Finding Out

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“M-mwoh? She could die?” Taeyeon asked in shock. The headmistress nodded gravely “B-but how can she control her powers.”

“There is some sort of psychological block in her head that is part of the problem in preventing her from controlling her powers. I believe she doesn’t know who she is, where she comes from, who her parents are. Maybe if we found them we could break that block.”  The headmistress said.

“How would we find them in the first place?” Yuri asked.

“We can use the archives to search her family name: Hwang to see if there are any matches. I want 2 of you to start that immediately.” Yuri and Sooyoung nodded and headed out of the medical room.

When they door slammed shut Tiffany’s eyes flew open.

“What happened?” She asked softly. Jessica and Tiffany rushed over to her and her hair.

“Your powers flew out of control; you scared the lights out of us.” Taeyeon explained.

“I’m okay though right? That was just a one-off?” Tiffany asked hopefully. Jessica and Taeyeon looked at one another and back to the headmistress.

“It was not a one-off I’m afraid Tiffany. There are a lot of things we need to tell you.” The headmistress sat down and explained to Tiffany everything while Jessica and Taeyeon helped Tiffany sit up. She listened in silence; taking in all the information.

“So I could die?” She asked after a few seconds. The headmistress nodded silently. Tiffany sighed and said “Let’s go and find a cure then.” Taeyeon and Jessica looked on in shock as Tiffany hopped out of bed and went to the door.

“What are you doing?” Jessica asked.

“I’m going to the library are you coming?” Tiffany said before walking out. Jessica and Taeyeon looked at each other before running to Tiffany’s side.

“Do you even know where it is?” Taeyeon asked amused.

“No but I’ll wander around till I can find it.” Tiffany answered smiling. Taeyeon and Jessica chuckled and pulled her across a corridor.

“It’s quicker this way.” They all laughed as they ran to the library. They entered the colossal library with bookshelves that seemed to go on further than the eye could see. They found Sooyoung and Yuri surrounded by piles of books.

“Have you guys had any luck?” Tiffany asked. Their heads shot up and they ran round the table to hug Tiffany.

“Are you okay? Did the headmistress tell you everything?” Sooyoung asked.

“Neh she told me everything. Have you guys had any luck finding anything?”  Tiffany asked.

“Aniyo we’ve searched through nearly all the archives and we can’t find any Hwangs.” Yuri said sadly.

“What archives haven’t you searched?” The headmistress’s voice floated from behind them. They all jumped in shock and turned around to find the headmistress floating towards them. 

“T-the royal archives. We haven’t searched them because the royal family hasn’t had any heirs.” Yuri stated.

“Search them anyway maybe there is some connection. I want you 3 to come with me.” She pointed at Taeyeon, Jessica and Tiffany. They followed her down to the large sports hall.

“What are we here for seongsaenim?” Taeyeon asked.

“I want you to learn how to swordfight.” She stated simply.

“Mwoh? But only people who have their element those who choose the subject learn how to fight with weapons!” Jessica exclaimed.

“Nonetheless I want you to learn. Your other 2 friends already take combat lessons but I want you to learn also.”  The headmistress explained.

“Will you teach us?” Tiffany asked.

“Aniyo; I am old and my reflexes are not what they were.

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Chapter 48: Heol, I dont know what to feel right now, happiness and sadness mixed together.. Ofcourse I'm sad that this story reached an end, but on the other hand, I srsly really happy that Tiffany and her friends could win this battle and most importantly Siwon is still alive. It's not just Tiffany who thought that she'd lost him forever, cause I did. This final chapter is really amazing as I expected.
greenteaaa #2
Chapter 48: Yey finally happy ending. OMGGGGG yesssss the sequel will more focus abt siwon and tiffany. Yes i prefer romance xD cannot waittttttt, thanks author
lovesupergeneration #3
Chapter 48: Is it okay to say I cried because of the reunion with Siwon!? Oh god I am so so glad he was alive T.T!!! Anyways, authornim thank you sooo much for such a pretty story, fantasy isn't my favorite but because of your story I am starting to like it!! A sequel sounds suuuper I will love to keep up with this Sifany love story so please do make a sequel!! Elements was really great!! Thanks for the hard work authornim! Looking foward to your next stories!! Authornim fighting!!!!
Chapter 47: Omg i cant wait for the final battle ><
must be epic
MysteriousGurl16 #5
Chapter 46: Ugggh hate yonna in this story
I wish siwon is alive and they will the battle against yoona
goodbye99 #6
Chapter 42: Thanks for updating i love this story
MysteryMabel #7
Chapter 41: Why do I have a feeling that Siwon is still alive?
Chapter 40: Ugh I still can't believe that siwon already died :(( srsly I can't bear it T_T
WrenRin #9
Chapter 38: OMG why Siwon ;-;
greenteaaa #10
Chapter 37: Omggggg nooooooo :"((((((