Wedding Rings

Searching for Baekhyun

Wedding Rings, (C - 5)
And I learned You deserve better was sometimes no more than a synonym for I don’t want to hurt you and I want you to be happy, but its more fitting description is I don’t love you anymore.

It’s when he realizes he lost his chance. Chanyeol is left with shattered pieces of glass of once a perfectly sculptured piece of art --- the reflection is mocking him because the words can still be read clearly despite the broken pieces scattered on the floor, Just Married.

He sits outside the church in one of the old wooden benches after jostling his way out of the crowd; many had been trying to get their noses on what could have prompted the recent tragedy; there were some who are sniffing around him wanting to know his reaction but he calmly passes them and all he has been doing for the past forty five minutes was trying to beat his score on Endless Dove. What is left to do? Chanyeol knows thishad to end sooner or later. Another ten minutes has gone by, Chanyeol is certain that majority of the guests who are partially confused, half saddened by the turn of events already left the church with curiosity still tied on their minds.

It wasn’t every day that this occurrence happens so everyone was pretty dumbfounded.

Chanyeol glances at his wristwatch, it’s almost 7. He didn’t realize that the sun has long gone. He doesn’t know what to feel because frankly, he doesn’t feel anything. He isn’t numb nor a martyr but he really doesn’t sense any emotion. He hopes his face doesn’t magically look like the Earth has befallen upon him because his insides are telling him he’s okay because he really is.

“Hyung” It’s soft, unsure and somewhat delicate that it seems the speaker is afraid to utter any word - terrified of committing mistakes.

“Yes?” Chanyeol casually replies, the tone is the one he usually uses for everyday conversations. And he is basically okay – yeah, just okay.

Sehun looks at him worriedly. It is given that Sehun is his best friend and has all the right to be concerned but there’s really nothing to mull over about because Chanyeol is confident that he is okay. Who knows his own body better than he does?

“Do you want to talk about it?” Sehun offers but Chanyeol quickly declines saying he’s okay because he really is okay.

“But hyung---”

“Did you take care of everything already?” Chanyeols asks abruptly cutting short Sehun’s interrogations “You should probably ask the caterer to donate the food to the orphanage, it will be a waste if we’ll just throw them out. Everything has been paid for anyways.”

Chanyeol stands up and dusts off his pants, “So, all done? Let’s go home?”

And as if it’s a normal day, Chanyeol walks into his car, waits for Sehun to be comfortable in the passenger seat until he drives away, drops Sehun off his house and Chanyeol goes back to his apartment.

He slept soundly that night.

It’s as if nothing happened.

Chanyeol is okay.

Even though there was no wedding that happened.

Chanyeol is okay.

Even if Kyungsoo left him at the altar.

People often witness break ups - it is a casual yet intriguing part of life. In news stories, in entertainment portals and even in real life, couples breaking up is one the most natural events of everyday life but calling a wedding off isn’t a typical occurrence.

People are so eager to help heal the broken pieces of the one who was left behind in the altar. There are some who offer kind words, some send presents thinking it’ll ease the pain. More people are willing to lend a hand.

But Chanyeol’s case isn’t the normal one - because he doesn’t need any help because he is okay.

It has been a week since Chanyeol and Kyungsoo’s wedding has been called off – Kyungsoo, on the last minute has changed his mind and left the church even before the ceremony started. Everyone was taken aback when Kyungsoo walked down the aisle tears running down his face and when he reached Chanyeol, he hugged him and then left. Just like that.

Chanyeol and Kyungsoo has been with each other for a long time and their puzzle pieces fit perfectly with each other, like they’re already the answer to each other’s questions - no one knows what triggered Kyungsoo to suddenly back out on a lifelong commitment with the one he has been in love with for almost all his life. The decision Kyungsoo has made took everyone by surprise. Why would a love that seems perfect suddenly vanish into thin air?

No one knows. Even Chanyeol doesn’t know. He didn’t want to know.

It takes Chanyeol a couple of months after the supposed to be wedding before Chanyeol decided he wants to go back to the jewelry shop. It’s just a passing idea, a what if moment but Chanyeol battles with himself whether he’ll return or just keep the rings as a memento and in the end, he has won; he doesn’t have anything to do anyway so why not try.

Chanyeol approaches the counter. There are no customers other than him but this jewelry shop popularly known as the Luce Clara has the finest jewelries in Korea. You need an appointment to get in, Chanyeol doesn’t have any but he tries his luck.

“Good afternoon”

A bright smile welcomes him, “Hi, how may I help you, are you Mr. Kim?” says the guy behind the counter. He is sure this guy isn’t the sales person he talked with months ago when he bought the rings.

“I’m Park Chanyeol and I bought a pair of rings a few months ago.”

Chanyeol wants to deal with this as quickly as possible so without further introductions or whatsoever, he asks “What’s your return policy for wedding rings?”

Clearly, the jewelry guy isn’t prepared for that kind of question as he almost drops the ruby necklace he is holding “Excuse me?” The jewelry guy questions him.

Chanyeol clears his throat and to be honest, he doesn’t really know if the shop will still take back the rings. It has been months since he last bought them but he takes the chance, something in him had the urge to revisit the store and get rid of the rings – maybe it’s for the better – for his complete recovery and the last process of moving on.

“I want to return the rings.” He says in a calm manner hoping the jewelry guy will not be offended. Because who, in their sane minds, would return a jewelry from one of the top shops in Korea?

But Chanyeol is right the guy seems upset as he looks straight into his eyes as if he’s reading Chanyeol’s mind. The staring contest exceeds a couple of minutes and Chanyeol finds it weird and uncomfortable, he had to look away.

“Do you have the receipt?” The guy says with a voice so dejected, Chanyeol wants to take back the rings and never again step foot on the shop. But he needs to do it.

Chanyeol then reaches for his left side pocket to get his wallet. As he nervously looks for the receipt, the jewelry guy waits patiently. Chanyeol senses a shift in the aura, the once cheerful environment turns into a gloomy one. The jewelry guy quietly takes the piece of paper.

“Did your wife want something else?” He asks, the voice is downright cheerless.

“No.” Chanyeol says, “And it’s a husband”

If the jewelry guy is surprised he doesn’t show it as he continuously checks the validity of the receipt.

“You purchased these last May 6, 2015 and it has been three months. What seems to be the problem with the rings?”


Before Chanyeol has the chance to answer, he is cut off by the jewelry guy.

“As much as I want to help you, sir, what you can only do is to exchange the rings for other designs.”

No. Chanyeol doesn’t want another pair. He doesn’t need any more wedding rings, he loathes shining pieces of round expensive jewelries because it brings unwanted memory. “But I really want to get rid of the rings”

The jewelry guy, Chanyeol observes, looks offended. This time, it becomes a heated argument as the jewelry guy defends the rings.

“Why don’t you want to get rid of the rings? Are they ugly? Are they not shiny? No one has ever bought a pair of rings in this shop that they’ve return. What made you change your mind?”

Chanyeol has thought of explanations because he doesn’t want to prolong his agony. What has happened in the past is the thing of the past – not the future so he has to deal with the present to forget the past. Explaining what has happened has been a choice but for Chanyeol, using his own voice – mouth to say the man he loved left him at the altar, it’s more than suicide. So Chanyeol opts to lie, to make up a story.

“It’s because ---”

“I take pride in my rings, I design them with my own creativity. I spend sleepless nights and you’re telling me you’re getting rid of my rings? My rings?

But the jewelry guy isn’t giving him time to explain as he continues to fire words after sentences after paragraphs on why the rings are top class. This is supposed to be an easy task, now Chanyeol really shouldn’t have tried to return the rings, he should’ve just sold them. So he tries to again to offer an explanation.

“Well, it’s because...”

The more he tries to explain, the more he loses his focus. He just wants to get rid of the god damn rings.

“Sir, do the rings not meet your criteria?”

The jewelry guy keeps on questioning him but ignoring his answers. And Chanyeol is getting really tired and confused. What to say? What to explain? What the hell is the problem of this guy?

“Are the rings ugly?”

“They’re beautiful.” Chanyeol answers, he’s not going to lie on that part because months ago when he set an appointment, had toured the shop and his eyes caught a glimpse of the gold pair of rings, he knew they were the perfect piar. But things didn’t go as plan.

“But you want to get rid of them, why?”

Chanyeol wants to go home and not answer any of the questions.

“Why do you want to get rid of them?”



Chanyeol is too tired for another set of questions. The pressure that is on him is high enough, he can feel his heart beating fast. The dilemma he has been going through to tell a lie or to tell the truth wouldn’t leave his mind. He just wants to get rid of the rings.

“Why, sir?”

“Why did you want----”

“My groom left me at the altar”

It is rushed, words almost getting jumbled in Chanyeols lips. Lies will not work, he just need to let it all out. He wants to say the words as soon as possible fearing two different reasons. One, is that Chanyeol thinks he’ll break down and cry and two, he knows he won’t be able to have a chance again because the little guy will just cut him off.

Silence ensues in the shop. It has been more than five minutes but the jewelry guy’s eyes never left Chanyeol’s, he had to look away. He doesn’t hear anymore follow up questions from the jewelry guy. That is until he hears a faint sound of sobs, What the hell? Is he crying?

“Excu---” Chanyeol tries as much as possible to know what’s going on. It’s confusing as .

“Oh My God, I’m emotional. I’m sorry. I’m just, how can I be so insensitive?” The jewelry guy says in utter disbelief while he fans himself using his hands. He casually wipes the tears that formed in his eyes as he walks back and forth behind the counter

“Sir, it’s oka—”

“It’s not okay!” The jewelry guy says incredulously “I am sorry.” He then stops walking and his eyes are locked on Chanyeols’s. Suddenly, Chanyeol feels warmth crawling into his chest.

“I’m so stupid. What have I done? You can return the rings. I’ll have my secretary deposit the money in your back account.” The jewelry guy marches towards the other side of the shop and he starts to close the glass cabinets. Chanyeol stands at his spot awkwardly. Should he leave? Can he go home now? Chanyeol battles with himself, the jewelry guy says he’ll accept the ring, right? So it’s okay to leave? But even before ending with a conclusion, the jewelry guy is back with a much confusing offer.

“Let me take you to coffee”

“What?” Chanyeol dumbly blurts out.

“I insist, it’s the least I can do. I’m so insensitive , I can’t believe I’m so insensitive. I need to, I didn’t know. I’m really sorry. ”

Shaking his head, Chanyeol tries to explain that it’s really not the jewelry guy’s fault and all is well now, “You really don’t need to. It has been months and ---”

It’s confusing how this has escalated to a rather complicated ordeal. The jewelry guy isn’t giving him many options. “I’ve closed the shop, there’s a nearby café, so let’s go? “Please, I insist.”

After a couple of minutes, Chanyeol is sitting comfortable in a seat near the glass window of Café Bene waiting for the jewelry guy who now he knows by his name, Baekhyun – Byun Baekhyun with his hot chocolate and chocolate pudding.

How long has it been since Chanyeol has experience this comfy feeling? He has to admit, he has those moments when he just stares longingly at something and his mind isn’t processing anything. Sehun sets him up on dates but he refuses. He’s okay, but is okay really enough?

“Again, I’m sorry” Baekhyun says cutting of Chanyeol’s train of thoughts.

“I told you, it’s really okay. But thanks for the hot choco”

“My pleasure.” Baekhyun replies and he smiles and Chanyeol finds it hard to pinpoint the meaning behind the smile. It’s too bright, too kind and too heart-warming.

They talk about plants. Baekhyun hates flowers except for roses. He thinks they’re pretty. That’s what Chanyeol learns in the first five minutes of their stay in the café. Chanyeol also learns that Baekhyun owns Luce Clara and the rings Chanyeol bought who, for the record, agreed to claim it back, were Baekhyun’s most loved design. For the past hour, they have been sharing a lot of stories about the people they meet, work related stuff and even embarrassing moments until Chanyeol, out of nowhere, opens up about his once greatest love. It’s a slip of the tongue or maybe, the story has long been buried in his heart and is screaming to be out in the open.

“I knew he will leave me. I already knew but I ignored all those hints. I guess I just wanted to prolong what he have but by doing so, I extended the agony.”

Nodding his head understandingly, Baekhyun puts down his drink and is now more attentive to hear what Chanyeol has to say.

Chanyeol chews on his lower lip, still undecided if he’ll continue. His heart is beating wildly against his ribcage, he doesn’t know if all he has kept in him – the ones that are buried in the deepest part of his heart will still have a strong impact on him. Telling the truth, Chanyeol has said he had cried not once but every day for the first month. He looked okay because he wants everyone to know that he is but he’s not because being okay is not good enough – will never be good enough.

Admitting the truth actually doesn’t hurt. Chanyeol feels light as if the burden he carries suddenly vanishes and Baekhyun just listened to the whole story attentively, not giving opinions that would clearly be invading Chanyeol’s privacy. It’s funny how Chanyeol easily opens up to the guy he just met.

He tells Baekhyun the pain of knowing his fiancée has fallen in love with someone else, has fallen in love more with someone else and the love that they once shared has turned into dusts.

“I know he was seeing another man when we’re together.” Chanyeol says and it didn’t hurt not like what he has expected.

Chanyeol continues his story as Baekhyun patiently listens. It takes them a couple of minutes more until they reached the not so happily ever after.

“Can I just say one thing?” Baekhyun says.

Chanyeol nods signaling it’s okay.

“Your ex is an .” The shorter male declares with much vigor. But then he realizes what he said so he mumbles a soft “sorry”

Chanyeol begins to laugh because maybe Baekhyun is right, his ex is really an .

“Have you seen him after he left?”

“Nope. All I know is that he lives with his boyfriend and their going to get married”

Baekhyun looks so angry, in Chanyeol’s perspective.

“But I guess it’s okay. People move on. I did”

They continue to talk a little more, Baekhyun clearly shifts the conversation to a lighter one and Chanyeol feels thankful. The café is being too crowded but they don’t mind, they continue to change stories and Chanyeol thinks Baekhyun is a really great guy – a funny one too.

But then as he continues his story about his pet ferret when he was little, he suddenly feels he needs more air to breathe, because a familiar face just entered the café. Baekhyun obviously notices Chanyeol’s façade has suddenly changed as he takes a peek on the café’s door. Baekhyun then sees a couple – happy and contented are shown on their faces.

Chanyeol doesn’t know what to feel. And then everything happens so fast as Baekhyun stands up from his seat, walks over to Chanyeol as he holds his hand and drags him to the door of the shop, they meet halfway with the other couple that just came in.

“Hi” Baekhyun says in a cheerful voice.

The pair is caught off guard as the shorter male’s smile changed to a frown and then a pursed lips, realizing that the tall guy is his ex-fiancé. But Baekhyun never left him a time to utter anything, even Chanyeol’s name.

“My name is Byun Baekhyun and you’re invited to our wedding” He smiles and raises his locked hands with Chanyeol proving their together.

Kyungsoo, Chanyeol’s ex-fiancé and the guy that’s with him are engulfed with surprise but Chanyeol’s shock is incomparable. What is happening?

“And I’m sorry for your loss” Baekhyun says to Kyungsoo. He drags Chanyeol along with him after he bowed and bid them goodbye.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol walked out of the café, still their hands are intertwined. When they reach the park, Baekhyun bursts out laughing “Did you see his face?”

Chanyeol couldn’t formulate a coherent response because what the hell just happened?

Baekhyun abruptly stops laughing when he sees Chanyeol’s confused face, “Oh my God, it was a bad joke? I’m so sorry. Did I offend you?”

Chanyeol still couldn't really comprehend what just happened but Baekhyun’s continuous pleads and his worry-stricken face couldn’t prevent Chanyeol from laughing. He doesn’t really care if Baekhyun is suddenly hitting his shoulders and demanding an explanation. They both end up laughing their hearts out.

“Thanks” Chanyeol says when they both have calmed down.

“For what?” Baekhyun grins.

“For making me laugh today.”

“You’re a cheese ball.”

Chanyeol laughs again and he feels his heart warming up again. Did it ever stop though? Did it ever stop feeling warm when he’s with Baekhyun? Or it is just getting warmer and warmer the more he spends time with the jewelry guy. Baekhyun’s smile can easily brighten up a day.

“Thanks for wanting to marry too” Chanyeol jokes.

“You’re welcome Mr. Park” Baekhyun winks at him and then he laughs again and Chanyeol feels his heart warm up even more. “Let’s make this official”

Baekhyun suddenly stands up and proceeds to the bubble tea kiosk at the entrance of the park. When he comes he back, he brings with him a plastic straw cut in half.

“Did you know I used my ever famous puppy dog eyes just to get this for free?”

Baekhyun suddenly takes Chanyeol’s hands and wraps the plastic straw around Chanyeol’s ring finger. He grins when he finishes.

“My turn” He says.

So Chanyeol takes Baekhyun’s hands and wraps half of what’s left behind of the plastic straw on Baekhyun’s ring finger too.

“It looks great” Baekhyun says, laughing. “Now, we’re officially going to ---- !” Baekhyun screams and everyone on the park looks at them, the parents covered their children’s ears. The old people threw angry glances, some didn’t mind but others laughed.

Chanyeol is stunned, what.

“I’m supposed to meet a client today. I totally forgot!” Baekhyun confesses, “I totally forgot. Oh my God”

Baekhyun is really something. Chanyeol has to take all what he got to stop himself from laughing, “I’ll accompany you.” He says in between the suppressed laughter.

Baekhyun eyes him judgingly, “Are you sure?”

“For all the help you just did, I really don’t mind. Besides, I don’t have anything to do today.”

“I’m supposed to meet my client at Café Bane. “

When Chanyeol and Baekhyun arrive at the café, they both freeze on the spot.

“You have got to be kidding me” Baekhyun says and his gaze automatically turns to the tall guy beside him
Chanyeol answers with a reassuring smile and Baekhyun eyes him disapprovingly as if saying are you sure?

Chanyeol nods, “I’ll be outside.”

Baekhyun doesn’t protest and walks in the café and as he approaches a familiar couple, he displays his best smile, “I’m Byun Baekhyun, owner of Luce Clara and I believe you’re Kim Jongin and Do Kyungsoo?”

They both nod in response.

“So what kind of wedding rings do you want?”
Chanyeol patiently waits outside, and for once he isn’t thinking about Kyungsoo or isnit feeling any remorse. He’s thinking of the straw rings wrapped in his little finger and a certain jewelry guy who is confusing as hell and clearly, most of the time, is spontaneous but instantly brightens up Chanyeol’s day – even his once colorless life and he wonders if it’s possible to get married with hand-made straw rings.

Because the straw rings are better than the golden pair of wedding rings.



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Chapter 10: How bittersweet *hides in a corner silently crying*
Chapter 10: I can't stop tearing up...
Thank you for giving chanyeol a second chance
He deserved it, baekhyun.
Baekhyun really deserved to be loved
And a a sec chance to chan ment a better life, a happier one for baek
I loved this story
Thank you ??
Happyeolyoo #3
Chapter 10: wow. chanyeol was a jerk in this chapter :[ baek gave everything to him and what he did was saying 'you will be okay' and never gave baek a single rose. he felt the freedom when he decided to break up with baek and yes, he did get what he wanted but it seem that God even willing to give him a chance. huft. even i was still mad to chanyeol, but, i still hope that both could be together again :[ baek really deserved a happy ending, right?
Happyeolyoo #4
Chapter 9: it was too late and it hurt so much :[ why did you even say i love you to your best friend? why did you two say such things to each other? well. chanyeol meant it so much and you didnt know it even you were considered as his bestfriend :[
Happyeolyoo #5
Happyeolyoo #6
Chapter 7: i was so bothered with baek's attitude towards chanyeol when he kept asking chanyeol why he wanted to return the ring. even he was the creator, but, he didnt stop asking and asking without even gave a chance for chanyeol to answer his questions properly. but, uh, he turned to help him out, then. well...
Happyeolyoo #7
Chapter 6: Oh so it meant there was no wedding? Bcs chanyeol just expected something to happen with baek and him in his life? :[
Happyeolyoo #8
Chapter 5: It was full of description and it was beautiful :[ well. Chanyeol had a dream and an aim now, thanks to byun baekhyun, his soon-to-be lover :[
Happyeolyoo #9
Chapter 4: well. i almost cried over the part when baek got a sudden call from hospical :[ i thought chanyeol was death or smt but it turned out in a good way. well. i was impressed :''))
Happyeolyoo #10
Chapter 3: the ah-a-a-a was really cute. it simply stole my heart because chanyeol kept saying the ah-a-a-a when baekhyun was in the sight. but, i was little confused with the ending for this chapter????? hum so what was the relation of the pyrus and americano 'ㅅ'