Picture This


Summary: Later he will look at the picture of them with drooping eyelids, touching lips and claiming hands, and it will grip at him the same way it did just now.


Notes: AU loosely inspired by the last prompt posted here. Thanks to Kat and Michelle for feeding my muses, and to Lia for the help and support. ♥ 


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STupiem #1
Chapter 1: This is my first time reading straight Chan fic XD
There should be many >,< but almost there is non..
And I love Chan Fei couple.. Even though she's older but it doesn't change any thing.. Chan is so manly and y to be real <3
Chapter 1: I like this so so much *.*
And after I've read 'Feeling At Home' it got even more precious, especially Taec's and Junho's interactions with each other. It makes more sense, too, and even more fascinating to read haha
Not to mention the scenes with Minjun and Wooyoung are just... I can't find the right word but I'm sure you know what I'm trying to say^^
hach, Chansungs passion for photography produces such a wonderful creation~