Dreams Do Wonders

Dreams Do Wonders

“I wished you were never in this band.”

That’s how it ended. They were preparing for one of their biggest concerts until Jimin had lost his voice. After hours of discussing with their manager, they decided to postpone the concert date to a later one. The problem was, they knew this opportunity only came once in a billion years. 

Everybody had already left for lunch except for Jimin and Jungkook. The silence made Jimin uncomfortable, he knew Jungkook was frustrated. He was frustrated too, at himself for overworking his voice.

“Jungkook-ah, I know you’ve been really excited about this concert. Hyung’s really sorry.” Jimin’s voice was raspy, it came out like a whisper.

“If you were really sorry, you wouldn’t have gotten sick.”

“I’m not sick, I’m just a little under the weather.” Jungkook wasn’t being rational, it wasn’t like he wanted to lose the concert.

“Well, we lost our chances at this one. You know how hard it was to finally get them to let us play here?”

“I already told you I was sorry. Can you not be such a brat and be a bit more mature?”

Jungkook wasn’t thinking before he spoke. He didn’t realize how hurt he was making the elder.

“I don’t know? Can you heal in time for the concert?”

Jimin never saw this side of Jungkook before, he didn’t know what to do.

“Why are you being so difficult? None of the others are this upset.”

“Do you not see how disappointed they are? They’re just too nice to say anything to your face!”

“Stop it. I get it, you’re mad. I’ll make it up to you guys. I promise.”

“How? Can you give us this chance back? Gosh I wish you were never in this band.”

Jimin’s eyes widened. “You don’t mean that.”

Jungkook stood up from his chair. “Try me.” As he walked towards the door, Taehyung’s head poked in. 

“I heard yelling. Is everything alright? Jimin, you really shouldn’t be using your voice so much you know.”

“Everything’s fine. I’m just gonna head back to the dorms early today.”

“Do you want one of us to walk you home?” Although it was an innocent question, it just added to the amount of helplessness inside of Jimin.

“No. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Later.”

The two youngest were left alone in silence. This time the silence was different. Taehyung was confused but gave the younger a hard glare.

“What did you say to him? Why is he like that?”

“I just told him it’s his fault that we lost this opportunity.”

“Are you out of your mind?! Do you think he wants this?”

“Well it’s true right? Are you not a bit mad at this?!”

“I am but it isn’t his fault! What’s happened can’t be changed. I’m going to eat with Hoseok-hyung,” Taehyung started to walk out. “You should go apologize.”

That night, Jimin didn’t come out of his room for dinner. Taehyung just gave desperate glances to Jungkook who was trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling that was lodging itself inside of him. 


The next morning, Jungkook surprisingly woke up first. He decided to wash up but when he walked by a poster that hung in-between the two rooms, his foot came to a halt while he slowly looked up at the poster.

Taehyung, Yoongi, Seokjin, himself, Namjoon, and Hoseok. Six members.

He didn’t know how long he had been standing in front of the poster but the other members were starting to wake and were getting ready.

“How come Jimin isn’t in this poster?”

“Jimin?” Hoseok stopped behind him with a toothbrush in his mouth. 

“Park Jimin.”

“Well maybe because she’s part of another band, dummy.”

“Another band?”


“No, not that Jimin. Our Park Jimin. Busan? 19?”

Hoseok gave the younger a weird look. “Yah, what is this kid talking about?”

Jin looked over from the kitchen. “What’s happening?”

“He’s looking for ‘our Jimin from Busan’.”

“How about you take a nap Jungkook-ah. The concert’s in a week and manager-hyung told us we could have a few days off.

“But-” He was pushed back inside his room a tad bit forcefully but he was in too much shock to care.

“Listen to hyung, we don’t need you going delusional right before the concert.”

“I thought the concert was cancelled?”

“And now I think you really are turning delusional.”

When he was left alone, Jungkook hurried towards the iPad that was charging against the wall. He typed in ‘Bangtan Sonyeondan’ and to his horror, there were group photoshoots from their debut to their newest album but there were six people in each and everyone of them. His mind was spinning, looking around, the room was missing bandanas and there were a shortage of snapbacks. Looking back at the iPad, he googled ‘Park Jimin, Busan, 1995’, after the twentieth google search page, there he was Jimin’s twitter. Jungkook let out a sigh of relief, he was there.

Taking the iPad, he went out to find Jin.

“Hyung, this Park Jimin, do you know who he is?”

The elder glanced at the screen. “Should I?”

“Nevermind. I’m going out for a few days. You said we had a few days off right?”

“I don’t think you should go. What if something happens?”

“I got a call from my mom. It’s personal but I’ll tell you when I get back.”

“Do you need a ride? Busan is quite far.”

“I’m good.”

Jungkook went back into the room and packed a few shirts and necessities before bidding Jin goodbye. Placing his face mask in place, he rode the bus to the train station. He didn’t know why, but time seemed to flow faster than usual. It felt like a blink of an eye from Seoul to Busan.

It was two in the afternoon and Jungkook stalked Jimin’s twitter and found out the school he was currently attending. If he wasn’t in Bangtan, he would've taken culinary school. Interesting.

He waited outside the school’s door until the bell rang and saw a flurry of people coming out. Suddenly a black blob of hair caught his eye. “Jimin!” A lot of the people turned to face Jungkook but simply walked away. The black blob, however, stopped in his tracks and looked around. His eyes caught Jungkook before looking away and continued walking.

“Yah! Listen to me when I’m calling you!” He grabbed Jimin’s arm but the latter just froze with his eyebrows furrowed together.

“Do I know you?”

Jungkook’s eyes widened and let go of Jimin’s arm. “How do you not know me?” He pulled the face mask away.

“Are you one of those hookers that looks for students after class ‘cause I’m not interested if you were wondering.” Yup, he’s definitely the right Jimin.

“No. Really look at me.” Jimin gave an aspirated sigh but still glanced at his face and froze. 


“So you do know me.” Jungkook smiled but it quickly dropped when he saw Jimin trying to speed walk away.

“Yah! Where are you going?”

“H-Home. Leave me alone, I don’t know you.”

“Then get to know me.”

“I’ll pass.”

“Jimin I-”

The elder turned to face him with a hurt expression. “I know a few girls in my class who are obsessed with you guys so try to talk to me again and I’ll scream your name.”

Jungkook was left dumbfounded while he watched as Jimin walked away. He could've sworn he saw him wipe his face with his arm. Was he crying? 



Jimin was walking out of class when he heard somebody calling his name. Looking around he saw a boy with a mask on to be the one. Creepy. Then he took off his mask and it all came to him. Debuting as Jimin of Bangtan. Singing alongside everybody. The concert. His stupid immune system. Loosing the concert. It was hitting him too hard and he needed to get away.



Jungkook forcefully pulled Jimin into a hug. “You remember don’t you? Otherwise you wouldn’t have cried.”

“I wasn’t crying.” With his back facing Jungkook, Jimin looked up to the sky. “You don’t want me in the band anyways so why don’t you just leave?”

“I was just mad.”

“That still isn’t an excuse. What if I killed somebody and told the police that I was ‘just mad’. I would still be arrested right?”

“And sent to a mental asylum. But it wasn’t in my place to say those things to you. I’m sorry hyung.”

Jimin gave a soft laugh. “You actually called me hyung.”

“Yea. And I’ll continue to call you that if you just forgive me.”

“No. There’s no point now anyways. I’m just ordinary Park Jimin from Busan. Go back to Seoul Jungkook. Nothing matters anymore.”

Now it was Jungkook’s turn to cry. He didn’t know if it was the tears or his mind that was making everything around him go blurry. 

Jungkook woke up with tears and sweat rolling down his face. Glancing at the clock, the digital numbers told him it was 3 AM. Was it all a dream? Nightmare? Making sure, Jungkook got up and went walked out of the room, Jimin had wanted space so everybody moved into the other room to sleep. Slowly opening the door, he was relieved when he saw a body wrapped inside a blanket against the wall. 

“Jimin?” No response.

Jungkook walked over and was on top of Jimin before repeating “Jimin?”. Jimin’s eyes opened with a gasp. “What are you doing here Jungkook?” The latter sighed, he was still mad, Jimin never used his full name by itself. 

“I need to apologize. It wasn’t your fault that you lost your voice. And it wasn’t in my place to scream at you and say those things.”

“Are you crying?”

Normally, Jungkook would’ve denied it but right now that was the least of his worries. “Yes. Yes I am. Because of you Jimin. I thought it was all over.”

“What do you-”

“I dreamt that you-you weren't in the band ok? I-I thought you were in culinary school! I-I dreamt that you never forgave me. I. It’s. I realized that I don’t want to stand on a stage without you.”

Jimin pulled him into a hug and gave a whimper. “Well you should've known that it was a dream. I can’t cook.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You should be.”

“But seriously hyung. Don’t leave us.”

Jimin hugged him closer. “Never planned to. And I never will.”

Hey guys~!I finally updated! My last fic wasn't jikook so I decided to hit the jikook button and let my mind run free with the two. I hope you guys liked this story~ It wasn't beta-ed so I apologize in advance for any grammar issues. I hope you can leave a comment 'cause it really motivates me and gives me all those fluffy feelings! I'll keep in touch with my next story so muah guys~!

Have a great day/night/evening/noon/dawn/etc~!


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mwenlili #1
I just love that story, so I'm reading it again :)
mwenlili #2
Chapter 1: Waaaaaah!!! Such an awesome story!! I actually thought at the beginning that Jungkook's wished was granted. So glad it was all a dream ^^
Chapter 1: I thought this would be a fantasy fic when Jungkook woke up and Jimin wasn't in the band hahaha xD
belinha1045 #4
Chapter 1: So cute*-*
I love it>.<
tokyotaehyung #5
Chapter 1: why am I crying
eyesmilegyu #6
Chapter 1: Huhu that was so cute!
richly #7
Chapter 1: Cute story authornim.I hope you write another Jikook Fabrics :)
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the future chapter <3
Chapter 1: holy motha~ that was so-not-cute, i almost thought that it was real, and how could this jimin -on his dream- knows kook, but not to the others. i thought that he would leave, for real. leave the band, i'm kinda sensitive hearing that statement-some band reminded me of this-, i would've cried if i wasn't remember that they would stick together, until the end, well i hope so. so, yeah. great job then, such a good story!!