it to me.

For that, I’ll forever thank you.

I don’t know when, why, how it started. All I know was when it did, I almost didn’t want to believe.

You’re someone I look up to. Everyday from the very beginning, I wish I can be closer to you. I respect you so much—your music, your words, your actions. But like oil and water, I knew we couldn’t possibly get along that well. That was something that I and everyone else expected. A guy like you—quiet, tough, passionate, bold—and a guy like me—bubbly, loud, talkative, annoying—couldn’t possibly mold into one figure. Yet here we are.

I remember seeing you for the first time. You were in the studio working on a song when I barged in with a staff. You looked at me once to acknowledge my presence and ignored me for the rest of the day. That day had been the toughest. I still don’t know Taehyung by that time, and Jungkook wouldn’t talk to me much later. All I know was that I needed a hyung to just follow around but at first you weren’t that hyung. Until much later when you learned to look at me with eyes that say ‘I’ll give this lil’ a try’.

Being friends with you is like hunting for treasure. Step by step. Little by little. Find a mystery and solve it to get to the next level. I know you like monochrome with the way all your shirts are black and white. I know you like to work on your music from morning ‘til the next morning. I know you don’t like spicy food that much. I know you own a lot of sneakers but you have a favorite that you wear often. I know you like beanies more than snapbacks. I know you hate winter but you like to wrap yourself up in dozens of clothing. I know you take too long to warm up to people, but with me it only took two weeks and probably one free lunch.

But that’s something everyone would know, too. They say you should love a person for something that is not obvious, and I’d like to think this is one of the things I’m good at.

Your kisses—on my forehead before we go to sleep, on my lips for the most part of every day, on my cheeks when you greet me hello, on my nose when I did something wrong but forgive me anyway, on my eyelids when I cry, on my neck when you missed me too much, and on the rest of my body when you want me to know how much you love me. Your hugs that are as much as home as my real one. Your attempt at a bastardized bibimbap when we’re alone in the dorm and Seokjin hyung isn’t home to make me food. Your habit of buying me things I don’t need that turns out to be the things that I always use. Your small words of assurance and sincerity when I feel the world is against me. The songs you make for me that are saved in a special folder in my phone called ‘love’.

I mean, those are the things I could think of in a moment’s time. There are more, but that’d take a book and three volumes to conclude.

So what I really want to say is that…I don’t believe in forever. But I believe in you. I believe in us. And no matter what happens, you’re all that I need to keep moving.






Ah, really now. Okay so—4, 5? years ago, I saw you in the form of a tacky, Busan boy with horrible hair and cute glasses. I remember calling your cheeks snow cones because of obvious reasons that they’re so round and white. And your cheeks used to be so pink, like snow cones with strawberry syrup. I knew from that moment on that I’m screwed.

I’ll let you know that living in this city is tough for someone who hails all the way from Daegu, so everything was a front. I acted all tough and whatnot, but I really take too long to warm up to people. That, I can assure you. But it doesn’t matter anyway because you had my heart from the moment you called me by my name. ‘Yoongi-hyung’ didn’t match with Taehyung or Jungkook—even Namjoon and Hoseok for that matter. Somehow, when you say it, it gives me feelings.

At some point when you were crying over a dance routine you couldn’t get quite right, I knew I had to make sure you’re going to bed okay. Some divine intervention? I don’t know. But remember that time I hugged you, right? When they were all gone and I went back to the practice room to check on you. The good thing is that you told me you felt better, but the real deal is that the first time I hugged you, it felt so right.

So there, I finally let my façade crumble down. No regrets, though. Never with you.

I will never regret anything. Being with you? Never.  It’s one of the things that I won’t stop doing. I’ll stop dancing and rapping and performing eventually, but I picture myself on a bed (yes, on a bed) with you some twenty years later doing our own stuff but feeling so content because we’re together and I think that’s what matters most.

I don’t care about what other people think. I’m totally fine with just being with you. I’m totally fine with you asking me more kisses than necessary, tighter hugs, holding hands—all the cheesy on could imagine. I’ll cook you ramen, Gordon Ramsey style. I’d stay up all night making you songs, but you probably won’t like that. You never like it when I don’t cling to you on a daily basis. I’ll cuddle the out of you and shower you with so much love and affection. And I’ll love you until our souls become one, until I can’t function properly without a piece of you.

I also don’t believe in forever. I believe in the present. I live for today. I live for you and our days. You’re all that it takes to keep me alive.











aha let me live. comments are always welcome. let me know, suggest something. give me prompts!

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jiminscookies #1
Chapter 1: Oh that hit me right in the hearteu...pls make more. IM WAITING FOR THE DAy SOMEONE WILL LOOK AT ME AND THINK EXACTLY THAT OH