part 1

Confusing Love (hiatus for a while)












"Knock..knock...anybody inside? Yoohooo!!!" Yelled little Jaehwan loudly and make the knocking sound with his mouth in front of Wonshik's cute blue door.

"Hyung... why you come so early?... the ice-cream stall didn't even open yet." Whine baby Wonshik after he open the door.

"I want to come early to be the one whom waking you up." Said him cheerfully.

"I still have mom you know..."

"Yeah... but I need to wake you up so that I can take a bath with you... you know how I love to do that..." said Jaehwan while blinking his eyes cutely.

"Hyung, you're weird..." Wonshik said and slam the door right on Jaehwan's big cute nose.

"Auch! Wonshikkie... it's hurt. Why you did that?" Whined Jaehwan outside while holding his hurt nose.

Meanwhile, behind the door... Wonshik were holding his hot red blushing face and mumbling stupid hyung again and again before start to take shower. Still with the mumbling and blushing face.

"Wonshikkie... palli... open the door... I want to get in..." whine Jaehwan. Their mother downstairs just ignoring Jaehwan's whine because it's a usual thing happen when little Jaehwan get hyper in the morning.





"Anyeong! Anybody home?" Yelled little Hakyeon in front of Taekwoon's home. His mom beside just chuckle at her son. The door open reveal Mrs. Jung.

"Oh Mrs. Cha and Hakyeonnie. Come in. Hakyeon-ah, Taekwoonie waiting for you in his play-room. You can go now." Said Mrs. Jung to Hakyeon. Hakyeon's eyes shine brightly toward her and run upstairs to Taekwoon's room.

"Taekwoonie... I'm here..." called Hakyeon in cheerful voice when he open the door. Taekwoon notice him and smile at his bestfriend.

"Hakyeonnie..." he called Hakyeon with a hand gesture telling him to sit beside him and play with his new toy. He love to share his toy with Hakyeon because he love Hakyeon. But he won't admit it because he is too shy.

They playing together with Taekwoon's toys like usual when Hakyeon visit him. Baby Taekwoon was sensitive with flower pores, so he can't go outside. Even though Taekwoon can go out now, but he shy with others. That's why he don't have friend. Only Hakyeon is his friend because their moms too are bestfriends. And they tend to come to their house always. Not that Jung's family complain anything, instead they are happy to be with their friends.

"Kids, snack time..." said Mrs. Jung and bring a plate full of strawberry into the room.

"Yeah!!! Strawberry!!!" Cheered Hakyeon. It's their favourite food. Hakyeon love sweet thing and well Taekwoon... he love foods but strawberry still his favourite because Hakyeon love it. Hakyeon took one and give it to Taekwoon. Taekwoon gladly open his mouth and Hakyeon pop the strawberry inside the younger mouth. Taekwoon mouth looks full with his chubby cheeks and strawberry inside it. Taekwoon chew cutely the strawberry and attend to give it to Hakyeon too. But Hakyeon already grab the strawberry himself and eat it. Taekwoon pout secretly but still continue to eat it.





"Uncle, when will baby Hyukkie done bathing?" Asked Hongbin who can't wait to play with the cute baby towards Mr. Han. Mr. Han just smile at Hongbin and ruffle his pink hair.

"Aunty will finish bathe him. Wait for a while okay?" Said Mr. Han. Hongbin just nodded while pouting. Urghh... he can't wait to kiss baby Hyukkie's cute cheek. He keep look at the clock and the bathroom door and the clock again and the bathroom door repetively. His parents and Mr. Han just chuckle at Hongbin's action. When the door finally open, Hongbin jump excitedly toward them. Even baby Hyuk's eyes shine brightly seen Hongbin.

"Binnie hyung..." called baby Hyuk and try to hold Hongbin's hand while wriggle in his mom's embrace to go to Hongbin.

"Hyukkie... don't wriggle. You might fall. Hongbin, let baby Hyukkie wear his clothe first okay? Or not, he will catch a cold. You don't want Hyukkie to get cold right?" Asked Mrs. Han in teasing voice. But of course Hongbin took it seriously because...hello, Baby Hyukkie is his favourite friend.

Of course he had little Wonshik and Hakyeon hyung as his other bestfriends, but he like baby Hyukkie more because baby Hyukkie is so cute and Wonshik already had Jaehwan hyung and Hakyeon hyung has a cute lion eyes hyung. He still don't know that hyung name because he only see that hyung in Hakyeon hyung photo. He forgot to ask him what that hyung's name.

Hongbin follow Mrs. Han to Hyuk's room, well more like playroom because there's Hyuk's toys and his bed that only be used when he sleep in the evening. He help Mrs. Han dress Hyuk in his clothe. He like to dress up Hyuk because whenever he done, Hyuk will kiss him on his lips as thank you because Hyuk still can't talk a lot of words.

"I'm done. You're cute Hyukkie." Said Hongbin and smile proudly at his job in dress up baby Hyukkie. And as usual, Hyuk kiss him and smile brightly. Hongbin pinch Hyuk's cheeks and said;

"Aww... you're welcome Hyukkie."

"Are they done?" Asked Mrs. Lee. Mrs.Han just nodded her head.

"Okay boys, let's go to Kids Park." Hongbin cheer at that. Hyukkie just giggle happily seeing Hongbin happy too.




13 years later:


The six boy get into the same school. Hyuk just get into second years of school while Jaehwan senior year that is last year for the school and Taekwoon and Hakyeon get into first year in college. Their school and collage are at the same place because the headmaster and the collage owner is the same person. So, they decide to make it on the large place. Because of the students’ quantity, there are about 6 cafe and 2 restaurants for students. They can choose wherever they want to go. The recess time is same too... so, the boys will always gather together when recess time.

Hakyeon and Taekwoon just finish their class and go to their table and find the other four boys. Jaehwan and Wonshik talk with each other. Meanwhile, Hongbin talk with someone in phone and Hyuk, just sit and put his head on the table looking lifeless. Taekwoon take his usual sit beside Hakyeon. Hakyeon too get to his sit and look at Hyuk.

"What's wrong Hyukkie? Why you look so... I don't know... dead?" Asked Hakyeon try to joke.

"It's not funny hyung." Groaned Hyuk.

"I just want to cheer you up. Why you look like that?" Asked Hakyeon again.

"My girlfriend want to break up with me." Whined Hyuk then sigh deeply.

"Hmm... it's the 11th time. What the reason this time?" Asked Jaehwan this time.

"She said I spend my time with you guys too much, especially Hongbin hyung." Pout Hyuk.

"Well, she's right." Said Wonshik.

"But... why Hongbin hyung only break two times? And his new girlfriend still with him for 2 years. I didn't even last 2 months. And this one only 1 week..." Hyuk continue to whine.

"Hahaha... maybe your girlfriend not really love you. Just find another girl, you will find a true one. And hey, smile a little. You're the youngest yet you have date the most in this group. Even Taekwoon hyung doesn't date yet." Said Hongbin after done talking with the other on phone without notice that his words made Taekwoon glare at him. Then his auch when his head been knock by Hakyeon.

"Auch hyung. Why did you knock my head?" Asked Hongbin frown cause of hurt.

"Don't involve Taekwoon in his case. Taekwoon just shy and he already had one he like." Said Hakyeon calmly. Taekwoon widened his eyes hear that.

"How..." he's soft could be heard for the first time today.

"I've accidently read your diary when you leave it in my bedroom. I need to read it to know who the owner is. You know you put your name on your thing if you don't want to lose it or make people read your diary." Nagged Hakyeon. Taekwoon pouted at that.

"But you read my diary..." whined Taekwoon.

"Relax, I didn't read it further. Just at the one you wrote that you fall in love with someone. That's it."

"Really? You didn't read the name?" Asked Taekwoon for confirmation.

"There's the person's name? Oh I will make sure to read it next time." Said Hakyeon teasingly.

"Yah! You can't do that..." whined Taekwoon again. The others just chuckle at their hyung's conversation. It's not easy to hear Taekwoon to talk a lot of words. Only Hakyeon know how to make Taekwoon talks, a lot.

"But hyung, I notice that you didn't like girls. Did you a gay too like Jaehwan hyung and Wonshik hyung?" Asked Hyuk straight forward.

"Hey! You shouldn't asked him like that. And what's wrong with being gay?" Asked Wonshik, touched a little.

"I didn't say it's wrong hyung. I just asked. So it's easy for me to help him find a girlfriend or boyfriend. You and Jaehwan hyung already had boyfriend even though we still didn't know about your both new boyfriend." Said Hyuk just realise about that.

"Speaking of boyfriend, why did you two didn't tell us about your new boyfriend?" Asked Hakyeon. The two almost chocked on their food when Hakyeon asked the question. Jaehwan calm himself first before answered;

"We just want to make it a secret. We don't want you guys to ask them too many question. Right Wonshikkie?" Asked Jaehwan toward Wonshik and wink at him. Wonshik blushed at that but still nodded his head. Hakyeon look at them a little suspicious but just accept the answer for now.

"So, did you guys have anything to do after school?" Asked Hakyeon.

"I have a date." Said Hongbin.

"Again...urghh... that's why I find a girlfriend because you always busy dating." Pout Hyuk.

"Hahaha... you better found a new one faster. I and Wonshik want to go watch a movie." Said Jaehwan.

"Why didn't you go a date with your own boyfriend?" Asked Hakyeon, feel weird with it.

"Well, we are. It's a double date." Answer Wonshik faster.

"Hey, that's not fair. You guys show your boyfriend to each other but not to us. You guys cheated." Said Hyuk and Hongbin just agree.

"Don't care." Wonshik show his tongue to them. Suddenly Hyuk smirk darkly.

"Or... did you guys have a foursome together?" Asked Hyuk naughtily. All of them shock at Hyuk sudden emotion change. Well, except for Hongbin. He know Hyuk's ert side of brain. He can be innocent and sometime he can be ert. It's not a shocking thing now even if Hyuk said that ert thing with his innocence face. Something that the others don't know but Hongbin knew is, Hyuk is so innocent when it comes to love. He don't know what love is. But he faking that he know more than other with dating with a lot of girls. Well, Hongbin can't get mad at him. It's kind of cute when he always misunderstand for like as love.

"Why? You want to join us? There's still a possible to have one more person for fivesome." Asked Wonshik while smirking devilly.

"Haha... can I, hyung?" Hyuk look at Hongbin, act like he want to ask for permission. He smile with his innocent face.

"Don't try weird thing. You're not even gay." Said Hongbin rolling his eyes. The subject just chuckle at that.

"Well, it's no harm to try. Hyuk still a . So, there's no evident that he is straight." Said Wonshik while smirking.

"Yah! Did you need to say out loud about it?" Other members beside Hongbin and Hyuk just laugh while Hongbin look so shock.

"Wait, you said you're not a anymore. Why did you lie? And to me?" Asked Hongbin didn't satisfied that he don't know about it.

"It's not a proud thing to say out loud.... duh." Answered Hyuk. His face already red and he mentally curse at Wonshik who reveal his secret. Curse his luck for sleep talking when he sleep over at Wonshik's house.

"At least you have to tell me." Said Hongbin pouting.

"Why?" Asked Hyuk. But the question just flow without answer. Hakyeon voice out when it rarely awkward situation involved around them.

"Hey, it's been a long time since we went out together. Did you guys free this weekend?" Asked him.

"I have date... but, I can cancel it." Said Hongbin.

"I free." Said Taekwoon in his soft voice.

"We too." Said Wonshik and Jaehwan. And it's all left with Hyuk. The members look at Hyuk accept Taekwoon who stare at Hakyeon without others knowing.

"Okay." Hyuk agree. Hakyeon claps his hand.

"Great. I'll tell my mom that we will go to our family house at private beach." Decided Hakyeon. The others, beside Taekwoon just cheered because they love beach.

"And I'll buy mango for you Taekwoonie..." continue Hakyeon while look at Taekwoon eyes. Taekwoon now is blushing mess when Hakyeon did that. It's a great thing Hakyeon didn't notice he was staring at him.

"Oh, did you want something? Why did you keep staring at me?" Or... maybe not. Taekwoon already getting nervous. His brain working hard to give some sort of excuse for Hakyeon. For others, he looks like he was blank for a while.

"Taekwoon? Taekwoon... hey, are you okay? Are you sick?" Hakyeon meet their forehead to check Taekwoon temperature. Their face was so close untill Taekwoon can feel Hakyeon hot breath on his lips and their nose almost touching too. When Taekwoon notice how close their face are, he back off immediately and fall of the chair. The members immediately surround him.

"Taekwoon! Are you okay?" Asked Hakyeon worried. He get Taekwoon stand and once again check Taekwoon's temperature.

"You're not sick. Are you feeling unwell?" Hakyeon keep questioning Taekwoon while holding his face to look at him. Taekwoon feel his face going to explode if he didn't run away now. So, he take a safe decision.

"I-I have something to do. I'll go first." Taekwoon excuse himself. Being a soccer player, he run away fastly untill Hakyeon forget his intention to follow Taekwoon.

"Hahaha... he's run already. It must be natural call." Said Hyuk loudly just to be knock on his head by Hakyeon.

"Shut up. I'll ask him what happen when we get back (they're not in the same class, but a neighbour)."

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joanna20 #1
Chapter 1: Hyuk didn't realised that he love binnie & binnie still in denial. Wonshik & jaehwan is together.
maple755 #2
Chapter 1: Like how you started the story when they were young then you went to them being older. Can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 1: It's was soooooo cute ♥
90sLineLover #4
Hope it's a Neo story
joanna20 #5
Hyuk a ert? Thts an interesting one.
romancefanfics #6
waiting for update^^
kaisooshipper12 #7
cant wait fighting:D
heyzization #8
Seems interestings.. Cant wait for the story.. Update soon!!!