
Jin-xed For Eternity


He had light brown hair covering his forehead, which I suppose would be really big. His eyes were big, bigger than usual people around. Which made me wonder whether he had a plastic surgery or not. And he was reaaally pale and tall. 

I would only reach his chest, because he's almost about that tall. Ahem, don't think I actually pictured it in my head. But that's the way it was. 


The point is, Kim Seok Jin was the new hot gossip of the School.

All boys envied the attention he got- and therefore befriended him to avoid any drama. Since that's how all humans are, we either destroy our enemies or befriend them. And Kim Seok Jin wasn't someone destroyable.

All the girls were in love with the new cutie in School, sort of bored of the old ones I suppose. 


And the thing was, I hadn't noticed his presence at all. Like, not even a bit.


I didn't care whether there's a new hot guy in school, not like he's gonna become my boyfriend or friend or whatever. It never worked out between any of the previous newbies. How could he even be any different?

Because neither was I interested in any Gossip going on, nor was he interested to befriend a girl who always sat alone during Lunch and Class and The Bus. The seat beside me was always empty, and the only one who was comfortable being seen with sitting next to me was my Bag. 



You must be wondering why is Kim Seok Jin making a part of this story if he wasn't related at all?

I wasn't as excited about his presence at Paran High as the other girls were. I heard them scream quite a few times when he walked in the Class/Corridor/Bus/Cafetaria but it wasn't even enough to make me look up from what I was doing to glance.


That's right.

I hadn't even seen him this entire while. It had been a month since Kim Seok Jin was a part of Paran High but I hadn't seen his face even once. 

In case you haven't paid attention to what I've been saying I'd like to remind how:


1) Girls at our school scream at everything they find cute. Including a puppy or a cat. Or even the Salad they served for Lunch. So I wasn't surprised to hear their screams.

2) I don't care if they scream for a cute guy.

3) I'm an introvert and I didn't care for any new student.

4) I'm not lesbian in case you're wondering.


But Life has been just so unfair that I didn't expect it to be a miracle.


So why is a mysterious, cute, awkward, moody new student a part of this whole scene at my High school? He isn't related at all!

There. Wrong.


Inside the 2nd Street at North Incheon, was a single stop where only one student from Paran High got off from the Bus. And that student was me. Hardly anybody noticed it when I got off or got in, I was practically invisible. 


But this time, it was not just me. 

Kim Seok Jin was related this way, that we got off on the same stop as each other, much to his surprise. I always sat at the seat in front of the Bus, right behind the Driver's seat while the cooler kids sat behind, including the hot gossip: Jin.


I always got off really fast to not make anyone realize that the Bus had stopped and someone named Im Ae Ri was present in the Bus and she just got off. That was unnecessary attention. So I just sat in front to get off really fast.


Unfortunately, the other guy who was now also a part of my stop was usually at the Back and took time waving good-byes to his new friends. But despite of this I just got off quickly and walked at the speed of light and sound combined.


Kids thought he was the only one who got off at that stop. Everybody thought so.

Excluding the Driver and Jin himself. I hadn't realised much of this. 

I hadn't even expect much, I didn't know where he lived or how far from my home was it. 


But it was only until that very day when Kim Seok Jin managed to catch my attention with a nasty erted trick. Somehow this day was the beginning of all the rainbows, butterflies and magic.


The Bus was absolutely empty and instead of making out with a boyfriend I didn't have, I entered the Bus and sat at my usual seat. Unaware of what this new start could bring to me. 


I heard someone walk in and pass through, which was pretty surprising since nobody was as much as a loser like me that would rather sit alone and watch the clouds rather than chatting with their boy friends/friends before departing off.


And Reasons for these include:

1) I don't have any friends

2) The one guy I wish to make out with doesn't notice me like the rest of the people at my school. And I don't blame him because he's the cutest guy there ever was and I'm a girl who spends more time chatting with the Clouds than I do with a real human being.


In case you're wondering, that guy is Byun Baekhyun. I've been crushing on him since Kindergarten, when he first shared his crayons with me. His loyalty made me fall for him big time. So much that I yet haven't gotten over it.


Suddenly, my thoughts were all interfered with a flash and a click I heard from beside me, where a tall figure I hadn't even seen before stood with a Polaroid Camera. And that's the first time I layed my eyes on Kim Seuk Jin.

I couldn't see his face, which was covered by his camera until he let it down and pulled the film out to look at the picture he just clicked without my approval.


"Excuse me?" I said, offended. Why in the world would he click a picture of a stranger? So he can show his close friends about it?

But he glanced at me just once before he looked back at his picture.


My Picture he just clicked.


"What's wrong with you? I've never seen you around and I don't think it's appropriate to click pictures of someone without their approval of it! You're an absolute stranger what if you put it on a Site!" I freaked out, being the panic freak I am.


Continuing to go on and on about what a disrespectful act he just played. 

All throughout my lecture, he kept on staring at the picture he took, without looking at me even once.


"And you know what's the worst thing? It's not even helpful that-" But he cut me off.


"You're pretty..," He said, looking at the picture and walking off to the back, without even looking up from the picture.



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_maknaetrash #1
Chapter 10: Why your story are so beautiful author-nim T.T Damn im so curious like hell now. I'll wait for your updates patiently
2028 streak #2
Chapter 10: Nice family Jin has got there. oh, abusive stepfather? wonder what's going to happen next... and this was very quick update ^^
2028 streak #3
Chapter 9: Is the chapter a bit short or is it just me? Anyway, that lasagna at the end though... hahahaha XD nice way to change the topic.
Chapter 8: Author! I'm going to give you an upvote #WINKSWINKS
Chapter 8: OH MY GOODDDD THE LAST CHAPTER this one and the before... I looked like an idiot.. smiling from minute to minute.
akriti #6
Chapter 8: yasss!!! i had been waiting so long for the update! I look forward to how the story continues!!!!
Bangtanlover875 #7
I haven't read the story yet but it sounds good
1crystalthao #8
Chapter 7: So far so good
Chapter 7: Jjiiiin~~~~~~ dayum, I wasn't expecting that kind of proposal >///<