Chapter 1

The foreigner

Jenna’s POV


              “Now boarding all passengers for 8:00 am flight to Seoul, South Korea from Austin, Texas.

              A sigh escaped my lips as I stood up from the chair I was resting in. “I guess that’s our cue,” I said, the words barely coming out a louder than a whisper. “Well… I mean, that’s MY cue,” I corrected, glancing back at my whole… wait no… most of my family. *Stupid oldest brother… Doesn’t even come to wish his one and only sister, who he won’t see for a whole year, goodbye,* I thought bitterly.

              “Aigoooo…. I can’t believe my baby girl is going for whole year without me,” my mother whined, interrupting my thoughts with her grasp my face and squishing of my cheeks. “Hear that honey! A. WHOLE. YEAR. WITHOUT. HER. OMMA,” she continued, her words coming out exaggerated as tears welled up in her eyes. “Make sure to keep your grades up. And call us… everyday. I want to hear every minute of your life over there. Oh! And don’t forget t---”        

              “Moooooommmmm,” I cut her off. “Quit being so Asian,” I joked to prevent the tears from waterfalling down her face.

              A small chuckle emancipated from her lips as her hands found their way from my cheeks to her hips. And being the sass she is, she said, “Newsflash Jen, but I AM Asian.”

              “What am I going to do without you and your sass?” I asked while shaking my head.

              “Yah! Did you just call your mother a sass?!”

              “And you’re one to talk, you sass-master,” my older brother by 3 years, Jace, butted in.

              “Hey, stay out of this! This is Mom’s and my ‘fight’,” I rebutted, using air quotes around the word “fight”. “And who asked for your opinion anyway!?!”

              “Oh ho ho! I sense a family smack down about to come down. Someone grab me some popcorn and soda!” my other bro, Aaden, commentated.

              “You too, Chubbs. Can it, Kid.”

              “Whoa, sis! In case you don’t remember I am your superior as I am older. And I am not chubby! I’ll have you know that no one has called me by that nickname since elementary school; I now have a perfect physique,” Aaden said, pretending to flip his invisible long, luscious hair.

              “Whatever! You’re only 2 frackin’ weeks older than me! You are not my superior, Chubbs!”

              And thus, the family feud between two of my older brothers, my mother, and I continued live at a public airport for all to see and be entertained, all the while my father stood to the side acting like he didn’t know us.

              Deciding enough was enough, he finally intervened. “Alright you four. Is this really how we want to spend Jenna’s last few moments with us for a while?”

              “Yes,” Aaden replied with a snarky grin plastered on his face.

              “Don’t test me, boy.”

              “Hey, hey, Daddy-O!” I said, slinging my arm over by two bros’ shoulders. “We were just having a little fam fun. Why didn’t you join us instead of pretending you had no affiliation to us whatsoever?”

              “Pshh… That’s what y’all call fun? Hurling insults at each other and embarrassing me in a public place.”

              “It’s only because we love each other sooooo much! See!” I said as I hugged Jace and Aaden’s faces next to mine. They wrapped their arms around my waist, and we all wore the same sheepish smile.

              “Yah, where’s my hug?” mom said pouting.

              “Man, I wish Ry was here right now,” Aaden commented, ignoring mom’s question. “He would have brought the heat to that smack down!”

              “I know, dude! I take back what I said about calling you the sass-master,” Jace said pointing at me. “Riley is the sass-master.”

              “You know, now that I think about it, I don’t know why I was semi-insulted when you called me ‘sass-master.’ It was actually kinda a compliment to be called the master of something.”

              “Too bad, I revoked that title from you! It’s now owned by Riley.”

              “Don’t even mention that little jerk to me! Some brother he is! Can’t even send his own sister off and she leaves for a WHOLE YEAR in a foreign country!”

              “Speaking of sending you off, we need to get you moving on that plane, kiddo, before it leaves you. I don’t want to have wasted all that money on this plane ticket,” Dad interrupted my mini rant.

              The fun, joking atmosphere finally died down as reality once again set in that the beloved younger sister/daughter (that’s right, I’m loved) was leaving. A rather sullen aura took its place.

              Seeing as the line to board the plane was now only held a few people, I decided it was time to say my goodbyes… or rather see-you-laters. I went down the line hugging each one, telling them how much I’ll miss them, promising to call, when I lastly reached my mother. Tears were once again brimmed in her eyes, threatening to fall as she stared at me.

              “Hey now,” I said as I wiped on tear that fell. “I picked a fight with you just so these tears wouldn’t fall, and now my efforts have all gone to waste!” I managed to make her laugh again. “And besides,” I brought her into a hug, “I’m partially doing this for you, too.”

              She suddenly pulled back and looked at me like I was insane. “Are you crazy?! For me?! If you should be doing anything for me, it should be staying!” she chuckled.

              “I want to learn more about Aaden’s, and Jace’s, your heritage. That’s why I choose to go to South Korea for my exchange. Besides I already know the language from you speaking it around the house!”

              “Aigoo, my sweetheart! I’m going to miss this sweet side of you so much!” she said while kissing my forehead. “When you arrive, don’t worry about a thing. The Parks, the family you’re staying with, are great people. I was great friends with them though high school and college. They’ll treat you like family, probably better than family! Now head off on that plane before I change my mind and drag you back home.”

              With that note, I slowly walked towards my gate with my carry-on in hand. As I handed the flight attendant my ticket, I turned back to take one final glance at my family. They had wide smiles plastered on their faces and were waving their arms flamboyantly at me. They looked like a bunch of weirdoes… but they were my weirdoes. I gave them a small smile and wave in return. Then I spun on my heels and made my way to the plane, tears finally making their way to my eyes. It was a bittersweet event—I’m excited for the new experiences I’ll have and the people I’ll get to meet, but I’ll miss my family dearly.

              “Phew,” a sigh escaped my lips as I sat down in my seat. *Well, Jenna,* I started giving my self a little pep talk, *Today is the first day of the rest of your live; make the most out of it.*






*…Oh! And Note to self: Thank dad for buying first class seating!*






Meanwhile in South Korea


Jinyoung’s POV


              At 10:15pm I dragged my feet into the house, my bag lagging behind me. “I home!” I yelled only to get no response from either of my parents, but I did hear my mom flipping out about something in the living room.

              “Omo! Omo! Jagiya! Look, look! I got a message from Micha and she said that her plane just left about 10 minutes ago! That means she’ll be here sooooo--- Oh! Jinyoung! You’re finally home!” My mom said excitedly, finally noticing my presence

“But did you over hear what I was saying?!? She’ll be here soon! I’m so excited!”

              Too tired to listen to exactly who ‘she’ is, I just laughed off my mother’s aloof attitude. “We can all tell you’re excited, Omma. Well, I’m going to head off to bed. It’s been a long day. Love you guys.”

              “Love you too, Jirongie,” my parents simultaneously said, using my old nickname.

              As I made my way to my room, I still couldn’t help but be curious as to whom ‘she’ was. *Must be grandma or one of my older sisters coming home. Nothing to worry about,* I thought. *But then again, I’ve never seen omma so excited hearing that they were coming to visit... whatever she’s probably just hyped on something.* Not putting much more thought into it, I let myself fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

A/N: Well guys! Here is my first chapter! Hope y'all like it! Also I apologize for any mistakes, I was lazy to do a complete proof reading. Criticism is much needed and accepted in the comments for improvement!

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MyNameIsMaknae #1
Chapter 1: I am loving the first chapter so far. Are aaden and the other guy adpoted cause u wrote they were 2 weeks apart, so I was confused.
Newbiepoke #2
Wah that was such a good read <3