The Phone Call

Different Grounds
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It was after all the adrenaline subsided that Park Chanyeol found himself in the comfort of his hotel room, cellphone in hand and finger lingering over a phone number he sneakily got from Yixing a few weeks ago.


They just played one of their biggest (if not the biggest) show in their three years, they just performed at THE Tokyo Dome; In front of the people who love and support them. As a trainee who could only wish to debut soon, he could only dream about performing there before. But that night, Chanyeol saw his dreams come true in front of his very own eyes and at that moment, with all the silver lighsticks illuminating the dome, the thought hit him, “did HE see this? This beautiful moment we always dreamt of when we were just teenagers trying to make it through monthly evaluations?” Tears threatened to fall, from happiness, gratefulness and lastly, longing. How he wished his favorite hyung was there to share that precious moment with him.


The members cried happy tears backstage, they were all tired but no one can really feel it. The joy was too overwhelming. Years of hardships were now paying off and they promised each other, there will only be better days ahead. Chanyeol was very happy but deep inside his heart; he wished his bestfriend was there to celebrate this euphoric moment with.


So now, after the loud cheers and happy tears, in the solitude of his hotel room he found himself giving in to the thought of calling that one person he wanted to be there so badly. It has been a year and a few months since he last talked to him. The thought of him makes his heart ache, the could have been’s haunted him nearly every night but at that moment he just misses him. He stares some more at the number in front of him, it’s a new one, he secretly copied it from Yixing’s phone that one day he thought he had the courage to contact him again, that courage never came until now.


With a deep breath, he pressed the call button. His palm was sweating so much, he thought of disconnecting the call. But just before he was able to do so, he heard that familiar deep voice answer. “Hello?” his heart started beating like crazy as if it wants to get out of his chest. “Hello?” he thought of disconnecting again but then, when will he have the courage to call him again? He closed his eyes and muttered a soft “hyung.” The other line went silent. Tears were threatening to fall again but he tried so hard to control it. “Chanyeol?”he heard the other replied.


He can’t explain what he’s feeling. He was feeling a whirlwind of emotion but he can only mutter a silent, “Kris hyung” Chanyeol stared at the dark sky outside his hotel room, is he doing the same? Is he home or is he staying at some luxurious hotel?


His thoughts were interrupted by his deep voice, “uhh. . .how are you?” there was hesitance in his voice but goodness! Chanyeol missed him so much!


“Uhmm. . . I’m fine hyung."

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iyuuuthh #1
Chapter 1: So sad ...
I miss them too very much ㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: How i miss krisyeol... T_T
Chapter 1: Oh gosh. Thanks for this. I really miss Krisyeol too. This fic contain too much feels. It just amazing but sad.
kim_cloud #4
Chapter 1: *hit me right on the kokoro* ugh... couldn't really contain the feels of this fic TT^TT
so simple yet so beautiful TT^TT
Another krisyeol please TT^TT
JiYuKuo #5
Chapter 1: Feels ! Who the hell cutting onions their???! T_T
Chapter 1: I'm missed their sweet moment...T_T