
Iron and Gold

 When TOP returned an hour later, he had a leather roll full of jeweler’s tools tucked under one arm and a plate of food in his other hand. He managed to open the door to his room with his elbow and slipped into the darkness with a bit of a smile. His heart – ridiculous thing that it was – fluttered a little at the thought of being able to see the qilin again. “Daesung,” he called, his low voice carrying through the room. He heard a sleepy snort in answer, which made him laugh. “Daesung, I brought food.”

The witch lights in the room began to glow softly, illuminating the distinct shape of Daesung’s head slowly poking up from among the pillows. Yawning, the unicorn managed to sit up and began to rub the sleep from his eyes. “Hi,” he murmured at last, squinting at the púca even as a crooked smile turned his lips. “Did you say food?” Limbs heavy with sleep, he began to crawl towards the edge of the bed.

“I did.” Seunghyun sat the wooden plate down on the table and rolled out the tools as well. “If you give me a minute before you eat, I can cut off that band for you. The tools themselves might irritate you, but hopefully not too badly.”

Daesung managed to drop down into the chair directly in front of the food. He then held out his arm for the Fae, who summoned a cluster of witch lights. Seeing Daesung’s look of confusion, he murmured, “So I can see better. I would hate to cut you by accident.” Selecting a pair of wire-cutters, he searched for the best place to cut before slipping the tool between the gold and Daesung’s skin. The qilin winced – the bronze did sting – but he held perfectly still as the offending band was sheered from his skin. A sigh of relief slid past his lips as both metals were removed from contact with his skin.

“It’s only gold, silver, and bronze,” he explained after a moment. “I can handle anything but those three.” He sighed. “It’s a bit ridiculous, really.”

“We don’t do well with man-made things,” TOP offered in reply. “Iron just happens to be the most common problem – the humans change it from how it was so that it bites our skin.”

The qilin gave his hand an experimental flex, and a smile turned his lips. “Look,” he said, excitement coloring the words. He held out his arm for the Fae to see: The flesh had already begun to knit itself back together. “I’m healing. Thank you so very much!” As Daesung’s gaze lifted to meet the púca’s, they both fell very still. There was an intensity – a slow burn of awareness between them – that made the happy qilin feel suddenly exposed. It was as though Seunghyun could see directly into the darkest corners of his mind and, unlike so many others, did not find Daesung wanting. The sensation was breathtaking, like jumping into an icy river.

On something of a whim, the púca shifted his grip on Daesung’s arm and brought the man’s palm to his lips. His eyes remained locked with the qilin’s as he pressed a soft kiss to the warm skin of the palm. “I’m glad,” he murmured, “that no lasting harm has been done to you.”

Daesung shivered at the unfamiliar note of want that made TOP’s voice rough and even lower. He nodded stupidly even as words struggled to form in the desert of his mouth. At last he managed to stutter a quick “uh-huh” before the Fae slowly released his hand. Shivering at the feel of TOP’s fingertips dragging across his skin, Daesung knew he was in trouble. How was this man able to affect him so deeply?

“The king and queen would like to meet you, as soon as you are well enough,” TOP murmured. “So they may know how to best help you home. When I told them of what I knew about you, they were distressed and pledged their support.” Especially since Daesung had rescued their son – even if Seunghyun was only the fifth in line for the throne after his elder brothers.

Recovering as best he could, Daesung smiled warmly at the prince. “Thank you, Seunghyun, for your help. As soon as I eat, I would be more than happy to talk to them. Now that I’m healing, I feel infinitely better.”

An answering smile – a shy little willow-the-wisp of a thing – turned his lips. “Then eat,” he laughed. “I will dispose of the gold so it does not hurt you again.” Rising, Seunghyun gathered the tools and gold, moving to pass them to a servant in the hall. When he returned, Daesung’s plate was already mostly empty. “You…must be very hungry. After you speak to my parents, you could have more, if you’d like.”

Daesung paused chewing long enough to give the Fae another smile before continuing to eat. His food disappeared at a remarkable pace, and soon it was entirely barren. TOP was suitably impressed. Judging by that performance, Daesung would likely even be able to out-eat the púca’s four younger brothers, and that was saying something. “Do I look alright?” Daesung asked, rising.

Taking in the man’s appearance, TOP frowned. “I can let you borrow some of my clothing,” he said softly. “Your things seem…a bit damaged.” Going to his wardrobe, the prince produced a simple linen shirt, breeches, and boots. “Hopefully these fit alright.”

The qilin took the clothing and quickly changed into them. Seunghyun stared a bit at the way his breeches fit on the man: Daesung’s thighs were more muscular than his, which meant the cloth was stretched taunt in the most fascinating ways. Catching himself staring, the Fae lifted his gaze only to find an amused little smirk playing across Daesung’s lips. “I take it I look much better,” he teased, his voice sunshine bright.

“Y-yes,” the Fae stuttered. “Um, shall we go?” He blushed all the way out of the room, down the halls, and up to the doors that lead to his parents’ chambers. By then, at least, he managed to gain some control over himself and banish the pesky blush from his skin. Seunghyun knocked firmly on the door, which opened to reveal an elegant parlor overrun in polished wood, soft moss, and sparkling fireflies. Daesung trailed behind the prince as they entered the room, and he silently took in the two figures seated in plush armchairs near the room’s only fire. The queen was a jovial beauty with round, soft features and a brilliant smile. Her husband, on the other hand, was all sharp angles and cold radiance. It was easy to see that Seunghyun, with his nearly razor-like cheekbones and piercing gaze was his father’s son. “Father,” TOP bowed slightly, “may I introduce Daesung, the qilin I spoke to you of.”

Contrary to expectation, Daesung did not fold into a deep bow. Instead, he merely inclined his head in greeting. “Thank you for your welcome and aid. I am honored to be the beneficiary of such graciousness.”

The king narrowed his eyes slightly at the seeming slight shown by his guest, and he moved to standing, towering over the qilin. “It is we who are honored by your presence. Without your aid, we would have one less son,” he drawled. “He told us you were far from home and a unicorn… But he was unable to tell us much else about you.” His piercing gaze seemed to indicate that this issue needed resolved immediately.

But, the qilin did not seem intimidated by the king’s radiant aura. He merely smiled and nodded. “Of course, I would be more than happy to tell you anything you should need to know.”

The queen, who had risen, placed her hand on her husband’s arm. “How about we sit down,” she suggested. The king grumbled – or at least made a face like he wanted to complain – before allowing his wife to pull him back to his chair. As soon as Daesung had sat down on a plush bench beside TOP, the queen asked, “So, where is it you are from, Daesung?”

“A place far, far to the east known as Korea. We Xian live in many places throughout the east, but my herd calls that particular peninsula home,” the man said easily.

Seunghyun’s father narrowed his eyes. “How is it you came to our shores, if you are from so far away?”

Daesung’s eyes became sad. “I was on patrol with my younger brother when we were attacked by pirates. I was able to give him the opportunity to escape, but I was taken. I assume the pirates brought me here and sold me, since my people are known for our healing abilities and the ability to cleanse poison.”

Leaning forward, the queen placed a comforting hand on Daesung’s knee. “I’m so sorry. That must be so awful, to be so far away from home.”

The qilin once again inclined his head. “Yes, it is,” he admitted easily. “And I wish I could linger in your beautiful kingdom. But, I must get home as soon as possible. I worry what chaos the herd has fallen into in my absence.”

“Oh?” The king tipped his head. “Is your herd likely to get into mischief without you?”

Daesung stilled; the man’s rudeness made his skin burn a little. “Yes, very likely. I am the King of the Dawn, Leader of the Qilin, and one of the Four Great Rulers of the East,” he drawled. At his side, TOP turned stiff. He had no idea that the man at his side was not just a king, but also someone so … powerful. “Without me, the herd is not quite the same.”

A particularly awkward silence filled the air as the king struggled to grasp the real identity of the quiet qilin. Compared to Daesung, TOP’s homeland was a rather minor kingdom at the outer edge of the Fae dominions; Erin was not the heart of their politics. After a long stretch of nothingness, the queen gave a polite little cough. “Then we will do everything we can to help you get home quickly and safely. I am certain my husband can ask the sea Fae about the best way to get you back to your people; they know the best passages to the far reaches of the world.” She elbowed her husband.

“Yes,” he stuttered. “We should be able to have you on your way home within the next day or two.” He cleared his throat. “If that would be acceptable to you.”

Daesung simply continued to smile at the other ruler. “That would be more than sufficient. Thank you. And, truly, there are no words for how grateful I am for your generosity.”

“It is the least we could do,” the queen reaffirmed. “Perhaps while you are here, you could tell us more about your people. It is hard to believe that there are other creatures such as us in the world that we had no knowledge of. I should love to hear of your homeland.”

“Da – His Majesty said he is considered a very talented singer among his people,” TOP murmured. “Perhaps he would be willing to share some of his music with us as well.”

Turning towards the púca, Daesung smiled gently and placed a hand on his knee. “I would be happy to do so,” he murmured. “Perhaps even someday your people and mine could exchange court members for a season – lend our strengths to one another.”

After a little while, TOP excused himself and Daesung from the room – claiming the qilin was still recovering from wounds of his own. The quiet monarch flashed his friend a grateful smile as they exited the room; he felt better, certainly, but the aftereffects of the gold still weakened his body. “Your parents seem nice,” Daesung observed as they walked through the hallways, passing other members of the royal court and servants as they went.

“Mm? Oh, I suppose so.” The Fae shrugged. “They’re parents. And monarchs. They play both those parts as best they can.” Seunghyun had never given much thought to whether his parents were particularly nice or not; niceness was not exactly a sought after qualifier in his world.

Daesung glanced over at the púca. “But they’re nowhere near as nice as you are, Seunghyun.” He smiled softly. “Thank you for all you have done for me. If there is ever anything I can do to repay you, I would be happy to do whatever I was able to in order to aid you.”

The Fae flushed at the offer – his mind supplying a number of rather delicious suggestions before he smothered them. “If I think of anything,” he promised, “I will let you know.” Anything reasonable, more like, he thought stubbornly.

Slipping into the prince’s chambers, the pair began to get ready for bed. It had been decided (by Daesung) that it would be easiest if he simply remained with his new friend. The thought of spending the day alone in an unfamiliar room was unsettling for the man, who had only so recently escaped the foreign confines of his prison. Seunghyun represented safety to the qilin, and he was not about to be parted with that calming presence. For TOP, though, the qilin’s company was anything but soothing. He felt his gaze catching on the man’s figure across the room, watching as Daesung tugged off the loose shirt and folded it before bending to remove the boots. The púca let out a slow breath. “Daesung?”

The king paused in taking off his boots to look over at the other man. “Hm?”

“How…how did you find me? In the woods, I mean.” He hesitated. “It’s been bothering me for a while. I mean, you said you came specifically towards me – that it took you off the course you were on.”

Daesung laughed softly and finished taking off his boots. “Are you certain you want to know? It’s rather…embarrassing.”

Seunghyun scoffed and slid into his loose nightshirt. “Of course I want to know. I’ll die of curiosity otherwise.”

The qilin shrugged before moving to sit on the edge of the bed, dressed in only his breeches. “My people can sense when a is in distress. We are known as the guardians of purity because we tend to rescue s – most often from situations that would result in their chastity being compromised. And, well, I could sense that you were in distress. It drew me as though you were a lodestone; I could not have resisted if I tried. I think, perhaps, your mystical nature is what made the call so irresistible.”

By the time the king had finished, TOP was a vivid shade of burgundy his blush was so intense. He stuttered for a few moments – trying to find a coherent thought to articulate – before simply collapsing face first onto the bed with a moan. Saved because he was a ; he would never be able to tell his brothers that part of the story.


Here is another chunk of story... I will try to get the rest up soon. I also apparently fail at keeping to schedules. Either I get ridiculosuly ahead (like when I was working on In Heaven) or I fall behind. So I will just stick with soon. -_- Sorry I'm a bit lame about updating. I'll go through this tomorrow to catch any typos; I've not revised this as of yet.

Thank you, all of you, for being patient with me. I appreciate it. <3

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pikachu79 #1
Chapter 1: So happy I found this again!! It was one of my earliest encounter on aff and I've bookmarked it until I change my hp and all memories were of my fav ToDae tales ever! Fluffy cute and warm interactions that literally warms my heart as I read... thank u...
ILuvToDae #2
Chapter 3: I enjoyed this little K-Pop fairytale very much. It is made of pure magic. <3
Chapter 3: I had absolutely no idea what to expect when I stepped into this, but it ended up being fantastically delightful. I really enjoyed the way that the title made sense when we got into the story (I knew the iron about the Fae but I enjoyed the twist with gold and unicorns). It was also a really interesting place to introduce us to the story. Admittedly, I had no idea what was going on for a bit, but then TOP (I loved the name that you gave as an excuse to use his stage name XD) runs into that beautiful, majestic creature and I giggled at how everything unfolded. It was particularly entertaining listening in on Top's mental commentary. haha

Your descriptions were pretty awesome and it made everything easier to envision. Truly, they both sounded like magnificent equine beasts, and I do imagine they would make a striking pair. I also found it ironic that Daesung ended up riding Top as well. lol Who'd have thought?! Their interactions moved along believably enough as well, and I really enjoyed the way that they started to regard each other bit by bit. Because of the time frame, their developing relationship did feel a teensy bit rushed, but that's not to say I didn't enjoy it all the same. I think I would have loved it if they could have taken a bit more time to start to feel things out. Beyond that, I grinned so hard at Daesung's herd's probable thoughts about him taking a male consort. :D (cont...)
Chapter 3: Oh, gosh, this is wonderful! I hope you someday get around to the sequel. kpop unicorns sounds amazing!
Chapter 3: This is absolutely wonderful! Words really can't describe how much I enjoyed reading this. Everything about it is lovely. Thank you~
pikachu79 #6
Chapter 3: This is truly a beautifully-worded piece and quite an unorthodox one in fanfic genre. Thank u so much for writing this! Really enjoyed it!!!
Avalanche #8
This is so beautifully written. All the metaphors, the plays and shifts in words-- everything is just so majestic. I love how smooth the words just roll and how thought out the choice of words are-- it really matches the theme, ugh, this is poetry for the soul. I usually skip paragraphs, but I never skipped a word here-- it was so elegantly written. It's really you into a world that inspires you of the possibilities. (and i'm such a er for folklore.)

I've been in such a bad shape lately, and just couldn't find inspiration in anything. This changed that. Thank you.

Thank you for your effort to write such a beautiful work. It must have been hard on you-- but thank you so much for bringing this to us. May you continue to write and awe us, with your unique and inspirational works. MORE POWER TO YOU <3 Thank you for the time and effort. Everything is greatly greatly appreciated.
michiru10 #9
Chapter 3: NGGGGGHHHH!!! ITS SO GOOD SO DAMN GOOD. I WAITED FOR THIS GAHH!!! SEQUEL SEQUEL SEQUEL!!!! Hahaha! I am so happy. Idk why. The thought of K-pop unicorns made me smiling like crazyyy haha. Dayum those furnitues. This made me squeal toooo! I love you authornim!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥