Chapter 1: Seeing Eachother Aagin

Best Friends With EXO

-9 Years Ago-

"I have to go to California" Ummie Said

"For how long" Sehun asked her 

"I'm not really sure. We can talk all of the time though" Ummie said back

"Okay. I'll miss you" Sehun said sadly

"I'll miss you too" Ummie said to him with tears in her eyes

"Call me when you get there. Okay?" Sehun said while wiping the tears off of her face

"Okay" Ummie said back

-9 years later-

-Ummies POV-

It's been 9 years since I've been in Korea. I almost feel like a foreigner. I want to see Sehunnie. Its been so long

I phone out and called him

-Phone Call-

"SEHUNNIE?!" - I said loudly and excited

"Hiii!" Sehun said back happily

"I'm in Jungnang-gu!" I said back smiling so hard

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?! STAY WHERE YOU ARE I'M COMING RIGHT NOW!" Sehun said happily and excited

"You don't even know where I am" I said laughing

"You're at the cafe thar we used to go to everyday" Sehun said laughing 

"Well then" I said laughing 

He got to the cafe. When he saw me, he picked me up and hugged me around for 10 minutes

"You look so different" Sehun said to me 

"Really? How?" I asked

"Your hair is longer, you don't wear glasses and your teeth are straight" Sehun said back to me 

"So I looked like a nerd before. But is it a good thing?" I asked

"Of course it's a good thing. And you were a cute nerd" He said back with his arm around me

"Where are you staying?" Sehun asked me 

"U-um, I'm not sure yet. My mom didnt want to come with me. So I have to figure something out." I said back embarassed

"You can stay with me and my friends if you want" Sehun said back quick and excited

"I-I don't know. I'd feel like a burden" I said back sadly

"It's fine. Just stay with us... wait. You never met then did you? Sehun asked me

"Fine. And no.. I never met them" I said back 

"Well come inside. Some of them are here" Sehun said happily

We walked inside. We went in the front room and there were 4 people on the couch. They all turned arond when Sehun said something

"BOYS! I want you to meet someone" Sehun said

"Hi! I'm Chanyeol" Chanyeol said to me happily

"Hey. I'm Kai" Kai said smiling

"Hello I'm Xiumin" Xiumin said smiling

I was stuck. I felt frozen. I'm not sure why though

"I-I'm Unmyeong. You can call me Ummie though" I said back nervous

Sehun shown me around the house and we talked

-Kai's POV-

Who is this girl? What the ?

"HYUNG?!" I yelled for Baekhyun

"What do you want now?" Baekhyun said back to me

Well Damn... ing Additude

"Who is she?" I asked him

"Oh My God" Baekhyun said rolling his eyes "She just said her name was UMMIE! OR UNMYEONG!" 

"Oh...Okay" I said confused

This boy can't help with anything.. I went to Xiumin

"HYUNG!" I yelled out trying to find him

"WHAT?!?!" Xiumin said back

"I was wondering who she is. Like if she's his girlfriend or anything" I said to him

"I think their just friend. Well I'm not really sure. I wa wondering who she was too" Xiumin said back 

Chanyeol walks into the kitchen

"Who's that girl? She came out of nowhere" Chanyeol said while getting him self a glass of juice from the fridge

"I think their friends. I'm not really sure though" Xiumin said

-Sehun's POV-

It's so weird sitting here with her. Not in a bad way though.

"Hey" I said kind of quiet

"Yea?" Ummie said back to me smiling

"Do you want to get something to eat from downstairs?" I asked her

I don't even know why I asked her that

"U-Um..S-sure" Ummie said back with a confused look

We went into the kitchen

When we went in the kitchen, everyone was quiet

"Are you guys okay?" I asked

"Y-Yea... we're fine" I said back

Something is up

"How long have you known eachother?" Xiumin asked me while looking down at his food

"We met when we were about 12 years old. But I moved to California for about 9 years. And now I'm back. We're best friends" Ummie said to all of them

"Ohhh.." Kai said looking down smiling

"Wait... is that why all of you were just quiet?" I asked

"Yea.." Baekhyun answered "We were confused"

"All you had to do was ask. I would've told you?" I said

We went back upstairs

"Do you want to sleep in the bed?" I asked Ummie

"U-Um... I can sleep on the floor..." Ummie said back

"No. You can sleep on the bed too, I-If you want" I said nervously

"Okay" Ummie said back blushing lightly. I gave her one of my shirts to sleep in

"Thank you for letting me stay here... You didn't have to" Ummie said to me

"No problem" I said

"Good night Sehunnie" Ummie said as she kissed me on the cheek

"G-Goodnight. Ummie" I kissed her on the nose

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