The Storm

Thunder Can Change Everything

The storm hit the pack’s territory around the time everyone settled down to go to bed, at that point it was just rain. To Kikwang the sound of rain was so soothing, so peaceful that it took him just a minute to fall asleep. The light pitter patter of thick drops could be heard through every room in the Omega house, but the wolf’s sensitive ears heard the sounds as more of a melody, a lullaby of sorts that only pushed him deeper into his dreams.


It was still early night when the first rumble sounded, it wasn’t very loud but it did cause the ground to vibrate, almost as if it was growling. As minutes went by the sky only seemed to get more furious, the lightning was brighter and with that the thunder was louder. The piercing sound all but ripped Kikwang from his peaceful sleep but as soon as his eyes shot open and gazed into the dark room, he prayed with his whole being that it was just his imagination. Even with that mindset, his heart was beating hard, pounding against his chest making his pulse race as he waited for the next clap of thunder to sound. He was terrified.


It was so loud... at some points he swore that his teeth chattered because the sound was ringing so intensely in his ears. He tried endlessly to distract himself with something, anything, but every time his attention would be brought back by the roaring sound that came from the sky outside his seemingly blissful room. Kikwang pulled the sheet tighter around his frame, the thin fabric doing little to comfort him but for now, that’s all he had.


Soft whimpers were falling out of the wolf’s mouth as he ever so slightly cocked his head to the side to gaze over at his roommate, confusion flooding his every nerve when he sees the younger completely passed out. How could he be asleep? It sounded as if the Omega house could fall at any minute yet there was the other wolf, in his own little world while Kikwang was drowning in reality.


With the next clap of thunder something clattered off a shelf in the room and that was the last straw for Kikwang, his insides were so tense he didn’t know what to do with himself. He stood up and not wanting to bother his seemingly peaceful roommate he walked out of their room. He had no idea where he was going but at the moment, he couldn’t care less, all he knew was that he had to move. Staying in that room any longer was going to make the young wolf go insane. All the fear and anxiety was pooling in his stomach and it was taking every ounce of the boy’s willpower to not start screaming right there outside their door, but he just kept moving.


His legs felt like noodles as he pushed his way down the hallway, the first person to pop into his head was so close but it seemed like eternity to get to the male’s room. He knew he couldn’t go back now.... he was too scared, just a little comfort for a couple minutes and he’ll be fine- hopefully, hopefully... Silently, Kikwang opens the door to the room and glances inside, his eyes landing on the sleeping face of the wolf he had ran with earlier in the day. Byunghun. The two had met when they both were accepted into the pack around the same time, ever since then they naturally became friends, Kikwang knew he could trust him for some odd reason.


As they become closer Kikwang had accidentally created feelings for the other, he didn’t even see it coming until it was too late. Everything Byunghun did seemed to get his attention now, whether he was doing work or just eating a sandwich- he hypnotized Kikwang but of course he never in his wildest dreams thought about actually telling Byunghun. It could ruin everything, but right now he needed a friend at least and he looked like the perfect candidate.  


With a deep shaky breath he quietly maneuvered his way into the foreign room, stepping over random pieces of discarded clothing ranging from underwear to hats that littered different parts of the floor. In the back of his mind, Kikwang was digging, searching for what he was going to say to Byunghun; his first approach of just telling the other he was scared less probably wouldn’t go anywhere so he knew he had to come across in a different way. Before the boy could think too deep into it, however, he was already by the man’s bed and slowly reaching his hand out to awake the sleeping form- he was going to wing it.


His already quivering hand landed on Byunghun’s shoulder and gently started to shake him, the other’s name slipping off his tongue as a whisper so there was a less likely chance of the other members hearing and waking up to a stranger in their room.


“Byunghun.... wake up- h-hey.” He was getting more nervous as the man laying in front of him was slowly pulled out of his sleep, dark eyes gazed up at Kikwang with obvious confusion laced in his features. The man’s silver hair was carelessly laying over his eyes and sticking out on random parts of his head, but yet the style somehow worked for the wolf. Byunghun lifted himself up slightly to rest on his elbow as he continued to gaze up at the other, his mind racing as to why the boy was in here in the first place.


“Kikwang...? What- Why are you in here so late? Shouldn’t you be sleeping?” Byunghun asked as he tried to make sense of the situation but Kikwang was still searching his mind for something more reasonable to say than ‘I’m scared- help me’, the last thing he wanted was to look stupid in front of the other. They had been getting so close and embarrassing himself now would just be stupidity on his side.


“Well I- um... the storm, it-” Even before Kikwang could finish his sentence another roar of thunder shook the house, he didn’t think- he couldn’t think, all he could feel was fear. The next thing he knew, his body wasn’t standing beside the bed anymore, instead it was laying /in/ the bed with his hands gripping thin fabric from a shirt and his head pressed against a chest. His breathing was fast and ragged as the shock from the thunder slowly decreased but he stayed completely still for what felt like minutes. Realization finally started to hit him hard as a familiar scent floated into his nose, he knew that scent all too well and as his head slowly tilted to look up, he saw the person who owned it.


With shock written all over his face, Byunghun looked down at the younger who had just suddenly jumped into his bed and clung onto his body like a koala- now he was really confused. His arm hung stiff in the air as the other was laying under Kikwang’s body, he didn’t know what to do with them, he didn’t know what to do about anything that was happening. Yet deep in the back of his mind, he couldn’t deny that he liked it- having the other so close.


Kikwang was internally screaming at himself, he shouldn’t have come here, the only thing he's doing is messing everything up- He let out a shaky sigh and slowly started to get up, he felt it would be best just to apologize and walk out of the room even though his inner wolf was telling him to stay, wanting him to stay. Almost like the world outside was agreeing with his inner voice, lightning lit up the room and thunder shook the ground again causing Kikwang to push himself back against the older. A soft whimper fell from his lips as a second and third rumble sounded outside the house.


By the time the session of thunder stopped for a while, Kikwang was shaking, his hands gripping Byunghun's shirt tighter. The fear filling his body not only coming from the terrifying storm outside but from the point that the man he was clinging onto wasn't moving- he wasn't saying anything. Kikwang could hear his heart pounding in his ears by pure embarrassment but he couldn't let go, the man's warmth was the only thing keeping him in his right mind. At that moment, almost like it was on cue, Byunghun circled his arms around the younger's body and kept him close.


"Shhhh... you're okay- I got you, shhhh." whispered Byunghun as he finally understood why the younger had come out to seek him this late at night. He hated the way the boy shook in his arms, all he could think of was making the younger feel better so he held him close and pulled the blanket around the both of their bodies in the hopes that it'll help him calm down.


Kikwang was all too aware of how the man pulled him closer and how his arms felt, they were so warm and strong- just the other's hold made him feel safe. Safe. Thats exactly how Byunghun made him feel, like he was safe, really safe for the first time in a long time. Without realizing it he gently nuzzled his head against Byunghun's chest and his eyes cracked open slightly when he noticed that it wasn't just his own heart pounding but the other wolf's heart was beating as fast or faster than his own. Why?


When Kikwang didn’t push him away, Byunghun felt he could hold the other more comfortably by tangling their legs together. Even with their clothes on he could feel how cold the younger was- no doubt because of how scared he seemed to be, but Byunghun knew he could keep him warm. He gently set his chin on top of Kikwang’s head and continued to murmur reassuring words that seemed to cloud the boy’s mind.


Another roar of thunder caused a couple soft whimpers to escape Kikwang but it was noticeable that the man holding him has somehow helped. He pursed his lips closed tightly as he tried to relax but with every new strike of lightning and rumble of thunder, his body tensed up and it’s almost like the world wouldn’t give him a break.


“Just go to sleep, hmm?” Byunghun murmurs into Kikwang’s messy hair while his fingers create undeniably soothing circles on his back, causing pleasant electricity to shoot up his back. The younger made what could be seen as a purr if he was a cat but was just a soft rumbling in his chest as he pressed closer to Byunghun. “Nothing will happen. I’ll protect you Kikwang.”  


For some odd reason Kikwang believed the male and let his body relax into Byunghun’s warm embrace, his eyelids beginning to feel like lead as all the sleep he failed to get finally started to catch up with him. Maybe it was how comfortable the boy felt in Byunghun’s arms, or how every word that came from the man’s mouth sounded so gentle- almost... loving? But Kikwang entrusted himself to the other for the night.


As the two fell into a comfortable silence, Kikwang wasn’t kept up by  the storm as much as by his thoughts of Byunghun. It was kind of intriguing how much the the other complimented him. Byunghun was confident, cool, and.... mostly everything he wasn’t. Kikwang was awkward and loud and kind of unseen, the boy had figured out that it was extremely easy for him to blend into a crowd. Which is why it’s hard for him to figure out why Byunghun has taken such an interest in him lately- not that he’s complaining though... if anything, the younger wolf likes it way too much.


After a while of him drifting in his thoughts the storm had finally passed for the most part, but there was no way he was getting up- not now. Kikwang slightly tilted up his head to look at the man who seemed to be sleeping, letting his soft gaze travel over Byunghun’s smooth features- it never failed to catch his attention that the older was so amazing. Every part of his face, body, and personality was perfect, so perfect, almost like God spent a little more time to create the man who is holding him.


Without putting much thought into it, Kikwang allowed himself to lean up and gently press his lips to Byunghun’s before bringing himself back down and relaxing against the males chest, finally falling asleep. Completely missing the way Byunghun’s lips pulled up into the faintest of smiles.


Kikwang must of forgotten Byunghun had insomnia.

Howdy guys /salutes. I hope you liked my little story and please give me any feedback you want- I really wish to improve so advice is encouraged *^*
Once again this story is based off the characters in a roleplay that I have recently joined but nothing in the story has actually happened in the roleplay- I just wanted to have some fun eue.
If anyone is looking for an amazing roleplay come join Adolphus! The link is in my forward but it's a wolfau on facebook and would love to see you lovely writers apply. Thank you again and maybe I'll write another story soon!
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Chapter 1: Feedback: *encouraged
xD LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL thanks for writing about my character though