Chapter 2: The Night Before

The Heaven in My Hell

Hello. Happy Mother's Day, Mum! It won't be Mother's Day when I publish this though. The MV is out! I'll write my reaction in this or the coming chapters.

(Jungkook's POV)

Our fan, Tae Hee, left because we had to take care of some idol business. By idol business, I mean talking to our manager about our upcoming schedules.

I zoned out until I heard my name. "What?"

Manager hyung sighed. "I said that you're going back to school."

I pouted. "Why?"

"Because your a student. And students go to school," he said.

It was my turn to sigh. Don't get me wrong; I'm pro-school and everything. I just don't want to go.

Manager hyung cleared his throat, grabbing our attention. "I have an annoucement to make. From now on, I will not be living with you anymore. Bang PD-nim (BigHit's CEO) has decided to see how you manage living and getting to schedules on your own. Since Jin has his license, he'll be my stand in for the van."

We stared at him. I'm pretty sure all of our thoughts were "What?!" at first. Except V Hyung. I never know what he's thinking. Probably something weird.

Then I realised the possible freedom that this turn of events would give me. I could see the others realise this too, even V hyung.

Clueless, Manager Hyung kept talking, "I've already moved my stuff out of the dorm. I'll email you your schedules weekly. Bye now."

Handing the keys to the van to Jin hyung, he practically skipped out the door. I wondered if he was a bit too happy to get rid of us. We're not that bad, are we?

As soon as we knew he was out of earshot, we jumped for joy, even Suga hyung and he was the definition of lethargic when he wasn't on stage.

Jimin hyung and Hobi hyung were jumping up and down together. "We're free!"

V hyung's eyes sparkled. "There's a spare room."

Rapmon hyung then got us under control and we headed home.

We'd been in the van for about five minutes when my thoughts turned to Tae Hee, or rather, her giant gym bag. It looked like it had everything she owned in it. Why would she be carrying around so much?

I looked out the window, bored.

What I saw made me yell, "Jin hyung, stop the van!"

Surprised, he pulled up to the curb. I opened the door and ran towards the alleyway that I had seen Tae Hee fighting off a huge guy trying to drag her off somewhere.

"Stop!" I yelled, "I'll call the police!"

The man glanced at me, but continued manhandling her. Seeming to give up on taking her away consciously, he puched her in the face. She went down like a rock.

I charged at him while yelling at the hyungs, who had just made to the scene, to call the police.

Seeing the position he was in, the man ran away and got picked up by a sleek black car.

I turned my attention to Tae Hee. She was lying on the ground, semi-unconscious.

The others finally figured out what was going on. Jin hyung and Rapmon hyung immediately dropped the ground beside her.

Suga hyung put his hand on my shoulder. "You still want me to call the police?"

I shook my head. Whoever the man had been, he was long gone.

Jimin hyung looked lost. "What do we do now?"

Jin hyung carefully picked up Tae Hee. She almost looked like a child in his arms.

He headed towards the van. "We take her to the hospital."

His words seemed to spark something in Tae Hee. She half opened her eyes and gripped Jin hyungs jacket.

"No-no hospitals!" She whispered before her eyes rolled up into her head.

We all froze. We had no idea what to do.

It was me that came up with the solution. "Let's take her back to the dorm with us."

They stared at me like I was crazy. Come on, hyungs! Sometimes I feel like I'm the only sane one in the group.

I walked over to Jin hyung and carefully transferred Tae Hee into my arms.

Walking away, I called out to them, "You coming or not?"

They hurried after me, Jimin grabbing Tae Hee's bag, and off we went, Jin hyung driving once again.

The dorm was oddly empty when we got home. It took me a moment to realise that the reason for it was that Manager hyung's stuff was gone.

Opening the door to his room, Tae Hee still in my arms, I discovered that the bed was still there, sheets freshly washed. I gently layed her down on it, took of her sneakers, and fished a blanket from the pile in the living room. Covering her with it, I noticed that the area around her left eye was starting to turn purple. She'd have a shiner in the morning.

I turned off the light and went out into the living room. The hyungs were sitting on the couch, talking.

Rapmon hyung looked worried. "What if Manager hyung finds out?"

Hobi hyung sighed. "He won't. He moved out, remember?"

Rapmon crossed his arms. "Still."

Suga hyung finally spoke up, "Will you guys just all be quiet? Sure, we've got a girl, a fan no less, sleeping in the spare room. So what? We can sort it out in the morning."

He got up. "Well, I'm tired and going to bed. Who's coming with me?"

And no, that did not sound creepy. Not creepy at all. Just worded weirdly.

We all followed him. We'd sort it out in the morning, just like Suga hyung said we would.

(The next morning...)

(Tae Hee's POV)

I woke up with a monster of a headache. When I opened my eyes, I realised that I was actually indoors. Now, how did I get there? I usually wake up on a park bench somewhere. The second realisation was that my upper cheek was unusually tender.

Groggily getting out of bed, I struggled to remember what had happened the night before. Nothing. Nada. All I remembered was leaving BTS' waiting room and then it was just black.

I looked down at myself. I looked whole and healthy, apart from some large bruises on my wrists and arms. Like someone had grabbed me roughly.

What exactly had happened?

Using my bare feet to my advantage, I padded quietly to the door. Opening it slightly, I saw that there was no one in the living room. Making my way to the couch, I deduced that this house or apartment or whatever was home to at least five boys. Or a very messy one. The place looked oddly familiar, though I was sure I'd never been there before. Weird.

I saw that a door was open and headed towards it. It was the door to the bathroom. Seeing the large mirror, I felt the urge to look at myself in it. The terrible throbbing near my eye solidified that urge.

What I saw made me blink in surprise.

I had a huge bruise on my face. It was all discolourled, as in purple. I gingerly touched it, sending waves of pain through my entire face. Great, I had a real shiner.

I moved back to the living room and contemplated my options. Not that I had any to speak of.

I heard movement behind me and turned around to see... to see...

Are my eyes deceiving me?

Because bloody BTS is standing in front of me!

I was in their dorm! That's why it looked so familar! I've seen it in their videos!

What the hell! I'm in BTS' dorm!

Why?! When?! How?! Who?! What?! Where?!

Why am I reciting English?!

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Chapter 4: This is nice :) Did you ever finish the story?
Chapter 4: I can't wait for the next chapter. This one was pretty good!