
Like-minded Souls

I now understand why they don't write about class. Class is an overall bore. No wonder they skip it in stories. They go straight to the action. Well I'd still tell you about class though, but I'm afraid I'd be a bore. As I said, class is boring. I'm really bored. I'm repeating it in every sentence, that's how bored I am.


Every subject wasn't very bad except English. I thought I'd probably start to hate Math or Science or something, but it turns out I love them. I like every subject, though you're always bound to have one you least like of them all. That for me is English, all because I was asked frequently to read something in front. IN FRONT. Maybe it's my voice or my ever changing accent. Both of which I hate being pointed out.


Good thing today I wasn't asked to read anything for English class. Instead Ms. Park made us do some pair work, but then no one wanted to be paired with me like hell I'm one of your best options. But I believe that's the advantage of friends. You don't get left out. 


“Okay class, does everyone have a partner already? Who doesn't have a partner yet?”


I raised my hand while looking around for those who still doesn't have one. There was one though.


“Ms. Park Sena and Mr. Kim Taehyung are partners. Everyone listen,” she said and everyone turned their heads to her. “So here's what you're gonna do. You're going to act out certain parts from the books I'm going to assign to all of you. There are five books to choose from. It's all up to you on how you'll present it regardless of the fact that it will be the same parts for the others,” she paused and got a list from her bag, “here are the books to choose from: The Fault in our Stars by John Green, Divergent by Veronica Roth, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky, and Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. It's first come, first serve, so hurry up picking what book you'd like to have.”


As soon as she said it, all the students scattered and went to their partners in a hurry. I wasn't in much of a hurry than the others, so when they settled that's when I walked up to this Taehyung guy and sat on a chair beside his at the back.


'Hey,' I said. 


'Hey,' he replied. 


'So what'd you want to do?' I asked. I ain't picking one. I'm letting him be even if that means I'd risked the whole THG experience. I'm okay really.


Just when he was about to say something, Ms. Park called out once again. The students ran up very fast just to get the book they'd want to do. 


'The Fault in our Stars, Divergent, and The Hunger Games are already full. Choose from the other books,' she said while sorting the papers.


“I don't know. Why not Thirteen Reasons Why? It seems like a good one,” he said and I wrote on the piece of paper, but then Ms. Park said it's already chosen by 3 pairs. We were left with a book that pretty much describes ourselves, Perks of Being a Wallflower. I wrote it down and passed it to Ms. Park then I went back to my seat.


Ms. Park then announced the partners, the parts, and the order of performance. I was happy 'cause we're like the 11th performer. Yay! We were supposed to do this bit when Charlie gets to be a wallflower or whatever that group was. The part where he gets stoked. Yeah that part. The performance will be on Wednesday next week, so we have plenty of time to practice. It when all teachers makes us do stuff on a Wednesday. It's like my least favorite of days along with Thursday. 


Anyway, Taehyung and I agreed to have practices on break times and during the weekend. We'll talk about what we're gonna do during lunch. Finally, I have someone to talk to during lunch. It's driving me insane when you're the only one on a long table and no one wants to sit with you even at the very far end. Like there's a big gleaming sign above my head saying: WARNING: OUTCAST. DO NOT GO ANYWHERE NEAR. It's an imaginary sign, yet everyone else can see it but me. Oh the power of being popular. Look at what she did to me. It's no big deal, but it could get on your nerves sometimes. Having someone to talk to even if it's school homework and stuff is a step forward.


The bell rang that indicates that class is over and also it's lunch time. Taehyung and I went to cafeteria together. We got our food and sat at the nearest empty table.


'Have you read that book already?' He asked as he was mixing his black bean noodles.


'Yeah I did. You?'


'Uhm...' he paused to think then said, 'I think so? Is this about this guy, Patrick? The one whose name was Nothing?'


'Pretty much,' I said while I started to eat my food.


'I love that guy. He's funny,' then out of nowhere he started to laugh. Really laugh. He's weird. I just smiled at him.


'Yeah he is. I love him and his sister, Sam. They're a great brother and sister tandem,' I said. 

'Hey I have an idea. Why don't I be Patrick and you be Sam? Let's do that dance thing they did,' he said amazed by this sudden idea.


'I'd love that, but where's Charlie if we're gonna do that?' I said.


'The teacher said that it's up to us on how we'll perform it. We could just talk to a non-existent Charlie,' he said.


'That's it. Let's let Charlie narrate the whole thing. You do Charlie's voice. Oh and then we could do the dance and then we could say that we took him to this party where he became a wallflower,' I said.


'That's great,' then we fist bumped as if it was the best idea ever. 


'Why am I missing the fun?' A girl went up to our table and sat next to Taehyung. 'Oh I'm Shin Hye Sung' then she shook my hand.


'We were just talking about our English Performance. Oh this is Park Sena. Say hi,' he commanded. I did say hi. 


'Hello,' she giggled. 'You didn't tell me you had a new friend. I don't even know how you get friends. You're like the biggest weirdo ever. I feel so sorry for you dear.' I was kinda shocked, but I just smiled. She's kinda funny and nice.


'Yeah he is a weirdo,' I said.


'I know right! Why am I even friends with this guy?' She said.


'Yah stop teasing me,' he said while covering his ears. 


'Stop doing that,' she removed Taehyung's hands on his ears then continued, ‘You’re embarrassing me in front of Sena.' Then she flicked his forehead.


'Ah! Sena help me,' Taehyung said. I didn't help him at all. Rather I flicked his forehead too.


All throughout lunch they talked to me with no evidence of disgust or anything. They're both fun to talk to. They didn't even left me out in the conversation, and made it sure that I understand what the heck they're talking about. I mean it. Most part of it I did. Some I didn't. Say for example this thing about whatdoyoucallit. See I couldn't even grasp an idea of what it is.


The bell rang and Hye Sung bid goodbye to both of us as she's heading to her classroom, 1-4. Taehyung and I went to ours. 


'Have you both known each other for a long time?' I asked.


'Since I was a kid. Pretty much all my life. She's like everywhere. I mean everywhere. In my memory. It annoys me sometimes that I have no memory of my own,' he said.


'Well at least you have that one great friend,' I said.


'Why don't you?' he asked. 


I just shrugged. 'I'll tell you later. Right now we have Math class to think about,' I said and we went in the classroom.


We were both shocked when we went in. The teacher was already discussing something on the board. We agreed on sneaking in, but Taehyung was pretty obvious so the teacher turned to look at the commotion.


'Where have you two been?' Mr. Lee, the Math teacher, asked. He's a terror and everything, but I don't hate him or his subject. I think I'll have to think things through. 'You're five minutes late! Out!' We immediately got out, and the teacher followed. He scolded something about time management and the usual. We got an earful. Good thing we didn't get detention, but he warned us.


'This is your fault,' Taehyung said.


'Why is it my fault?'


'You talked to me on the way. It slowed things down,' he explained.


'Well it's your fault. If you weren't too noisy, we could've sneaked in!' I said.


He just grunted and turned his back on me. Then he faced again.


'Sorry,' he said. 


'For what?' I was rather confused.


'For blaming you.' Oh.


'Oh. Me too. Sorry,' I said with a nervous laugh.


He smiled and said, 'Can you please tell me now about what you said before we came in?'


'Sure.' I told him everything. From my trips, to my family, why I had none of that 'bestest friend', and this kid that could've been one until she went away. Stuff like that. I couldn't care less about what he'll do with that info, it's nothing to me anymore. I'm kind of having trouble rebooting already. 


'You're lucky to get to live in those countries, but you're struggle is real man. I could swear to God it was,' he said.


'Yeah the struggle is real,' I fist bumped him.


'But where's this friend anyway. Have you lost contact?' He asked. I nodded. 'And you forgot her name?' I nodded. 'Shame on you!' he said and I just laughed at him.


'Listen. The more I remember, the more I forget. Too much information. Mind's overloaded. Besides I have other friends,' I said.


'Yeah right. Tell that to her. You forgetful prick,' he said.


Some door closed real hard, and we turned to look if our teacher was the one who did it. We're basically at the intersection near our room and I thought we were being too noisy. False alarm. It was just the janitor. We resumed talking until Math class ended and we're free to go back again.


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Double Update. I had forgotten about this for a while tho. Sorry *sings the chorus of Apology by iKON*


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meiske08 #1
Omg this story is really funny and chill and just nice to read, it's funny/cool that sena becomes friends with taehyung.
vitael #2
Lol. "God he's so ugly." = hilarious