Chapter 1

Flying Feathers

„Why? Why would you do this? I- I don't understand. What did I ever do to you? Please, stop. Don't do it“ a weak voice called out while backing up against a wall with chipped of paint.


The room was dark and the lights were flickering like in an old horror movie, making additional crackling sounds and unnerving the already scared person sitting on the floor.


„You don't want to do this. I k-know you. Please, don't“ the helpless cries were ignored when a person stepped out of the shadows and walked towards the cowering victim.


„Ohh“ the person drawled mockingly. „So, you know me, hmm? You tell me that you know me?“


The terrified boy sitting on the ground nods unsurely and looks up with widened eyes.


„Aw, I beg to differ. You don't know me! None of those fools know the true me and they never bothered trying to find out more about me. To go deeper than just my looks!“ came the aggravated response.


„N-no, you know that's not true. We all wanted to know you better. What about-“

„Don't mention his name.“


„DON'T MENTION HIS NAME! IS THAT TOO HARD FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND?!“ he screamed and balled his fists furiously while giving his victim a crazed-eyed look.


„This has been going on for too long. This wasn't planned. None of this. I have to finish it“ nervously looking around and ruffling his perfectly made hair to a mess his eyes finally stopped at the boy.


He knew his life was over when he was first chased down that corridor into this old and mold room. He knew it was over when he heard this man laughing maniacally from behind him, chasing him with a slight jump in his walk.

He knew he was over when his tear-stricken face met the smirking one leaning over him.




It's strange how things can change so quickly.

Winter turns into spring in a blink of an eye. The flowers start blossoming as soon as the first rays of the golden sun tickle the moist grassy fields. As flowers blossom, so do friendships that can turn into something even deeper and more meaningful.


Friendships are something weird, aren't they?

Two or more strangers meet in the most common or unusual places and strike a simple conversation. Completely different characters can come together and build a group of acquaintances that turn into friends with time. It's crazy and sometimes scary how fast you can get attached to people that were mere strangers to you a month ago.


Truly, friendships are something incredible but can be heartbreaking at the same time.


Falling in love with one of your best friends isn't easy, not at all. Getting friendzoned and partly ignored after confessing is even harder.

The worst is when your best friend leaves you behind alone.


What can you do when that happens? Will grieving and crying help? Will cursing your friend do the trick? What can you possibly do to lessen the feeling of hurt and unbelief?


Sitting in a large and rather welcoming living room was a tall and lanky but still build young man, hunched over on a chair. His big hands were covering half of his face and his eyes.

His shoulders were moving up and down in an erratic manner and one could think that he's laughing at a joke his friend told him a few minutes ago weren't it for the heartwrenching sounds from the back of his throat. The ugly sobs ripped through the silent room like a sheet of paper and the boy was fighting for air between his loud and desperate cries.


„Why? Why did this happen? Why was it him? Who-what-“he tried to form coherent phrases but was stopped by the hiccups that shook his whole body.


„Please, please calm down Chanyeol. Please, just please“ a male approached him while sobbing himself and put a hand on his shoulder and covered his own mouth with his free hand.


It was a sad sight, seeing them so broken, so lost and helpless. Nothing could've made them feel better at the moment. No money in the world could put a smile on their faces. Nothing, except for the chipper voice of their best friend complaining about them being too lazy and slow, calling them over to a party or just talking to them and laughing. It'll probably be his laugh, that they'll miss the most, apart from his very presence.


The room wasn't vacant aside from the two boys crying shoulder to shoulder. A quite large group of people was present and they all wore grim expressions on their wet faces, damp with tears and snot, looking lifelessly into the distance or hugging each other and crying endlessly.


The boy on the chair, Chanyeol, hasn't stopped mumbling to himself and if it wasn't even hard enough to understand what he was saying before, it'd be impossible to tell now for his face was pressed onto the chest of the man hugging him tightly and his hair.


No one broke the sob-filled silence and everybody remained in their own little worlds.




Chirping birds, cherry blossom petals swirling through the air in the broad daylight, children laughing and the nice smell of freshly cut grass. A stark contrast indeed to the bitter mood the big group of friends was in now.


They were sitting silently in a popular café at the end of the street and sipping on their beverages, not uttering a word. It was just too hard for them to form words at the moment. The suggestion of going to drink something at this café was a hard enough task.


The boys were sitting crammed up in two small booths opposite of each other while the shop buzzed with the voices of other customers at the front. Swirling his hot coffee in his mug and watching the steam float in the air in beautiful patterns, Chanyeol opened his mouth still looking down into the mug.


„This reminds me of the first time I was here with him“ he croaked and a few boys jumped up in surprise because they didn't expect anyone to talk, especially not Chanyeol.


„I remember how he dragged me through the streets while babbling the whole time. He then stopped at a certain coffee shop, „Steamin' Mugs“, the one were in now and he was so excited because he liked the name and the furnishing and declared it his new favourite café. He didn't stop talking about it for days. So annoying“ he huffed jokingly with a small smile on his lips and a tear slipped from his eye. His friends were watching him with a gloomy demeanour.


Chanyeol hastily wiped his tears away and continued to talk about his friend.

„It really was his favourite. He would always go here when he needed some time for himself but also pulled us here to show us their new Frappuchino or Latte.“


The past tense he used hurt their hearts so much and made tears appear in their eyes. It would never be present tense anymore.


The tall boy looked up from his coffee and let his gaze wander over his friends and the small shop with a sad glint in his eyes, taking every little detail in because he wouldn't be able to come here for some time without holding back his tears.


„He's safe where he's now, Chanyeol. Safe and sound but probably making a ruckus up there because they don't have his favourite eyeliner brand“ a small boy spoke up and everybody cracked a smile at this. Even Chanyeol.


„Yeah, that's right. It wouldn't be Baekhyun if it wasn't for him complaining about eyeliner even after death.“



So, what do you think? It'd be great if you'd leave me a comment to give me some feedback on how this chapter was^^

I know it's a bit short can see it as an introduction chapter of some sorts? XD

Well, see ya in the next update~ \(•♡•)/

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Chapter 1: I like how you make us figure out who are the characters without mentioning their names. Great fic!!
I can't wait for the update.