From Far Away

A Love Like Medicine

From afar there is no beauty

From afar there is no certainty
And to think that we have knowledge is foolish
To think that wishful thinking will grant us anything is silly
Because can one really say there are relations between speculations
There is no certainty
There is no beauty
Because when you get up close you see what was foggy
You see what's ugly
You learn
You hurt
You lose interest
You lose hope


   "When can I see him again?" Was the question, Kyungsoo always had for the moon. Because ever since that day when he was three, there was no one else he'd rather see. Ever since he laid eyes on Jongin’s sun kissed skin he became entranced. Since the very day he first locked eyes with the child's own beautiful, innocent chocolate colored orbs Kyungsoo became addicted. But his addiction was never fed; at least not completely. Over the years Kyungsoo was only allowed to steal glances of the young child he'd once visited during his birthday. He'd always been prohibited by the moon to get too near, so he kept his distance and only admired the growing boy from afar. And even when Kyungsoo pleaded the moon for a closer look of the boy how'd stolen his heart as an infant he was always denied. "It'll only hurt if you meet him up close now, but be patient my little one, time will come." Was the only response, Kyungsoo got from the moon. And Kyungsoo didn't quite understand why things were done as they were. He wished to indulge his young and love deprived heart with the promised love his mate had to offer. He overlooked the implications his indulgence could have, because he was hopeful. He was naive and unaware of the restrictions the head alpha had over him.

   Kyungsoo didn’t understand why his love had to only be nurtured from afar, and he didn’t understand why the moon was so insistent on making him wait for Jongin himself to become of age. He wondered why the moon never let him see the person that he was supposed to take care of. “How am I supposed to take care of him, if I can’t properly see him?” He always mumbled in anger after the moon denied him yet again. And to his sly remarks there was only a, “And even if I would allow you to go meet him, you’d probably just stutter your way through your introduction,” as a response from the moon. She knew Kyungsoo far too well for the other’s liking. He wished the moon didn’t know about the star struck behavior that always took over him when he laid eyes on Jongin. But in all reality the moon was just waiting for the moment Jongin’s true identity awoke from its dormant state, any other way would only cause a rupture in the pack’s peace.

    Kyungsoo simply had to wait and learn how to tend to the sick, the hungry, and the hopeless. There could only be hope for the future if Kyungsoo could remain calm and submissive the years he’d have to wait for Jongin would pass by with less problems. The moon knew the head alpha would do anything to keep his pack safe, and he strongly believed Kyungsoo’s seclusion was the answer, when in reality it all depended on Jongin. It had always been Jongin, because he was the child the sun sent for the moon to love. Kyungsoo was simply the vessel the moon would make use of in order to live that love, but that was something Kyungsoo didn’t have to know, because if he ever lost hope about being with Jongin would everything would fall.


Sorry about the supa dupa late update, but a peep's gotta get educated and what not. Plus like I've stated before I don't feel too confident with my writing, and i takes me a bit to get over my anxiety and actually post something. So, so sorry, I am a bad author. 

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Apadana #1
Chapter 4: Omg what is wrong with jongin? :((
Apadana #2
Chapter 3: Wow! I'm so glad that you are still updating this.
Kyungsoo's interaction with the moon is super cute. I really can't wait to see what happens and probably learn more about jongin.
lilymelody #3
Chapter 4: Aw I'm anticipating more. maybe you can write a chapter longer than this. however , if it's too much for you, this is fine I guess.
Tzugayu #4
Chapter 3: Wow im happy I found this fic the start is really good and you may not be confident but trust me it's really and interesting story. Hopefully it gets updated
Chapter 3: Omg cliffhanger... now i can't wait for the update..
Chapter 3: i am looking forward for this story. update juseyo authornim. :D
Fabiola1928 #7
Chapter 3: Author-nim update juseyo!❤❤❤
I really like this story, please keep writing it if you had the time to ^^
Chapter 3: ah authornim this is amazing, and I can't wait for more!