

Ahn Jaerin

She couldn’t sleep that night. Instead she laid on her couch, facing the ceiling. Jaerin clicked her tongue.

Sit with him? I don’t even know him.

She tossed on her side, using her left arm as a pillow.


‘Ice your ankle and you should be good as new tomorrow.’

‘Yeah…. Thanks Baekhyun’ that was the first time she had actually said his name and strangely she liked the sound of it.

‘It’s okay.’ She watched him sheepishly smile, rubbing the back of his neck. ‘Um I guess I should go, good night’.

She gave him a small smile followed by a wave, turning to close the door, she was suddenly stopped when she heard his voice.

‘Jaerin! I want my first favour.’ She raised her eyebrows at him.

‘Sit with me during lunch from now on’.

‘I don’t like the attention’.

‘Who said at the cafeteria?’ He gave her a playful grin, she sighed. It’s not like she had a choice anyways. His eyes lit up when she gave in, finally (and at last Jaerin thought) Baekhyun left.


‘He was kinda cute’ she had whispered at the thought of his usual smiley grin.

She ran a hand through her hair. Now wasn’t the time to think about some boy she had just met. She stared at the bags lying in the corner of the room.

‘20 more million and I promise….’

She groaned. She figured she’d just go back again. A risky reckless idea but there didn’t seem to be any other options.

‘I’ll lay low for a couple of weeks and then I’ll definitely…………’

Turning on the TV, the news flashed, lighting up the once darkened room and immediately, Jaerin was attentively listening.

‘June 28th, Parks Bank has been robbed of more than roughly 50million won.’

’50 million?’ She scoffed. You can’t even trust the news these days she sneered, knowingly that she had clearly only taken 25.

‘The police had required this picture from the security cams installed inside and out, if anyone has any information please contact this number immediately.’ 2 pictures had appeared on the screen, not worrying Jaerin as her face was covered (as always), but she squinted at the little sliver on her hand.

She stared at the same ring that laid on her finger, twisting it around.

‘This could get me into a lot of trouble huh’ She held it in front of her eyes, then tucking it away on the table.

Sparing it a final glance, Jaerin decided it was time to try and get some sleep.

2 months, and I’ll strike.

# # #

Byun Baekhyun

He couldn’t stop smiling the whole way back, to the point he felt his jaws actually hurt. Upon stepping foot instead, he lifted his head only to see his friends still here, but instead all awake and for a change, actually quite serious.

Baekhyun didn’t have to ask to know what this was about, he quietly sat, in between Kai and Suho.

‘Took you long enough. We were just going over the city state at the moment.’ Suho started. ‘And everything seems to be fine, our income’s running in well, the people who refused to paid the debt sometime ago were dealt with, curtsey of Chanyeol and Sehun.

Baekhyun nodded.

‘But, we need to do something about the recent, robbery.’ D.O had in. ‘The news is claiming 50million was stolen but really 25million and with all the investments we’re making for our Chinese branch, we can’t afford to lose anymore. We were also informed that whoever they were was trying to get more, 65 million to be exact. They found 30 million that they left behind.’

‘Any clues on who this er is’ Sehun grumbled.

‘No but our guy was wearing this’ D.O pulled out his tablet, zooming in on a sliver ring.

‘Well gee, we totally got them! A sliver ring. It’s not like everybody else won’t have that. No way’. Chanyeol had scoffed.

Kai kicked the taller male ‘Cut the bull Chanyeol, we’re all as pissed as you are’

‘So this leads us at a dead end.’ Baekhyun had cut in before the two jumped into a fist fight.

‘Yeah but one things for sure, they’re going to come again… and this time we’ll be ready’.


# # #


School was a bore, but Baekhyun was specifically excited as business class was nearing to the end as he watched the clock tick (which what seemed like forever). And when the bell rang, he made sure to wait for her outside of class, leaning against the wall. This of course had sparked some interest amongst the other students, as Baekhyun was known to have either immediately run to his friends or the usual room.

Jaerin didn’t really look like she wanted to come but that didn’t bother Baekhyun at all. Instead he gave her his usual grin and motioned her to follow. She walked, trailing behind him and he didn’t fail to notice the whispering around them, quickly stealing a glance at her uncomfortable gaze, he frowned a little. He didn’t understand what or why he had done it but he did.

He grabbed her hand, pulling her a little closer and didn’t plan on letting go.

‘Baekhyun.’ She had sternly called out but he ignored her, continuing to pull her with him until they reached their destination.

‘I’m sorry about all of that’ He had finally spoken after he closed the door. She nodded wordlessly and looked around the familiar room.

‘This is where I met you.’ He answered as if he read her mind. ‘Usually it’s reserved for only me, but seeing how you rudely intruded last time, we can share’. He playfully nudged her with his shoulder.

Baekhyun pulled out a chair and started to place some boxes at the table. He glanced up to Jaerin who still stood watching him unpack.

‘What are you waiting for? A favours, a favours right? Come eat’

Hesitantly, she walked over, and pulled out a seat directly opposite.

‘What are you waiting for?’ He handed her a spoon which she gladly accepted. Baekhyun watched as the girl took a bite.

‘Did you make this? It’s good’.

He sighed in relief, ‘I’m glad you like it, I spent all night searching up how to make this’ He bashfully admitted causing her to laugh.

It was just simply fried rice but she applauded his efforts.

‘Yeah because fried rice is extremely hard to make?’ Jaerin mocked.

He gave her a playful glare. She was different from the rest, who would act shy and polite. Ahn Jaerin wasn’t afraid to put up a fight with him and that’s what was so charming about her.

‘Take a picture’ He snapped out of his thoughts upon hearing her voice. He raised his eyebrows at her.

‘It lasts longer’ Baekhyun, for the first time in so long, turned pinked when he realised he was caught staring (Although this was nothing new).

‘Shut up’ He mumbled, shoving a mouthful of the food in his mouth only to get small chuckles in returns. It seemed to be contagious because he ended up smiling too.

‘Maybe his life wasn’t so hard anymore. Maybe school wasn’t so bad anymore either.’ He thought, stealing a glance at Jaerin happily spooning another mouthful.


#  #  #

► Author's Note: The ~ represents a flashback (: 



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neenah_03 #1
Chapter 25: I really enjoyed this story!! The suspense and the reveal of what they both do and the action and how they overcame it OOOFF
gogogirl26 #2
Chapter 25: This is soo good! Im crying TT ughhh thanks so much for this beautiful storyy! Its beautiful :)
Chapter 24: Though it was a little shoft and fast but I loved reading the story
Chapter 25: Thx for writing this ^^
Alosya #5
Chapter 21: Omg the one piece feel
Chapter 25: I read Azalea first and thought of checking out your other stories and immediately opened this because I'm a er for action and gangs ugh (and currently, Baekhyun) I slept late last night to read this omg I love it! Thank you ♡
Chapter 25: i love ur story authornim.