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January 15, 2016


“Code Red, Code Red, CODE RED,” an officer yelled as he jumped out of a patrol car, staring at the mass of wreckage on the road. “GET ALL PARAMEDICS HERE IMMEDIATELY. WE HAVE TWO PEOPLE STUCK BENEATH THE WRECK.”


The flashing of the red light could be seen from beneath Jiyong’s hooded eyes, but his mind was elsewhere. His entire body was stinging in a fiery pain so bright it lit his brain with a pounding that shredded his ability to think. The world seemed to float around him, an endless span of water that he was inevitably drowning in. 


His heart beat loudly in his chest. It beat painfully through his seemingly shattered body. Through cracked lips, he let out a shallow breath, shaken, scared as he could not feel the presence of the one next to him. 


Where had she gone?


As the world faded around him and the lights dimmed, he tore the silence with a wrenched voice. 



"Please. I can't survive again."




All events in this story are PURELY FICTIONAL. Dates are used merely to MEASURE TIME, as a point of REFERENCE. Please to not confuse this with the REAL WORLD. This story has been carefully woven by the AUTHOR, not by real life. I do not own any of the Big Bang members or real life celebrities in this story. 




For clarification purposes, please note that all events in the beginning of the story are four years before the excerpt above. Please pay attention to the dates and before asking questions, please check the text. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this story


New update soon!! Sorry for the long wait, I've been busy volunteering and planning the past few weeks


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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 6: I feel really bad for him.
Chapter 6: I'm missing this story ;;
Chapter 5 got me crying, just the love Aera's grandfather have for her <3
You wrote it very beautifully too ;)
Jiyong's advice; to chose a decision where when you look back on your life, you won't regret it.
That was powerful and something I believe all of us should store in our mind and apply in our life.
I love love those kind of advices!!
I'll be waiting for next updates, no matter how long its gonna take so please please don't leave this story hanging? ;;
misszuzu #3
Chapter 6: I'm so excited to see an update for this story! I was worried it had been forgotten.

Althiugh, I have a question. Didn't you write in chapter one that Jiyong's manager was the driver of the crashed vehicle? But in chapter six Jiyong says that he was. Sorry, I'm just a little confused. Can't wait for what'll happen next, though!
Chapter 4: Okay this is amazing! Can't believe I just discovered it now, and I just made the connection between the prologue and the situation in 2011 whoa! By the way I really don't mean this in a negative way, but were you inspired by another Jiyong fic on here titled 'If You Were Not A Dream'? The main character's name is the same that's why but I can see that your story is a completely different spin-off from that story -- like you simply used it as a stimulus. I like the original direction you have taken from it. Your writing is really impressive by the way! ^^
misszuzu #5
Chapter 3: Ah, I can't wait to see how this story will unfold. Please update soon!
misszuzu #6
Chapter 2: Nice story! Can't wait for more from you!
Mandarinhibiscus #7
Chapter 1: This is really good I have a feeling that aera and gd might come together as a couple. Hehe