
Bros Should Help Each Other

“Jiminnie! Look!”

Jimin looked up from his English Language book to see his best friend, Taehyung, pointing towards a certain younger boy sitting a few tables away from the two of them in the library. He chuckled lightly when Taehyung is staring dreamily at the other boy.

“He is so cute!” Taehyung squealed, earning looks from other students at the other tables. He apologised before staring at the boy again. Jimin just shook his head at the other and returned to his studying for the coming final examinations. “Do you think I should ask him to be my dance partner for the party?” Taehyung asked, already day-dreaming about him and his crush dancing together.

Jimin sighed. “Tae-ah, think about your exams first. If not, you can’t even go to the dance when you failed.” Taehyung pouted when what Jimin said is right. He better study hard to ask the boy for the dance. He smiled and continued his studies.


“H-hi. Would you like to be my p-partner for the dance?” Taehyung nervously asked, his fingers playing with each other behind his back. He peeked at the other boy from behind his fringe.

After contemplating whether to ask the younger for the dance or not, he finally had the courage after Jimin encouraged him a few times.

“Um, but I don’t know you, sunbaenim.” The younger said, a slight confusion on his face. Taehyung scratched the back of his neck.

“Oh, I’m Taehyung from class 4-1. I know that your name is Jungkook because I saw you a couple of times and I thought you are cute. So, will you be my partner?” He asked again.

Jungkook was hesitating at first before he answered, “Ok sure.” Jungkook immediately excused himself to run to his friends at the other end of the corridor. Taehyung was freezing at his spot. He did not know whether he was dreaming or not, but then Jimin walked towards him and congratulated him. Taehyung broke out of his trance and jumped around, making Jimin laugh. For the rest of his journey back home, Taehyung skipped happily, greeting strangers who walked past him.


“Jiminnie, I’m nervous. What if I messed up?” Taehyung asked as he stared at his reflection through the mirror. His hair is neatly combed and his eyes lined with black eye-liner. He wore a black suit with white dress shirt and matching black pants.

“You’ll be fine.” Jimin giggled as he pushed Taehyung away from the mirror with his hips to look at his reflection. Jimin’s hair is slightly messy but still looked good, his clothes no different from Taehyung, except he have a black tie tied around his neck.

“Thanks bro.” Taehyung said as he made kissy faces towards Jimin. Jimin made a disgusted face, making the two of them laugh. The older wrapped one of his arm around Taehyung’s shoulders as they both stared at their reflection.

“Bros should help each other.” Jimin smiled at Taehyung’s reflection with his crescent eyes. Taehyung showed his boxy-smile at Jimin’s.


Taehyung waited for Jungkook outside the younger’s house for a full 15 minutes before the latter finally appeared. He walked towards the older male, wearing a sky-blue suit and pants with white dress shirt.

“You look nice.” Taehyung complimented, shyly.

“Thanks.” Jungkook mumbled and got into the car which is driven by his very own chauffeur. Taehyung sat beside him, his fingers won’t stop playing with each other. The whole ride to the party was silent and awkward, well, at least for Taehyung it was.


“Hey bro. You made it.” Jimin greeted Taehyung as the couple walked into the party. Taehyung smiled at the other. Jungkook excused himself to join his (apparently also invited) friends. Taehyung pouted once the boy left. His best friend saw his expression and questioned him.

“The whole ride from his house was so quiet. I don’t think he likes me.” Taehyung whined. Jimin chuckled and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

“Maybe he is also shy.” The minute Jimin finished his sentence, a slow music started playing throughout the hall. Jimin turned to the younger. “Maybe you should ask him for a dance.”

Taehyung pondered for a while. “Should I?” He asked. Jimin nodded his head and pushed Taehyung towards where Jungkook is standing with his friends. The youngest looked at Taehyung in confusion. Taehyung wanted to kill Jimin for not letting him prepare first.

“U-um, h-hey.” Taehyung groaned inwardly when he stuttered. “Would you..um..wanna dance?” Taehyung wanted to hit himself for the awkward question. He swore he heard Jimin laughing behind him.

Jungkook’s friends started howling behind the youngest, making the two of them embarrassed. Jungkook took Taehyung’s hands and lead them to the middle of the dance floor. Taehyung blushed at the contact and turned to Jimin. Jimin mouthed a ‘Good Luck’ to him and Taehyung smiled.

The minute they stepped in the middle of the dance floor, the younger wrapped his arms around Taehyung’s neck, bringing the two of them closer. Taehyung’s cheeks burned as he locked eyes with the younger. Taehyung brought his shaky hands to the younger’s hips and the two moved to the slow rhythm. Taehyung feels that his heart is threatening to jump out of his chest from beating too hard. He is so nervous that his legs starts to shake and he accidentally missed a step and stepped on Jungkook’s foot.

“OUCH!” Jungkook yelled and bent down to massaged his hurt foot. Taehyung gasped and bowed down to apologise for his mistake. Jungkook glared at the older. “This is why I shouldn’t have accepted being your partner! I don’t even like you! Gosh!” Jungkook shouted at left Taehyung alone. Taehyung felt a crack in his heart as he watched Jungkook leave behind the crowd. He heard people giggling behind him and all he wants to do is to be swallowed by the ground. His eyes began to water and he felt embarrassed. He quickly wiped away the tears before they manage to roll down his cheeks and ran off the dance floor.


“Ya! Park Jimin!” Jimin stopped his conversation with his classmates to see his dance colleague, Hoseok, running towards him.

“What’s up?” Jimin asked, taking a sip of the fruit punch.

Hoseok panted and stood up straight. “You might want to check on your best friend. I heard he just got dumped by Jun…what’s the name again? Jung—“

“Jungkook?!” Jimin asked.

“Yeah, that’s the name. Jungkook.” Hoseok nodded his head.

“Oh my god, Tae.” Jimin gasped. He passed his drink to the confused Hoseok and ran off to find his best friend. He took out his phone and dialled his number. It rang for a good five times before the line is picked.

“Hello? Tae? Tae, are you there?” Jimin asked, frantically. He looked around for any sign of his best friend. He heard a whisper from the other line. “What?”

"Under the table." He heard a small mumble. Jimin looked for a table and saw the food table. He ran towards it, squeezing through the crowd. He lifted up the table cloth and there, his best friend stood, his knees folded and wrapped by his arms, his face hidden behind his knees. Jimin’s eyes softened as he crawled underneath the table and lifted down the cloth to hide them both. Jimin’s heart broke when he heard a sob from the boy in front of him.

“Bro, you alright?” Jimin hit himself mentally for asking such a question.

Taehyung shook his head, still sobbing. Jimin frowned and crawled beside Taehyung, obviously squeezing in the cramped space.

“Come on, Tae. That boy is a jerk. You don’t deserve any of this.” Jimin tried to cheer his best friend up. Taehyung lifted his head and Jimin had to fight the urge to punch Jungkook’s face for hurting his best friend. Taehyung’s eyes are red and swollen, tears stained his cheeks.

“Why he dislike me so much?!” Taehyung cried. Jimin wiped Taehyung’s tears and hugged the boy.

“It is okay, Tae. There are better guys out there.” Jimin said and pulled away, wiping more tears from Taehyung’s eyes. “Even if there is no one, there is always me.” Jimin wiggled his eyebrow teasingly, making Taehyung laugh. “There you go, you should laugh more. It suits you best.”

Taehyung smiled. “Thanks bro.” He hugged the other again.

“Bros should help each other.” Jimin said, making the other laugh again. It got silent for a while. “Wanna dance?”

Taehyung pulled away and raised his eyebrow at the question. “Serious bro?”

“Of course, bro. What’s a party without dancing?” Jimin grinned.


In the end, Jimin pulled Taehyung towards the dance floor and pulled Taehyung towards him. Taehyung stumbled slightly before wrapping his arm around Jimin’s neck. Jimin smiled and placed his hands on Taehyung’s hips before the two of them started swaying to the slow music.

“This is weird.” Taehyung mumbled.

“We are weird.” Jimin said and the two giggled. Taehyung pulled on Jimin’s neck, placing his chin on top of Jimin hair. Jimin wanted to pull away but Taehyung had placed a death grip on his neck, so he gave up. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Taehyung’s waist. He took a deep breath of Taehyung’s cologne, or should he say…

“Did you use my cologne again?” Jimin asked against Taehyung’s collarbone. Taehyung hummed a happy yes and giggled. Jimin rolled his eyes before smiling and closed his eyes. Taehyung closed his eyes also, enjoying the dance, the music, the warmth, and most importantly, Park Jimin.


And let’s just say Jungkook went home with a black eye after Jimin punched him. 



The end. I hope you enjoyed this short, but still long friendship VMIN :D

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Chapter 1: LOL CUTEST EVAH :^D
Reading Author's note and I'm like...is this me talking? Can't agree more. Bye
ponicornio #3
Chapter 1: The bruh life.
This was so cute, I want a friendship like that too :(

Great story! ♡
Chapter 1: That was cute. I can't believe Jungkook acted lime that, but I guess there are also bad people on this planet. Real broship is stringer than any relationship hehe
Chapter 1: Awwww...so cuteee...the ending is woah..hahaha
Chapter 1: naw, cute.

and lol. the ending.