LANDIS // open + hiring!


Welcome to Landis, your one stop graphic shop


Who Are We?


Just a group of people who loves designing more than anything. We strive to make the best and high quality graphics made for you. However, not all of us are that experienced so some of the posters might be crappy. Feel free to give us some suggestions or feedbacks to improve ourselves!

What do we do?

P:oster and backgrounds
display picture

This is the only service that we could provide for the current moment. If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact us trough private message.



- Subscribe
Because we wont inform you personally when to pick up.

- Make sure your profile and story is not private.
So we could contact you if there is any problems and know what is the story about.

- Use the poster as a main image for a month.
We worked so fluckin hard on it. And dont you dare to change it before one month of usage.

- Give credit to the designer.
I swear I will chop your head off with a pink bunny if you dont.



- Be patient.
Not all of us have no life. We have schools to attend, homeworks and projects to be finished and examinations to sit. Dont be a jerk.


- Do not claim anything as yours.
Unless if you've spent 6 hours to find the perfect resources and 3 hours for the creativity.




Est. 2015

by mad_jestic







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Gamerkyumin #1
I requested, thanks in advanced :)
ashnicole #2
Requested, bae! :DDDDD
Hey,are you still hiring? ^_^
I wanna apply as the designer~~