Chapter 1


His tears threatened to fall down as another blow from the leather belt hit Jimin's arm, which already turned into a shade of red and purple with darker spots that freckled the surface. The hot stinging sensation on his skin only intensified but his teeth remained gritted and his silence was only broken by almost inaudible groans and whimpers. The final hit landed on his cheek, causing a faint, elongated, rectangular mark to form across the left side of his face. A string of profanities were fired at him as if each one were piercing his ears and heading straight to his already corrupted mind. He was made to believe that he was worthless and he was better off dead. A simple mistake done on his part equated to a terrible punishment. He'll start the day with an earful of verbal abuse and his dinner- a session of beating that gave him faint marks to look at every night. He had no one to ask for help and no one to run to. His real parents were long gone and his only relatives that he knew were his aunt and uncle. Their smiles were too friendly at first but those quickly disappeared and all he could remember now were bad memories of his childhood. When his uncle was finally tired, he left Jimin's room and closed the door with a resounding slam. After a couple of minutes, Jimin realized that his tears never fell. He was able to control his emotions after everything he went through. A step closer to being completely numb to the world. A step closer to being like a dead person, he thought as he layed down on his bed and let his soft cotton sheets soothe the prickly, burning feeling on his skin. He didn't even bother to do something about it. He didn't even think about asking for help. All he was waiting for now was death.


"Jimin, we have to finish our paper today. Do you mind staying for awhile?" Taehyung grinned up at him and pulled him down the plastic desk chair without even waiting for an answer. The young male infront looked up at him with a cheeky grin causing his eyes to turn into crescents behind his spectacles and his fluffy chestnut colored hair. 

One look at the boy and Jimin knew he had no choice but to agree. He nodded his head then he started to take his book and his draft out of his bag. He smoothed and flattened out the draft paper on his desk to remove the creases created from the folds and gave it to the cheerful boy infront of him, seeing the paper still flapped at the edges. "You're just half a paragraph short. You can finish it now, so I can print it over the weekend." Taehyung said as he did a quick scan on the paper while his brows furrowed slightly. Jimin glanced up at the classroom's clock on top of the whiteboard, its hands indicating that it's a quarter to 6 already. It was a friday anyway and it meant that his aunt and uncle would get home late. As long as he could finish his paper quickly, then he would be able to get home and sneak a couple of snacks from the pantry. He was fed by his foster parents, but it was always inadequate. Atleast they were decent enough to give him a couple of bucks for his lunch money. Jimin usually saved up and on really bad days, he would order take out from the cheapest fast food and eat beside his parents' grave.

"Sure.." He replied quickly and bowed his head down to focus on his task. Jimin's pen started to form lines and lines of letters on his draft  
as he tried to finish his work quickly. Taehyung, on the other hand, never stopped talking while Jimin worked. He covered multiple topics such as the latest gossip in class, various organizations that he's thinking about joining, extraterrestial sightings- which Jimin replied with a hum. He found it fascinating but extremely absurd. Taehyung's chattering seemed to go on and on, filling the classroom with his deep voice and boisterous laughter. Jimin would look up at him every now and then and can't help but to smile a little bit whenever the boy laughs. Happiness seemed to come so natural to him. If only he had the opportunity to be happy as well, Jimin thought. He wonders what life would be like if a spark of hope would suddenly come to his life and burn the ropes that are bringing him down. Impossible...Park Jimin, don't be stupid. He scoffed mentally and wrote the final sentence before handing the final page of his draft to Taehyung. 

"Can I leave now?" 
The young male infront of him rummaged for something in his backpack before taking out a pack of dried and flavored vegetable sticks and handing it to Jimin. 
"My mom makes me eat this as my 'snack' but I'm really not a huge fan of vegetables. Can you please do me the favor of taking it? It's a waste to throw it away." He scrunched his nose and took Jimin's hand then placed the snack on it. "Uh... Thanks, I guess." Jimin replied and took the pack of vegetables from him hesitantly. As soon as he accepted the food, Taehyung's expression brightened up even more as if he was the one receiving something worthy to be happy about.

"You can go now! Bye!"
Jimin waved his hands ever so slightly before slinging his shoulder strap on and stuffing the snack in his bag. He walked out of the room quickly and each step he took away from Taehyung made him think about how kind he actually was despite him being slightly annoying due to his talkativeness. Maybe Taehyung grew up in a lively home with a cheerful and loving family. They could be the type to have long dinners together because each one his family members had something interesting to share or something extremely bizarre like what his classmate usually talks about. He can picture Taehyung with a supportive dad with his hand firmly on his classmate's shoulder and a very lovely mother sitting next to her son and smiling proudly... Just like how mom and dad were. Stop thinking about it, he told himself as he tried to erase the mental picture of Taehyung's family which caused him to feel sadness and hopelessness once again.  

"Jimin!" he heard someone calling out for him as he turned to the corner leading to the stairway. Judging from the deep voice that seemed to echo across the hallway, he was sure that the voice came from Taehyung. Jimin turned around causing his worn out rubber sneakers to produce a squeaking sound as it rubbed along the concrete floor and gave way to the weight of his body. 

"We're friends now right?"
"What makes you think that?"
"Because I shared my disgusting veggie snack!" Taehyung said loudly while sporting a wide grin on his face. Jimin ran his fingers through his hair before emitting a small chuckle. "Maybe..." Jimin replied with a shrug of his shoulders then turned his back to him as he headed back to his home.

Maybe...having a friend would be nice for a change. 


What is this... I did this on my phone heh

I guess this is the effect of being too bored AND procrastinating.

Why am I even posting this wth



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Chapter 1: Ahh, please continue thisss~ I am so interested in this story!!
LionRose #2
Chapter 1: Please update moreee. I really love ur stories XD
Nichie #3
Chapter 1: continue please~