Dance and Entranced


He’s screwed. His right foot keeps on tapping restlessly, eyes glancing at the door for the thousandth time. Should he just bolt out of there?

Any minute now and the TA will be back in the room. The hazardous TA that’s been in the bouts of his mind constantly, so constant that he loses sleep over him; hazardous, because the other made him lose control over everything.

He definitely has to go. Grab your stuff and get the hell out, Nam Woohyun.

This one-on-one session spells disaster. Why, in the goddamn hell, must he take dance as a minor? He’s a vocal student for ing sake. – no, no . Don’t say that word, he shook his head hard. Yes, just change your course Woohyun, that’s the smart thing to do. Surely Mr. Dongmin would understand him. Who cares it’s already into mid-semester; it’s a matter of keeping sanity.

Besides, shouldn’t it be against a school’s policy, having someone who’s practically the same age as the students, be a TA? Wouldn’t it be risky, especially if the TA is a hot, young-thing that is too distracting? Woohyun should definitely write an anonymous enquiry on that.

“Did I keep you waiting?”


“Sorry about that. Didn’t take any break from the previous session.”

It’s too late.

Slowly turning like he’d expected a gun pointed to his head; his heart skips a beat, swallowing saliva and what’s left of his composure. “Should we get starting then?”

The smile that’s skewed ever so slightly, the lean toned arms and broad shoulders; his beautiful tan skin exposed from wearing that curiously attractive black tops – he could feel his thoughts rumbling, body reacting. The TA is hazardous. Lee Hoya is absolutely dangerous.

”Are you okay with last week’s routine, or do you need more help with it?”

Blinking and blinking; after a while he realizes Hoya was waiting for his response, yet unintelligible mumbling was all he’s capable of.

Breathe, idiot! 

“I meant - no… I don’t need more practice on it.” Woohyun finally said something human, “I’m … I’m fine with that routine.”

Now smile! Up went the end of his lips, and it was enough to convince the other; enough, to make him appear like a normal, functioning young man, not the student losing his head over the teaching assistant.

“Good to hear that.” Woohyun heart skips a beat, seeing his bright beam. If not for the final ounce of composure he has; he’d probably giggle right there and then. “Let’s practice the second part of the routine then.”

A press on the laptop keyboard, a countdown signaling the start of the routine; a fast beat booms in the studio. One, two – step; one, two – slide and roll; the squeaks from their boots go along with the song. A complex choreography is being performed.

He has his gaze fixed on his own reflection; Woohyun doesn’t dare looking at the TA, especially at the slide and roll. Hoya’s amazing at that – so amazing, that it might just make him do something stupid, the stupid something that’s been bombarding him excessively of late.

“Hey, relax your shoulders.”

Woohyun flinches when he felt the other’s hands landed on his shoulder, immediately halting his movements. When did he get close? A little wisp of warm breath hitting his neck; good Lord, the student silently pleads to his maker. “The move wouldn’t look as good if there’s tension in your muscles, Woohyun.”

Dub. Dub. Dub. Dub, and hundreds and thousands; no, hundredths thousands more dubs. Good thing the music’s loud; his heartbeat alone would give the perfect melody for a powerful choreography.

“You should lean back a bit to make your wave appear smooth,” the teacher gives his advice as the student glances in horror.  Why the hell is he rolling right at him? There’s no liquid left to soothe his dried throat. Barely enough composure left not to explode.

“Come on; let’s try it one more time. Here…” Manhandled, Hoya’s hands go across his shoulders, travelling down the length of his arms – it’s too much, just too much. As if that wasn’t enough, the universe gives him the ultimate test; a mere seconds breach on his thighs, leaving Woohyun out-of-breath.

It always gets to this, unfailing. Woohyun’s trying hard to move to the music, but he became too entranced by the TA that he messed up the routine. 

Hoya stands too close and he freezes.

How did an innocent infatuation over Hoya’s charismatic prowess get to this? And he’s really unsure as to when his perfect smile begun to get a bit too distracting, but one thing he knows for sure, not long afterwards, the TA’s cringe-worthy jokes made him all giggly – before he could even stop himself, Woohyun’s in too deep.  

His heart and his soul; his body and hormones go hay-wire over the TA.

“Woohyun?” Looking blankly at the frown on the TA’s face, uncaring towards his call and order, Woohyun’s mind wanders.

Machismo is Hoya’s dance, powerful and out there. Woohyun especially loves the way he rolls his body. Smooth and potent like the ocean’s wave; there’s nothing more captivating, even if it continues to sweep him under its strength; swept him into a forbidden world. Oh, did Woohyun ever mention that the TA’s tongue has a groove of its own – habitually going out, simultaneously taunting and torturing him.

“Hey, are you okay?”

Hoya’s leaning in, his face’s close. Really close that the beautiful curve to his lips and its delicious volume became magnified. “You don’t look like you’re feeling well. Should we take a break?”

His hands are all over him. Hoya’s trying to help, of course. He couldn’t possibly know that he is the cause for Woohyun’s petrification. 

If only his toned arms could hold onto him, tight and full. The TA’s warm breath mixes with his, heavy breathing and sweats, just like now – maybe even a little bit more of it. He imagines how he would roll on him, how he would roll into him. Hoya always dances to fast-paced music, Woohyun wonders how he’d be if he takes things slow? How it would be if they were to dance to a slower melody? He wouldn’t mind if he were to manhandle him then; wouldn’t mind the proximity. Maybe he should ask Hoya to teach him, ask him to choreograph a slow dance.

Or maybe Woohyun himself should take the lead.

Guiding, the TA tried to walk him to a chair, but his student’s composure has long shattered; the stupid thoughts that would usually scare him, became a source of motivation. Stopping right on his track, surprising the TA, Woohyun hasn’t a care about anything else.

He turns so he could face Hoya, holding onto his wrist, calmly reading the confusion on his face. It’s not the strong, powerful music he’s hearing, there’s an acoustic melody, preparing him to take the lead. Has the student lost his mind; wouldn’t it be against the school’s policy? There wasn’t a concern whether the TA is just as interested. There wasn’t a care about anything.

“Can you… teach me another dance?”

Because when he asks, biting on his lower lips to muster more confidence, Hoya’s frown disappears. With that slightly lopsided smile and a small chuckle, his voice sounds beautiful, music to Woohyun’s ears;

“What type of dance do you want to learn?”



Inspired by Eddy Kim's Slow Dance


"Now you're my baby

My heart is stolen

Because you're y 

And I'm already in too deep"

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Chapter 4: This was perfect!! Thank you for confronting Woohyun through Howon. So thrilled to know that both had a curiosity and subtle attraction to the other. Plus together they have the ability to heal the other, through music, through words, through eye contact, through fallen dreams.
Chapter 4: Can't wait to see what the update will bring for me.