Chapter 1

i need you

Wonwoo wasn't just fond of Mingyu. Heck, he was crazy over him. But it was hard, it was hurtful. Everything was just one-sided between them. Maybe it was because Wonwoo's never told Mingyu how he felt about him. Wonwoo always wanted to confess his feelings towards Mingyu but he just couldn't. One, because Mingyu probably didn't feel the same. Two, Wonwoo was too afraid to get rejected. Three, Mingyu already had a girlfriend.

Her name was Sihyeon. She was beautiful, outgoing, cheerful.. Wonwoo never had a chance against her. Mingyu genuinely loved her. It was weird, though. Wonwoo actually felt delighted when Mingyu got himself a girlfriend because he'd be smiling more often and be in a happy mood most of the time, but that feeling was fading away bit by bit as each day passed by. 

"Thinking about him again?" Wonwoo heard Jeonghan chuckle behind him, snapping him out of his thoughts. Jeonghan was the only person that knew about Wonwoo's crush on Mingyu, besides Soonyoung. Wonwoo sighed. He looked at Jeonghan with anxious eyes.

"What should I do?" Wonwoo says as he lets out yet another sigh. Jeonghan took a seat next to him and ruffled the younger boy's hair.

"Let me just tell you some good news. He broke up with Sihyeon a few days ago because she was cheating on him with some other guy she met a few months ago. He's literally all yours now. Go plan what you're going to do." Jeonghan softly whispers into Wonwoo's ears since Joshua just entered the practice room a few minutes ago.

"Are you serious?! But why did he look normal and just as happy as he was before even after they broke up? I would've thought they were still going strong if you didn't tell me," Wonwoo softly raised his voice, but it wasn't as loud, so Joshua didn't hear them since he was at the other side of the practice room.

Jeonghan grinned and went out of the room while mouthing a 'Good luck' to Wonwoo.

"So are you gonna practice or not? If not then let's go. After School sunbaenims are treating us to Korean meat in an hour to congratulate us for our debut so we have won't have much time left to go back to the dorm and get ready if you're gonna laze around like this," Joshua jokingly nagged at Wonwoo. The both of them laughed and grabbed their things before getting going.

Plan 'Confess to Kim Mingyu': START.

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3036jonestom #1
Chapter 1: please update!! love the story so far!!
ukissme1991 #2
Chapter 1: please update >.<
milkyway04 #3
Chapter 1: Update soonn~~><
fighting wonwoo-ya!
This needs to happen. Like I really love this fic so far. ~~
Sharika123 #5
Chapter 1: U should make mingyu jealous<333
Chapter 1: Update SOON~ :3

I NEED U to update this fanfic asap! xD
kkktmr #7
Chapter 1: Eeeeyyyy, it's so short~
Haha can't wait to see what happen next, seems interesting!
Chapter 1: I can't wait for the update. <3
SeventeenCarrot #9
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh I'm excited :D
instarmyy #10
Chapter 1: great! Can't wait for the next update!

(I randomly sing I need u by bts, when I saw ur fanfic xD)