Do Not Leave Me (If you leave, I will kill you)

Jaejoong cannot seem to keep all of his excitement under the hood. A very prominent tent is erecting and he does not even care. He does not care if his brother starts to judge (not that he has any right to). As he bounces off the walls on his way to the spacious living room, he wonders about a lot of things. Just the thoughts alone make him super giddy inside. And... he unintentionally lets out an unmanly squeal. Once he enters the living room, he sees it. It is the first thing he sees. The lovely package sitting in the chute. It is nicely wrapped as always. He cannot expect any less from his brother's wife, Koucakes. It is nice and fluffy looking like a fancy cupcake shop... just as her name vaguely suggests. He is sure that an even more lovely sight lies inside. Jaejoong hurdles over two long couches in succession and finds himself directly in front of the chute. Should he carefully unwrap it like he does all the other packages he had received in the past? Nah, he is too excited for that. He wants to see her. He wants to see her right now! He has been counting down the days, tracking the package every thirty minutes of his wake. He is so excited. He is soooo excited right now. He shreds everything in sight and pops open the box.


Oh my god... oh my god! It is for real. She is here. She is really here! The angels are tooting on their French horns and trombones and everything right now. The sight of her is heavenly. All that delicious looking skin curled up in the box clearly visible for him to see. Everything is visible from the tip of her lovely black hair to the cute little nails on her toes. Of course. Of course, everything is visible. There is nothing covering her. He wipes the drool with the back of his hand. Nothing. He can feel it getting super intense... straight up his loins. He is so excited right now. Can he touch her? Can he? There is a chance he might faint afterwards, but that should be okay, right? It is normal, right?!


"No... Jaejoong... you didn't." Junki is tsk-ing over his shoulder. "I know your collection of Cyndi merchandise is extensive... but this... this is taking it way too far. This is crossing the boundaries of creepy. You need to return it, Jaejoong. Listen to your big brother."


What? When the heck did he get here? Is he a ninja?


"She's a 'she'... not an 'it.' How dare you..." Jaejoong is already displaying sure signs of over-protectiveness. This is not good. This is very bad.


"Just re-watch her concert DVDs again or even those cheesy dramas... you don't need something like this."


Yes! Yes, he does! Now that she is here... yes, he does! And, he blurts it out. All of it. "Yes! Yes, I do! I need to see her do the cute-y dance in a little, red flapper dress complete with fluffy red feather in her hair!" His dreams... his dreams will be realized at last! He will be able to see her in any and every cosplay he wishes. Huhuhuhuhu... so many possibilities. So many!


Junki shakes his head. Was his little brother not calling out a girl's name in his sleep? What was it? Xinling. There was actually some hope there... hope that his little brother, Jaejoong, might be, somewhat, normal. Like... falling for a do-able real girl instead of his idol, Cyndi. What an unhealthy obsession. One of these days, it will cause a lot of trouble.


Oh... much sooner than he thinks.


"I thought you had a girl... named Xinling..."


"What? Xinling is Cyndi. Cyndi is Xinling."


"Why can't you call her Cyndi like all her other fans?"


"I prefer to call her by her non-English name." Because it makes him feel that much closer to her. Calling her Cyndi makes him feel like she is really out of reach. An unhealthy obsession indeed.


"Jaejoong... I am being serious. You need to send it back. This isn't going to end well."


"She's not an it! She's not! Stop being a meanie. You just don't want to get kicked out when she moves into the guest room!"


Junki takes a moment to think it over. "Okay, you're right, you're right. I do like staying in that room. But, I'm still worried for you, little brother. You just don't know all the dangers of an unhealthy obsession. I'm thinking about your well being here and you're not going to listen to me."


Of course he is not going to listen. His older brother just admitted to the obvious... of wanting to stay in the guest room.


"I'm giving you until the end of tomorrow to pack. I need the guest room back by then. It will be Xinling's room." Oh my god, she is going to stay here. He lets out another unintentional squeal.


This is not good. Junki can already sense the misfortunes vibrating in the air. "You don't need the room back... because you're going to return this thing right now."


"Nope. Nope. Not listening." Jaejoong closes up the box and carries it to the safety of his room. Must keep her safe from Junki's evil paws. While he is out and about today, he will lock the door with extra chains for maximum security. There are many places he needs to visit today. Like the cosplay clothes store. Like the doll emporium. And maybe... maybe he will sneak a peek at the shop. Just a peek. But, first... he needs to call in sick. He is too excited right now. He would not be able to work properly under this condition anyway.


Huhuhuhu... huhuhuhuhu...


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lovecupid #1
I have to say... you must be a huge fan of cyndi wang or something...