a taste of sweetness.

Me and U
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a taste of sweetness.


Forever to Mingyu meant three months and six days―the exact amount of time he’d last encountered with Wonwoo in the detention room. He’d have to admit; he kind of missed him.


Mingyu had seen the older male wandering down the hallways with his group of friends, sharing humorous conversations and laughing happily together. He’d witness Wonwoo’s lips only curve up into a thin smile whenever the others around him would cachinnate while displaying their rows of pearly, white teeth. It offered him a strange feeling―something about Wonwoo smiling forcefully. Honestly, Mingyu wanted more chances to see the ebony-haired’s genuine smile. At times, the taller male would see Wonwoo’s friends casually putting their arms around him and Mingyu would occasionally wish he was in their place. It wasn’t jealousy―he just didn’t find himself being completely content that the shorter male’s friends got to interact with him more than he could himself. There are those moments when he sees the said male greeting random students walking in his vicinity a cordial “good morning” along with a quick wave of his hand and a soft smile spreading across his plump lips as soon as his friends disappears from his sight. Upon seeing the scene, Mingyu would usually be amused yet intrigued at the same time because even though the other relentlessly denied it, he was really a nice person.


Ever since their first meeting in the detention classroom, the pair surprisingly hadn’t spoken to each other other than the brief exchange of hey’s on Monday mornings when both of their individual classes are held upstairs. However, besides that, there really was nothing else; not even a short discussion about the weather or how the academy is constructing an additional story or perhaps, if they had developed a friendship or not. Wonwoo was solely a year ahead of him but it was still quite difficult to find some time to talk to him. Mingyu never expected himself to actually enjoy associating with the most notorious delinquent in school up to the extent that he had imagined both of them to be friends. It was clearly a surprise but Mingyu figured that if he could describe the male with the cold eyes in a few words, it’d have to be that he was full of surprises.


It was a peculiar feeling―Mingyu thinking about Wonwoo all the time as if it was just a natural occurrence. Arriving to the point that it was considered unnecessary, Mingyu found himself just simply accepting it. Every morning that he wakes up when the radiant beams of the sun hits his face, he’d start thinking about what Wonwoo would be wearing for school and whether he had eaten breakfast or not or if Wonwoo decides to wear his black, blue, red, or green beanie. Then, when he returns home from school and finishes doing all his homework, every night he would wonder how Wonwoo’s day went or if he thought the chicken nuggets for lunch were delicious―Mingyu certainly thought so―or whether Wonwoo listened to the morning announcements today and recognized that it was his voice. Regardless of any situations or time, Mingyu would still somehow find thoughts about Wonwoo swirling around his head even the most trivial ones. Mingyu didn’t know why he was constantly thinking about Wonwoo, leading him to ponder if the said male also does the same.


“Yo man,” Mingyu felt an arm loosely wrapped on his shoulders and glanced to the side to see one of his friends, Seokmin, an enthusiastic grin plastered on his lips. With a small smile, Mingyu responded with a soft, “Hey.”


“Why are you looking out the window?” Seokmin questioned, curiosity written on his face. “You look like you’re reenacting one of those dramas on TV.” He playfully added with a chuckle.


“Nothing; I’m just thinking about stuff,” Mingyu replied, shrugging his shoulders in the process.


“I see. You should come out to the living room though,” The shorter of the pair suggested. “Seungkwan said he has some gossip to share.”


And with that, Seokmin gently patted the taller’s shoulder before making his way towards the direction of the mahogany door and exiting out of the room. Mingyu continued to stare at the backyard of his house, the ground occupied with viridescent grasses and various types of tall, beautiful trees. A circular swimming pool was located just a reasonable distance from the house though the tranquil sounds of the water remained audible to his ears. His mother loved nature so there was no doubt that their house wouldn’t have plenty of nature-related qualities― even the bathroom has three different flowers growing inside along with a miniature waterfall that Mingyu spends five more minutes in the bathroom just to gape at. Watching the water streaming down the rough rocks never failed to render him in a relaxing mood.


Running a hand through his hair, he decided to return to the living room where his group of friends were lounging on the couch and watching a hilarious movie on the television screen. Since it was the weekend and they weren’t required to attend school, Mingyu’s group of seemingly good influences friends would come over to his house and essentially just hang out. One time, Mingyu had mentioned to them that it almost seemed like a sleepover but he has learned to avoid asking the question again after hearing Seungkwan’s, “sleepovers are for girls!” and Jihoon chasing him with a guitar. Yes, this was the reason. Although Jihoon always threatens anyone who infuriates him with a guitar to the point that it has became his ultimate weapon. Mingyu swears that if a 164 centimeters male with a baby face running after you with a guitar isn’t frightening then he clearly doesn’t know what is.


Before proceeding to take a seat on the couch, Mingyu took time to intently observe the interesting scene his friends were in. The aforementioned innocent yet not Jihoon was peacefully sleeping on an individual couch, Soonyoung and Seokmin were sitting on the other sofa busily munching popcorn, Jisoo was situated on the floor with a sleeping Jeonghan whose head was rested on the former’s lap, and Seungkwan was sitting in front of the television, eyes forgetting to blink. Unfortunately, the other member of the gang Minghao couldn’t come due to his relatives from China visiting Korea for a week and his parents appreciated it if he was present so he had chosen to skip the hang out instead. Mingyu allowed a chuckle to escape his lips before eventually settling himself next to Jihoon’s sleeping frame. He enjoyed his friends’ companies even if they do drag him into trouble sometimes.


A few minutes later, Mingyu sneaked a momentary glimpse at his wristwatch and released a yawn after seeing that it was only three in the afternoon. He scanned his eyes around his surroundings and unlike the other trio who were still wide awake and laughing hysterically when a funny scene appeared on the screen, Jisoo had fallen asleep as well. Hearing the unceremonious grumble of his stomach, he quickly stood up and walked over to the kitchen to search for some snacks he could eat to fulfill his hunger. Chocolate brown orbs inspecting the refrigerator inquisitively, the tall male ended up picking the leftover sandwich he had bitten twice this morning and a glass of lemonade. Afterwards, he began walking back to the living room then abruptly stopped on his tracks when he heard Seungkwan uttering a very familiar name.


“I was going to tell this news to everyone but half of us are already asleep so I’m gonna tell you two anyways,” Seungkwan started, attention focused towards the pair of popcorn-eating individuals. “Okay, so did you hear about the news going around school yesterday?”


“No,” The pair simultaneously replied, exchanging weird looks at each other right after.


Seungkwan raised an eyebrow at the two along with a “you guys are so late!” before resuming on with his gossip, “Anyways, I heard that Hansol, Chan, Seungcheol, and Junhui – the typical student delinquents you know had left notes in everybody’s lockers with negative messages written on them like ‘oh, you’re so ugly!’ or ‘oh, you’re so stupid!’ and stuff like that―!”


Interrupting the younger male, Seokmin inquired, “So, how is that exactly ‘news?’ I mean it sounds like things that they usually do.”


“Yeah, I agree,” Soonyoung joined in. “And plus, I didn’t get any messages.”


“Let me finish!” Seungkwan insisted, a dissatisfied expression on his face. “Also, it appears to be that they had chosen who they were gonna leave notes for very carefully so there could be a possibility that they didn’t pick several people.”


“But you just said they left notes in everybody’s lockers!” Seokmin pointed out, earning an even more disgruntled look from Seungkwan.


“I was referring to the general aspect of the thing!” Seungkwan rolled his eyes in slight annoyance before choosing to immediately continue his story and prevent the pair from interjecting again, “Okay it seems as if the problem is though is that...you know Wonwoo right?” The two both nodded their hands and were in the verge of opening their mouths to speak yet Seungkwan had beat them to it, “I’ve heard that Wonwoo wasn’t even a part of the whole plan. Apparently, he was home when this happened. Can you believe it?”


Eyes widening and jaw dropping, Soonyoung and Seokmin both dramatically gasped at the revelation in unison. “Are you serious?! Are you saying that Wonwoo wasn’t a part of it at all?”


“That’s exactly what I said!” Seungkwan merely shouted, wondering whether the two had actually paid attention to his story or just pretended to.


“No, that can’t be right,” Soonyoung shook his head in disbelief. “Wonwoo probably planned the entire thing and let the three perform the task then stayed home and act like he didn’t participate when he really did. We all know he’s an expert in getting into trouble and he can’t just suddenly change like that; he’s most likely lying.”


“Actually, you know what, I think you’re right. He cannot possibly just change his personality so quickly―this is just to deceive us and it’s not funny.” Seungkwan jutted his bottom lip out, shaking his head incredulously before averting his eyes back to the screen behind him.


As he finished listening to the trio’s conversation, Mingyu slowly brought the sandwich on his grasp up to his mouth and started to bite a small piece before resuming on his tracks to the living room. He was clueless as to what specific emotion he should be feeling after hearing his friends chatting about Wonwoo―he was stuck between delighted because Wonwoo was actually beginning to change his reputation or frustrated because his friends are skeptical and couldn’t believe that Wonwoo took no contribution into the incident. Certainly his friends could be very much correct that Wonwoo may just be lying but Mingyu knew they were wrong.


Despite only knowing the older male for a short time, Mingyu believed he was capable of being the person he is at heart.


♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡


“We’ll see you tomorrow, Mingyu!” Jeonghan cheered with a smile visible on his lips, waving a hand goodbye as he excitedly jumped on Jisoo’s back for a piggy-back ride. Mingyu emitted a chuckle, nodding his head and waving his hand in return as well.


It was unfortunately time for his friends to leave and return back to their respective homes after a good six hours of nothing but utmost relaxation in Mingyu’s parents’ house. From watching movies to consuming a variety of delectable snacks and even a satisfying two-hours of napping―four hours for Jihoon―they had once again underwent an enjoyable experience with their regular sleepover hangout. After promising to meet again tomorrow in Soonyoung’s house, his friends didn’t forget to express their gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Kim with formal bows and a series of “thank you’s” and grabbing all their belongings scattered on the floor before finally leaving the place with content smiles on their lips. Watching the retreating backs of his friends and closing the door afterwards, Mingyu traveled back towards the couch and allowed himself to fall on the comfortable cushion while exhaling a breath of air.


Thoughts of Wonwoo lingered in his mind like always yet he still didn’t understand exactly why he kept thinking of the shorter male.


“Why am I always thinking of you?” Mingyu released a long-lasting sigh, puffing his cheeks out.


Right after the pout on his lips faded, his mind then began contemplating deeply about several questions regarding none other than Jeon Wonwoo. Initiating from what Wonwoo could possibly be immersed in at the moment since it wasn’t a school day and if the older male was interested in the performance that he was currently engaged in or whether he’d already finished eating lunch and if he was preparing for dinner or perhaps he’s fallen into dreamland already―Mingyu knew better that they were such inconsequential questions but if it was Jeon Wonwoo, everything was significant.


Minutes later had went by, the young male hadn’t realized he was too tired that he had fallen asleep.


“Mingyu, I’m afraid I’ll have to leave you. A creature like me cannot possibly be in love with an appealing character such as yourself.” Wonwoo articulated in a melodramatic tone, bringing a hand up in front of the younger male’s face while profusely shaking his head.


“No no, are you saying what I think you’re saying?” The other male gasped in horror, staring at the shorter male expectantly.


“Yes,” Wonwoo nodded. “We’re..finished. A chocolate bar like me can never be compatible with a piece of cheese like you.”


“I was afraid this was going to happen,” Mingyu breathed heavily. “I just didn’t expect it to happen so soon.”


“Me neither.” The other male answered.


“So, is this it? Are we..over?” The younger of the pair hesitantly asked.


“No―we’ve never started.”


“Huh? What?”


“You’re dreaming, idiot! Wake up!”


Abruptly awakening from his transient unconsciousness, Mingyu quickly wiped the beads of perspiration dripping down the side of his head with his palm, letting out yet another one of his sighs for the umpteenth time. Sitting his frame up and looking around curiously, his lips formed into a pout once again for no apparent reason. The dream he just had was definitely one of those weird dreams and he figured it was the consequence of reading too many romantic novels lately. It was hard to deny the fact that he couldn’t control his determination to learn more about the concept of love but with him as a piece of cheese and Wonwoo as a chocolate bar, the books he has read weren’t nearly as romantic as that.


“Mingyu darling! That was a quick nap, was it?” Mingyu’s mother, Mrs. Kim, questioned with a serene beam, meticulously sweeping the tiled floor and picking up a few garbages lying around.


“Yeah, I guess,” The young man responded, glancing at his wristwatch and rendered his expression in disappointment as the time was just nearing five in the afternoon. The nap he had taken was extremely short and there was no way it had met up to his satisfaction―he had to take another nap possibly for at least eight hours. Even though he had done practically nothing that was productive throughout the entire day, he was still extremely somnolent.


“I would recommend you to take another nap,” The boy’s mother elaborated and Mingyu was about to close his eyes again when he suddenly heard his mom contradict her previous statement with, “―but I can’t. Your father and I’s friends are coming over today for a visit to celebrate the success of the company and you’re going to be welcoming them so I can’t have you dozing off.”


After listening to his mother’s words, Mingyu sent the woman another one of his pouting lips along with a soft yet petulant whine. He didn’t really understand why he inevitably always needed to attend the celebration his parents would organize with their friends when all they do is chat about the economy and the nation’s future. Surely Mingyu was fond of learning about everything but these citizens were three times his age and having a conversation with them don’t usually lasts for too long because he absolutely couldn’t find any connections with any of them. Therefore Mingyu wouldn’t feel thoroughly excited when his mother mentions something along the lines of “we’re having another gathering with my friends!” or “my friends are coming!” because it only meant that he’d have to be there.


“Don’t think of this as a bad thing; I heard that Soyeon is bringing her son this time. He’s about the same age as you she said,” Mrs. Kim said, looking at her son with amiable eyes.


Embracing the medium-sized pillow laying right beside him, Mingyu commented, “He’s probably gonna be one of those sophisticated people who wouldn’t even talk to me at all.”


“You’re sophisticated.”


“I know but the guy’s most likely going to be even more sophisticated than I am,” Mingyu emphasized, imaginations about the said son floating around his head from his appearance to his personality.


“You’ll be fine, Mingyu,” The tall male’s mother reassured.


“Lets hope so,” Mingyu muttered, hugging the soft pillow on his hold into a tight embrace.


He knew right away that this was going to be an interesting evening.


Realizing there was no other options he could choose from other than obeying his mother, the sleepy male decided to abandon the tempting couch and started to make his way to the kitchen to grab another sets of delicious snacks he could eat from the refrigerator. As soon as he arrived there, he curiously looked around to see what types of food his mother was preparing for dinner yet to his disappointment, he had seen no indication of cooked food. Mingyu wasn’t known for his laziness but there were those certain times that the motivation to make his own food wouldn’t easily come to him and settled with two pieces of slice bread from the cabinet with chocolate spread applied to them and a juice box. This was one of those particular times.


Returning back to the couch with cheerful steps, a loud knock of the door had startled him and he found his attention deviating from the plate in front of him and towards the door. Confused if one of his friends had forgotten to pick up their phones again from under the couch, he was in the verge of bending down and checking to see if there was a lost phone innocuously neglected around when he suddenly heard a familiar voice a few feet away from him and froze. Gradually tilting his head to the side of the couch, his eyes expanded at the sight of the one person he’s been yearning to see―Jeon Wonwoo.


Mingyu wasn’t exactly sure whether he should hide himself to remain invisible from Wonwoo or if he should approach him and be like “yo wassup man, i see you’re here hit me up” which honestly would be more like “oh my god wonwoo you’re actually here! my love, my sunshine, my angel! i’ve been thinking about you everyday since we met and senpai, notice me please!” Of course Mingyu was more mature than that―he probably wouldn’t add the request for senpai to notice his existence.


“Soyeon, look at how much your son has grown! It’s unbelievable; I can still remember him running around with my son when he was still five,” Mingyu heard his mother spoke, his face contorting to a frown. “And now look at you Wonwoo dear; you’re a man now!”


Mingyu didn’t know if he should laugh at Wonwoo’s embarrassed face because of his mother’s words when he sneakily took a quick glance at their direction or feel sympathetic of him because his mother during some occasions was well, to put it simply, embarrassing. Snapping out of his thoughts, Mingyu had heard his mother utter, “you can just take a seat on the couch wonwoo; i’ll call my son to get you some snacks while your mom and i make dinner,” and because of his swift reflexes, the younger male immediately came up with the most brilliant plan he could utilize and that was of him feigning to sleep on the couch as if to resemble an innocent puppy.


Shutting his chocolate-brown orbs and clutching the pillow tightly, the sounds of the footsteps could be heard audibly as they got closer and all Mingyu really wanted to do was squirm like a worm and hide his entire self. When he heard a deep whisper coming from Wonwoo, “Huh, he seems to be sleeping; I should just sit on him,” it momentarily sent chills down his spine and he instantly opened his eyes, sitting himself up in the process.


The first thing he had discerned when he looked up above him was Wonwoo’s countenance; intimidating eyes, delicate lips, and a flawless complexion. He had felt the urge to slap his heart for beating so fast at the sight yet ended up coming across the realization that that was by far one of the stupidest ideas he has ever thought of doing. Even though he didn’t appreciate the irregular beating of his heart for the sole reason of Jeon

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sequel is out everyone! hope you enjoy reading it; thank you so much for all your support! :)


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uygnim #1
Chapter 1: i cant find the sequel ㅠㅠ
Bubbaboo #2
Chapter 2: awww~ i was actually expecting for even just a little peck but hey, this works too...soooo adorable omg~
Chapter 2: It's my second time reading this story, and I must say that it's so so so amazing and it doesn't get boring! I had so much fun reading it for the first time and this second one it's overwhelming. Seriously, Me and U is an outstanding story and how I wish it would be a chaptered story (because these boys are so adorable and their bickering is lovely haha), but I'm thankful there is 17k words of this story! :D
Chapter 2: i'm sCREAMING the entIRE fic is soOo o CUTE and g o d i love every aspect of this what ev en - shrieKs thank you for writing this!
gertrxde #5
Chapter 2: I loved the grocery shopping part omg mingyu was so smooth with holding hands
dannaching11 #6
Yeeey for meanie!! Great work authornim ;) ♡♡
Chapter 2: my heart screamed so loud i stg this is so cute
luhanfanforever #8
Chapter 1: Hahah I your rabbit looks like a human
mervecek #9
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