
That's My Girl



Flashback (4 years ago)

Pregnant at young age was not something Irene would have expected when she gave her everything to her boyfriend. She was ecstatic when she found out she was pregnant for 3 months, only for her heart to be broken when her boyfriend left her for another girl. From then on, Irene never trusted anyone with her already broken heart.


Her bestfriend - Seulgi had heard of the news, rushed by Irene's side when the pregnant girl broke down. With no one else in her life, Seulgi tried her best to fill those emptiness as best as she could. But, Seulgi knew better. Irene needed her family that moment, who was not able to be by her side. 

Irene was an orphan.


7 months into her pregnancy, Irene's baby bump was present. Seulgi had offered her place to stay together so it would be easier for the other girl to keep an eye on the pregnant girl. Irene had refused a few times but with Seulgi's sweet words and gestures with a little bit of ice cream made her agree. She knew what Seulgi was doing for her, and it touched her. She was glad at least someone cared for her well being.


"My house, is your house." Seulgi had said to her when they set foot infront of a humble looking house. It wasn't huge, nor was it small. Just the right size for a family. Irene felt her heart involuntarily thumped harder at the thought of having a family with Seulgi. She was still oblivious by then and shrugged the feeling off as being contented.


Now she knew how all the mothers out there felt when they gave life. It took more than half of her life for giving birth to another life, but it was worth it. She remembered how Seulgi cried beside her when she gave birth to her baby, whispering words of encouragement. It was a baby girl, and she never saw anything more beautiful than God's creation that was gifted to her in her arms as the baby clamped her hand around Irene's finger. For the first time, she felt half of her emptiness washed away with her baby and Seulgi's presence in her life.





"Yeri-ah! You need to take your medicine if you want to get better!" Irene hollered as she chased her 5 year old daughter who was currently running around the house, escaping the evil liquid within her mother's grasp.

Yeri squeeked as she ran faster with her tiny legs. "No, Mama! Those thing are yucky!" She answered.


Seulgi, who had just done from shower after a long day at work, watched in amusement from the stairs. She could never get tired how her older girlfriend would chase over the young girl whenever Yeri was ill. "Badgermole," Seulgi cooed, Yeri jumping into Seulgi's welcoming arms. "Do you want to have ice cream?"


The little child in Seulgi's arms nodded in excitement as her cute chubby face lit up. "Yesh! Yesh, Mommy! Yewi love ice cweam vewy much!".


"But if you're not eating medicine, you're not gonna get better. So, if you're not getting better, then you can't join Mama and I having ice creams. Don't you think so?" Seulgi persuaded as she winked at Irene, signalling that she had everything handled.


Irene smiled when she saw how Seulgi was being so patient and soft spoken towards their little badgermole. 4 years ago, Irene never thought that she would fell for Seulgi's kind hearted nature. Despite the latter's constant child like attitude, it was one of Seulgi's trait that she found charming. Seulgi was there to fill all of her emptiness together with Yeri. She didn't expected for Seulgi to say yes when she blurted out her feelings for the air headed human bear.


Seeing Seulgi tending to both her and Yeri's need, she thought it was a mere infatuation she felt for the younger girl. She thought of how Seulgi gave her the protection and care she needed, and that was all she wanted. Irene had never been so wrong in her life. She felt half of herself ripped apart when Seulgi had to leave her and Yeri for 6 months for overseas business. Yeri was 3 by then.


Irene was tucking Yeri to sleep when she heard the front door clicked. The single mother panicked as she slowly approached the front door, only for her heart to danced into the familiar rhythm back to when she was with Seulgi only. Seulgi was cursing under her breath over her luggage when she spun around and locked eyes with Irene. The older girl literally jumped onto the younger girl, with Seulgi caught off guard before they squeezed each other tightly.


Irene knew the feeling was mutual then.


Irene saw Seulgi whispered something into Yeri's ear and heard Yeri's tiny giggle as she saw Seulgi grinning mischievously. "...then you and I are going to eat all the ice cream, leaving Mama only the cherries on top." Yeri nodded excitedly.


The oldest of them all rolled her eyes with a fond smile as she pretended not to hear both her babies' master plan. "Alright, kids. Time for bed. Badgermole, take your medicines now, okay?"


Yeri eyed her mother, Seulgi nodding with encouragement as the hesitant child nod her head. It was all for the ice cream. "Okay, Mama."


"That's my girl." Irene cooed as she carefully poured the medicine into a cap before feeding Yeri. Yeri grimaced at the taste as she gagged.


"Yucky yuck." Yeri whined as she buried her face into Seulgi's neck, Irene cleaning the cap before she followed Seulgi up the stairs, Yeri already dizzy.


Yeri was drifting in and out of consciousness. Whether it was the medicine or her tiredness wearing in, they couldn't figured out. Both Irene and Seulgi tucked Yeri in bed, retreating out of the room leaving the door cracked opened a little.


When they were out of Yeri's earshot, Irene pushed Seulgi on the wall. The younger girl was surprised by her older girlfriend's action. She saw Irene's eyes dilated and the familiar glint. It made the taller girl smirked.


"So, I heard you're not sharing ice cream with me." Irene whispered, hooking her arms around Seulgi's neck. She shivered when she felt Seulgi's warmth seeped through her shirt when the younger girl placed her hands on Irene's hip.


Seulgi grinned, bowing down to plant a kiss on Irene's forehead. "Didn't think you'd heard that. We never planned on sharing with you anyway. I'm only paying for Badgermole and myself." Seulgi joked.


"Wow," Irene breathed out as she pinched Seulgi's ear, the victim squirming in pain, a few giggles escaping. "You're a bad influence to our child, you know that?"
Seulgi smiled as she pecked Irene's lips. "I learned from the best." Irene grinned when Seulgi pulled out, only for the older girl to pull her down for more lip contact.


"That's my girl." Irene muttered as they kissed all the way to their bedroom.





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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 1: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
71 streak #2
Chapter 1: This is so cute
Snidget20 #3
Chapter 1: Stumbled upon this today. Glad I did. It’s adorable.
Winkle #4
Chapter 1: Kang fam <3
Chapter 1: Awww 😍
shinchan222 #6
Chapter 1: Plz adopte me too 😂
I wanna have parents like them
Chapter 1: urghh cutest family ive ever seen.
rin_dra88 #8
Chapter 1: Wow... sweet family.... like it....
Chapter 1: this storyvis kind fluffy but yeah I enjoy read this one so much hehehehe
Chapter 1: this storyvis kind fluffy but yeah I enjoy read this one so much hehehehe