A Lion's Memoir


People say that when you are dying, your life flashes before your eyes. That is exactly what happened to Taekwoon. Follow him as he relives all the happiest and some of the not so happy moments, the ones that changed his life forever.








 Jung Taekwoon (Leo)

Age: 31

Main vocal of VIXX.

He is married to Char.

They have one son named Mingook.



Jung Char

Age: 30

She is married to Taekwoon.

They have a son called Mingook.

She is best friends with Wonsik.


Jung Mingook

Age: 4

He is the son on Taekwoon and Char.

He is in kindergarten.


Cha Hakyeon (N)

Age: 31

Leader of VIXX.

He often bugs Taekwoon, but they are close friends.


Lee Jaehwan (Ken)

Age: 29

Main vocal of VIXX.

He is super energetic and enjoys making people laugh.


Kim Wonsik (Ravi)

Age: 28

Main rapper if VIXX.

He is best friends with Char.


Lee Hongbin

Age: 28

Vocal of VIXX.

He enjoys photography.

He likes taking pictures of Taekwoon and Char because Taekwoon only smiles around her and Mingook.


Han Sanghyuk (Hyuk)

Age: 26

Maknae of VIXX

He is super close to Mingook.

When ever Mingook is brought to VIXX's practice, he can't focus and has to play with him.




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Even though this story is a little older, I definitely subscribed to it. Can't wait to read it
Chapter 6: I know I say thsi every time, but I LOVE THIS STORY! Youv'e a talent for drawing me into the story, like i'm there, experiencing it too...*sighs* looking forward to your next chapter! Hwaiting!
Chapter 5: Your words come to life so vividly and I can see the characters....their actions, facial expressions, I can even feel their feelings. This is beautifully written, you are so very talented! I'll eagerly await your next update, author-nim!
Chapter 4: What a happy accident that I found this story! It's beautiful and pulls at my heart. Taekwoon is my bias and I really hope you will publish more if this.....I love it.