Chapter 2

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“Took you long enough.” JiHoon sighs as he stares at the younger boy who ran in.


“Long story short. I nearly got run over by a car for this book of yours. You owe us a big one.” JaeBum grimaced, throwing the requested book on JiHoon’s table.




“Oh yes, and this girl saved me. She’s so different hyung! I think she suits you.” JaeBum winks. JiHoon scoffs, hardly believing his younger brother’s words.


“Oh sure.” JiHoon waved dismissively.


“I swear, hyung! I’m not lying! She’s just outside! You should come out and thank her.” JaeBum glowers before stepping next to JiHoon and dragging him up from the seat.


“Seriously?” JiHoon deadpans, staring at the brother dragging him out.


“Ai-Eh? Where did she go?” JaeBum looks around confusingly.


“Holy what have you done to my office, why does it reek of such strong scent of lavender?” JiHoon gasps, fanning the air in front of him. The scent was so strong, so suffocating, yet somehow JiHoon feels suffocated in a good way. JaeBum stared at JiHoon queerly.


“Hyung. What lavender? The only smell here is your cologne and the smell of carpet.” JaeBum comments, running about to find Ailee. JiHoon gapes.


“The smell is so strong, you can’t smell it?! Or are you feigning?” JiHoon accuses. Now he has no doubt that a girl was here before.


“I think you need to get your nose checked, Hyung.” JaeBum grumbles.



Ailee sighs. Possibly slapping herself umpteen times mentally. Why did she run? She had no idea. She felt exhilarated, but she felt paralysing fear as well, remembering her mate is human. It can be due to fear of rejection, it can also be inappropriate scenario possibly. What would he think if he saw her with his younger brother? Ailee was thankful he didn’t. On a bright note, Ailee thought to herself,


Oh well, at least I know his name, how he looks like and where he works now.


Ailee sighs again, as she continued wiping the cups with a dry cloth, remembering she has no valid reason to go see him. She doesn’t think she can ever forget the sudden wave of loneliness and emptiness that overwhelmed her the moment she ran out of the building.


“Hey doll, you alright? You’re gloomier than usual.” Ailee’s co-worker quipped. Ailee gives a mere glance over her shoulder, but shook her head. She wouldn’t understand her plight. Her co-worker had been extremely surprised to see Ailee in the café since 5am when they opened at 7am. Ailee was usually on-time but never this early.


She didn’t have to know how Ailee lost sleep last night.


“Doll, we’re opening alright?” Ailee looks up, sighs and nods.


I hope I don’t mess up today.



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chouuu #1
Chapter 2: Epilogue pleaaaaaaaaase~ ^^
Chapter 2: I love them. They are so cute :)
Sushimidumpling #3
Chapter 2: This is so cute. I thought this was going to be longer tbh lol
i love them too ! XDD