New Beginnings


Jimin stepped off the subway and darted the remaining five blocks to the café.  He pushed the creaky old doors open and stepped inside the very experienced building. Renovations hadn’t helped very much, but the owner felt it gave to place character and a rustic theme. Jimin thought it looked dumpy, but you know. Potato, potahto.

“Hey, Mr. Seo? I’m here, sorry I’m late!” though the place had officially opened for the day hours ago, the seats were empty and the kitchen silent. The chef, Minhyuk seemed absolutely devastated as he wept with his spatula in his hands. Since his boss didn’t turn up, Jimin thought to question his coworker on his whereabouts. “Minhyuk-hyung, where’s Eunkwang?” Minhyuk looked up, hurriedly wiped his face and faced the clueless worker.

“Jimin-ah, he and I waited for you this morning, but after the first hour, he left and told me to relay you the news when you got here.”

“News? Tell me, hyung.” Minhyuk gestured to the building’s interior with his hands, and Jimin silently took everything in. Paint peeling off the walls, chipped furniture, a cracked widow that was pitifully covered up by a poster advertising half off burgers on Wednesdays… nothing’s changed. “The place looks as deserted and crappy as it always has,” Minhyuk suddenly threw up his hands, causing his spatula to swing out of his grip and clatter to the floor.

“Exactly! Eunkwang thought he and I could save this place, but…” he slipped an envelope from his back pocket and handed to Jimin whose eyebrows furrowed.

“My paycheck? I thought we got paid at the end of this week…” Minhyuk flicked Jimin on the forehead in frustration, “Ow!”

“Jimin-ah… we’re not getting any more paychecks, any week! Eunkwang shut this place down due to the horrible lack of business. We’re bankrupt, Jimin. This paycheck is from Eunkwang’s own pocket.” Jimin stood gawking in disbelief, refusing to comprehend what Minhyuk had clearly just told him. When Minhyuk saw that the other had nothing left to say, he shrugged on his jacket and placed his newsboy cap on his head and began walking to the door with his hands in his pockets. Jimin came out of his stupor and hurriedly grabbed the other’s arm.

“W-wait! Without this job, I won’t be able to pay my rent, and the next payment’s coming up! I don’t have any family anymore, I didn’t finish school, what can I do?!” he poured out all his worries to the man who only sighed and shrugged.

“Jimin-ah, I hate to say it but that’s not my problem, I can’t help you—”

“Can I maybe stay with you and Eunkwang-hyung for a few days? I won’t have anywhere to go soon—” now Minhyuk cut Jimin off.

“He and I are moving, Jimin. We wouldn’t be able to take you with us to live with his cousin in America, we could hardly pay for our own tickets. We wouldn’t even be going if Donggeun hadn’t helped us.” Jimin was at a loss for words again. The only two people he was even remotely close to were leaving to an entirely different country?! He’d really be all alone now! Uncontrollably, Jimin felt a tear fall down his face as Minhyuk snatched his arm from his grip and left his life forever.

 Defeated and helpless, Jimin could do nothing but grip the white paper in his hand tightly and trudge all the way back home, hoping he would still be able to call it that for awhile.

Jimin unlocked his door and took in his—very—humble abode: scarce, cheap furniture, hardly any signs of personal taste, and most evident of all, lonely. There was not even a single picture framed in the small place, no proof that Jimin had even ever interacted with another human being in all his life. This was pretty much true, though. With a heavy sigh he flopped onto the sofa, springs creaking in protest, and held his head in his hands  as he was now surely going to get kicked out of—

“Park Jimin-ssi! Open up this instant!” , speak of the devil and she shall appear. That cold voice belonged to no other than Jimin’s retched landlady. Reluctantly, he obliged, facing the fuming woman on the other side. She spoke again before he could even greet her, “As of today, you are officially three months overdue on your rent! This is your final deadline, and I will not be adding any more extensions! It’s either I get paid, or you get out!” Jimin flinched and wiped her angry spit from his face.

“I-I don’t have it all right now, but I can give you what I have and then pay the rest later…?” He hollowly suggested, completely unsure if he would even have the money by then.

“That won’t do either. As I said you are three months late. I can no longer trust your word.” She seemed rightfully unconvinced, even when Jimin showed her the physical check she remained firm. Jimin knew he had no other options, but hearing his fate voiced still sent a nervous wave through his very soul.

“Park Jimin, I will need you packed up and out of this building by ten tonight, otherwise the authorities will be called in. Understood?”

It took every ounce of will he had not to fall to his knees and bawl, but nonetheless:

“Yes, ma’am.”


“Taehyung, where are you? You’re never running late for work!” The executive rolled his eyes at his complaining PA, yet he couldn’t fight the smile that appeared when he realized the younger sort of worried for him.

“It’s okay, Jungkook-ssi, I’ll be there in a few minutes. I overslept a bit is all,” hearing a grumble of ‘fine, but hurry up’ on the other side, Taehyung hung up and sighed dreamily, his steps unconsciously slowing as he began to drift away into fantasies about Jungkook and himself… together. He blushed at the thought.

Taehyung strode past the large park that was on his way to work. He’d always been a city boy, but he couldn’t deny the simple beauty of a few trees every now and again. However, looking towards the park, he got an eyeful of a bit more than leaves on branches.

“What the?” he squinted to further clarify the image of the large water fountain at the park’s center. Past the many small cascading falls and stone statues, he was certain that one of those stone people wasn’t actually stone. The person sat slouched on the wall of the fountain, sitting with his eyes closed. He seemed to be nodding off.

And falling backwards.

“!” Immediately, he darted towards the sleepy figure, completely intent on rescuing him before he fell. Taehyung never stopped to consider that it would be nearly impossible for a person to drown in five inches of water, or that the fall wasn’t even far enough to leave bruises. All he could think of was a sweet voice echoing in his ears; a truly incomparably melodious sound that he had to admit, he wouldn’t mind hearing for the rest of his life:

This boy’s voice.

Just in time, Taehyung had caught the other right before the hem of his shirt could lap the water below. The sleepy man’s eyebrows furrowed and his closed eyes squinted open. Realizing the situation, he quickly squirmed out of the orange-haired man’s hold and looked unsure of what to say. Taehyung spoke up first.

“U-uh, sorry. I didn’t want you to fall… Jimin, right?” Jimin nodded, and fully opened his eyes after hearing his own name. He studied the person for a split second and gasped a little.

“Taehyung-ssi…” The executive smiled as the boy with the sweet voice remembered him.

“What are you doing falling asleep out here in the middle of the morning?” Jimin didn’t answer at first, choosing to debate internally on whether he should tell the truth to the guy he found so incredibly interesting. He was about to lie, but Taehyung beat him to the punch, “It has to do with those, right?” He gestured to the short stack of cardboard boxed Jimin had on his side in front of the fountain. He had totally forgotten they were even there.

“Y-yeah… that’s all my stuff,” he bowed his head in embarrassment as he shifted slightly away from Taehyung who had seated himself on his other side. Said man couldn’t help but wonder why Jimin would have all of his belongings out with him, and why he’s be falling asleep in a park.

“Jimin, how long have you been out here?” the boy nervously scratched his neck and mumbled his answer, still half asleep.

“Since ten last night,” Taehyung choked on his spit.

“What?! Why not go to some friend’s house? Who would be cruel enough to make someone sleep outside??” Taehyung was completely baffled and practically yelled as he flailed his arms around over his head. Jimin did nothing but shrug.

“One: don’t have any friends, or family for that matter, and two: my old landlady,” He looked up finally to meet the other’s eyes as he answered. Taehyung’s mouth hung open and he mentally fumbled around for more words, but he found none. Suddenly, the sleepy boy stood and stretched before bending down and gathering the boxes. “Well if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a bit of job-hunting to do,” he released a yawn in the middle of his sentence and stumbled in his attempt to walk away to a destination he didn’t even have.

“W-wait!” Taehyung shot up and grabbed Jimin’s shoulder, easily halting him. He smiled determinedly as he looked into the other’s confused eyes.

“I know a job you can do.” Jimin’s eyes widened and he hopped up and down in anticipation.

“Well what is it? Tell me, tell me!” Taehyung chuckled at the childish man before him and quickly stopped him from attracting any more attention with a hand on his shoulder. Jimin halted and stared on, waiting to be told his new job, but just as he was about to ask Taehyung again, he was cut off by a wide yawn.

“Jimin-ssi, first you tell me something.”

“Sure, anything.” It wasn’t like Jimin kept anything to hide anyway.

“You said your landlady was the reason you stayed out here last night, right?” Jimin nodded and wished Taehyung wouldn’t bring up his sad state of living right now. But alas, the man continued, “And… that means you got evicted, doesn’t it?” He tried to speak as carefully as possible, but he could still see the tears welling in Jimin’s eyes. Slowly, Jimin, nodded again. Taehyung regretted upsetting the guy further and started gently rubbing his shoulder in a small attempt at consoling him.

“S-so, what’s the job, Taehyung-ssi?” Jimin tried his hardest to keep his tears inside and look at the orange-haired man with a straight face. He tried to look serious as he was currently discussing employment, but he couldn’t bite back yet another yawn.

“Hehe, Jimin you aren’t working anywhere until you’ve properly rested,” the executive stated with finality. Jimin wondered where he would even be able to do such, I guess the park benches look pretty comfortable… Taehyung, however, had a completely different idea in mind.

He thought back to his large upscale condo that was all too empty with just him occupying it. He had a couple of extra bedrooms even, and an overstocked kitchen. Who wouldn’t be comfortable in a place like his?

“Jimin-ssi, what if you come and live with me?”


Jimin dropped his boxes to the ground as his arms fell limp by his sides. Holy , Taehyung’s place is huge! He didn’t even want to step his grubby shoe onto the floor of the pristine penthouse; he feared he would taint its expensive beauty. Taehyung walked in behind him and closed the doors.

“Well, what do you think?” Jimin turned around with a look of ‘are you serious?’ to the other man. He still didn’t know how someone could be as generous as to offer up his house to someone they hardly even know, and was even more confused on how he’d just as easily accepted the offer. He was only thinking one thing: Maybe my life won’t be so lonely anymore…

Taehyung picked up Jimin’s packages and walked them into one of the rooms closer to the back of the condo. He unlocked one of the unused bedrooms and placed the boxes on the yet-to-be covered bed and looked around. He was rarely ever in here, but he supposed the addition of another house member would bring some life to this place. The bare walls and empty dressers were just begging to be lived in. He nodded in approval and made his way back to Jimin. The shorted man was now over in the living room, gawking at the sheer size of the entertainment system. The television took up almost the entire surface of the large wall!

Taehyung found himself smiling at the guy yet again and decided it’d be funny to sneak up behind him and scare him a bit. He stepped over quietly, Jimin still totally clueless as he was absorbed in the TV that wasn’t even on. Taehyung waited until he was right behind Jimin and—

“Yah, Taehyung-ssi!” Suddenly Jimin whipped around to face him and Taehyung let out an unmanly noise at being startled and fell back onto the floor. Jimin hadn’t even known the other was creeping up on him, he had just wanted to call him back to ask where he was going to have his nap.

“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Jimin crouched down and helped the other off the floor. Taehyung chucked a bit in embarrassment and cleared his throat.

“That’s alright…” they both fidgeted uneasily for a second until Jimin spoke up again.

“So… where will I be sleeping?” Ah, right. Taehyung took Jimin’s wrist in his hand and led him in the direction of the bedroom where he’d placed his belongings, but he stopped himself midway. Oh yeah, that bed’s not dressed. Jimin seemed confused as the other had abruptly halted and tapped his shoulder. The executive faced him, biting his lip.

“Uhmm, well you’ll be in one of the extra bedrooms, but until I prepare it for you…” he thought of something on the spot, “You can sleep in my room!” Eyebrows raised, Jimin was then pulled in an entirely different direction by the taller male. Taehyung opened the door to a grand bedroom overflowing with strewn papers and discarded suits. The desk had takeout boxes covering it and there was a tie hanging off the lampshade. The bed wasn’t made up, but at least it had all the components on it, even if one of the pillows was on the floor. Jimin cocked his head as he noticed a shoe sitting atop the side table with no mate anywhere in sight. Taking in every detail, he concluded that this room was a disaster zone.

“Oh…” is all he could mutter, and Taehyung began to panic a bit. He’d forgotten that his room wasn’t exactly inhabitable for anyone other than him.

“Uhmm, actually, never mind. If you can’t stand it I can put some sheets on the couch and go out and buy you your own bedclothes—” Jimin silenced him with a hand to his mouth. He was too tired for all this rambling and was beginning to get a headache for standing up so long on a barely conscious body.

He removed his hand and maneuvered through the mess on the floor and unceremoniously flopped onto his new roomie’s bed. He pulled up any covers he could reach, yanked over a pillow and was out within seconds. 

“Well then,” Taehyung spoke to the now snoring man in his bed, “I guess you don’t mind.”

A/N: Here's the first chappie! Jimin has officially moved in, yay!

Never be relctant to leave me a comment with your thoughts about my story (or stories if you're super beautiful and have subbed to more than one of my fics ^_^)!! Subscribe if you likey!! Peace~~

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DON'T KILL ME Update before or on this Saturday, school works got me backed up, I'm sorry~~~~


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Ehpark #1
BabySkypeia126 #2
Chapter 8: Uhuhuhuhuhu ToT
Sooooooooooooo dramatically romantic........
LionRose #3
Chapter 8: Bawwwwwww jiminieeeeee !!!! finally please make an epilogueee
Nichie #4
Chapter 8: Wuhuuuu this is my favorite chapter! Yeah, yeah just punch Jungkook and threw him away yasss (Jungkook, y'know i really love you right?) Jimin is baaack wuhuuuuu fyi I reading this again hahaha and im waiting for the epilogue!
BabySkypeia126 #5
Chapter 7: Wow wow...
Never been imagined kookie can be a y y like that ahahahaha

But... where's chimin???
He's alive, right?!! T.T
Chapter 7: NOOOoooooo!! :o i wanna know what happens to Jimin. Ermahgerd. I love this story so much, keep up the good work! :D
LionRose #7
Chapter 6: Keep it up but don't push yourself to hard ^^