Chapter 1: Moving In

Beyond Roommates

Takuya opened the door to his house and there he was, Joon Jae. Before even looking up, he knew who it was. Joon Jae, wearing his shoes with zippers on the side and worn out jeans, but what's more is that he had luggage with him.


"Hi, I'm Joon Jae", he said jokingly in broken Japanese. Joon Jae. Automatically Takuya looked up, as if to reassure himself that this wasn't a dream but at the same time knowing that him being there wasn't a dream as the tension in the air between them was to heavy and full of hope, impossible to be imagined.


He couldn't help but stare as Joon Jae causally smiled in his direction, as if showing up at Takuya's house was a normal occurrence for the both of them. As the two looked at each other all the hidden feelings they had built up after three months of living together became obvious, as nothing was keeping from expressing how they truly feel anymore.


The familiarity of the situation set in. The unannounced appearance, the broken foreign way of speaking, and the luggage... Joon Jae dropped it and as they both reached for it, their hands touched. No. Their hands more than just touched. As they both grabbed the handle, they also grabbed each other's hand, in stark contrast from the first time this happened. Confidently and unashamed, they let their emotions for each other show in this simple gesture. No longer hiding from how they feels.


"What did you do after you moved in?" Joon Jae asked, making his intentions of being here completely clear.


Finally smiling, after realizing the situation at hand, Takuya replied teasingly, "You don't remember? I remember everything... Every little thing"


As their eyes meet, all teasing stopped, and only affection for each other could be seen in their eyes. Without saying another word, Takuya let Joon Jae pass by and enter his house as a new chapter in their relationship began.




Joon Jae stood in the center of Takuya's living room, looking around at all the decorations that represented Takuya, as if he was hoping that they would reveal something more than what he already knew. The room was bright, colorful, clean, but at the same time seemed empty. The emptiness was a shocked to Joon Jae. The feeling the room gave off was familiar but at the same time foreign to him, the only other time he felt this way was when Takuya came to see him one night when Joon Jae thought he had already left. He was there, he was real, but at the same time he wasn't. Joon Jae was happy then, but he also was weary of what was to come after the night ended, weary of what he would find, or wouldn't find, after he woke up.


The sudden burst of light in the room as Takuya opened the curtains brought Joon Jae back to reality and as they looked at one another the feeling of emptiness melted away. They didn't have to hide, hold back, or pretend anymore, they could just be themselves.


Takuya looked at Joon Jae as he tried to form a sentence, or a question, or anything to get the real intention of Joon Jae's arrival revealed, but for once he was not able to find the words to express what he wanted to say, for once he was silent.


"I got kicked out of my apartment," Joon Jae started, "well not really kicked out, and not just me, everyone did, the building was bought by someone else, and we all had to leave." He was rambling. " now I have no place to stay, and I can't really afford to move anywhere else, and I missed you, so I just used all my saving to come here and see"


"Are you just here to visit then?" Takuya asked tilting his head to one side, "Or are you here to stay?"


" I am here to stay." Joon Jae replied shyly, rubbing the back of his neck and looking at the floor.


With a skip, Takuya closed the distance between the of them. He rested his arms on Joon Jae's shoulders, locking his fingers behind his head, and Joon Jae looked up at him.


Smiling to the point his cheeks hurt, Takuya looked at Joon Jae, "I was hoping you would say that!"


Quickly he leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on Joon Jae’s lips, and as he pulled away he looked at him with a mischievous smile, challenging Joon Jae to make the next move. Challenging him to take control of the situation. A challenge which he eagerly accepted.


Joon Jae pulled Takuya back to him, capturing his lips, and the world around them disappeared. All the frustrations they felt while hiding their feelings, all the desire they had for each other, and all the love that they couldn’t deny no matter how hard they tried, went into this kiss. There was no awkwardness or hesitation as they already understood each other in ways other couples could only dream of. As their tongues touched, it seemed as if stars collided, so perfect that it could only be fate. Their kiss held a fiery passion that only comes from the expression of true desire, but at the same time had the tenderness of a first kiss.


As the kiss slowed down, and the fiery passion turned loving and soft, Takuya pulled away but still kept his forehead resting on Joon Jae’s.


“Wait, does this mean the only reason you decided to come here was because you lost your apartment?” he asked smiling at the still dazed Joon Jae.


“No, I already had my plane ticket booked before I found out about the apartment, and let me just say, waiting for the departure date was hell. I felt like I was going to die from missing you.” Sheepishly Joon Jae placed one more quick kiss on Takuya’s now swollen lips, and completely broke away from his embrace.


Grabbing his luggage, he looked at the now pouting Takuya and asked, “Where should I put my stuff?”


Takuya’s pout turned into a grin, “I only have the one bedroom, so I guess I will have to make room in there…”


“You guess?”


“Yeah...but the real problem is the sleeping arrangement I only have the one bed, and my couch is terrible for people’s back, I am in pain just thinking about it.” He pretends to shudder at the thought.


Joon Jae looked away from Takuya, smiled, and then turned his head back to him as he asked, “And how exactly is that a problem... it seems perfect to me.”


“...What would the neighbors think?” He replied jokingly.


“Screw what the neighbors think.” Joon Jae grabbed his luggage, not waiting for Takuya’s instruction, and headed to find the bedroom so he could unpack. Officially making his place in Takuya’s life, beyond just being a roommate, as his lover and boyfriend.

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Hyerahan93 #1
Chapter 6: Omg i mean Joon Jae x takuya is my fav couple. I had typo before
Hyerahan93 #2
Chapter 6: Please update soon.. hikss.. i love this story so much. So romantic omg. And Junjae x takuya is my fav couple
Babydeerluhan #3
Chapter 6: I hope you find inspiration to update ^^
Ray4URay #4
Pls update soon! There aren't many JoonTak writers and you're one of the best ones I've read so far!!
Can't wait for the next chapter!! :D
GIRLbeto #5
Chapter 5: I love it sooooooooo much .. please update soon ^^
Chapter 5: this was amazing <3
Chapter 5: This chapter made me all warm inside!!!
Chapter 5: Hey guys, sorry that this one took me so long! I just started college and am trying to adjust to everything! I will start the next chapter right away! (P.S.... The next chapter will be the last chapter)
~ Olivia Bunny
Chapter 4: Omg this chapter awesome eat I can say about it I liked alot what great fic of my favorite Otp I can not wait until the next chapter