The cat that got the cream

The cat that got the cream

"Why is he still here? It's been a week now and he keeps making a mess!" Jimin had been pouting at Yoongi all day hoping to get some extra attention.

"You've been asking the same thing for the last 5 minutes and I keep telling you, there's nothing I can do. He doesn't seem to have anywhere to go, what should I do kick him out onto the streets?" Yoongi was glad that the purple-haired hybrid wasn't home to hear any of this, having left for the shop not 10 minutes ago.

"Yeah sure, why not? That's where he was before." He didn't mean it of course but since the other hybrid had made himself at home things were different. Yoongi has been sharing his attention between the two of them, the house always smells of another hybrid and Taetae always breaks his stuff!

"Jimin how could you say something like that? How would you like to be left out in the streets." The older boy instantly regretted opening his mouth because the other boy's eyes were swimming with tears and Yoongi could tell he was about to start bawling.

"You kicking him out isn't the same as you kicking me out. You're not his owner, he doesn't love you." The baby-faced hybrid began to leave the room sniffling, he didn't understand how Yoongi could even compare the two. His sniffles becoming harsh sobs as a pair of hands grabbed his waist and started pulling him backwards until his back hit a broad chest.

"Jiminie, don't cry you know that's not what I meant, I love you too baby. I know it's not the same, you're so much more important to me. I just meant imagine actually being homeless, it must be so scary and lonely all the time." Yoongi desperately hoped the younger boy would understand what he was trying to say. He knew that Jimin was very sensitive and he didn't want the other to think he was in any danger of being abandoned or that he was unwanted in any way. Jimin turned around burying his face into the other's neck, tickling the older boy's nose with his fluffy ears, and honestly Yoongi was okay with that if it made the small hybrid feel better.

"I-I know what you m-meant, I feel bad for him really I do it must be horrible. I don't ever want to be lonely like that." The younger boy paused trying to calm his breathing. "He should stay but just tell him to stop breaking my stuff." He dry sobbed softly trying not to start crying again pressing closer to elder.

"Or you could just talk to me yourself." Before Yoongi could even comfort the smaller boy in his arms, Taetae had spoken up from where he was leaning against the doorway. Jimin whipped around to face the younger boy visibly shocked to see him standing there, his face then morphed into a pout.

"I have told you to stop touching my stuff." He had as well, lots of times, but Taetae never listened to him always curious about something or other.

"I'll just leave if that's what you want, but I'm taking this milk with me." Taetae pouted a little as he lifted a small shopping bag of groceries up to the other boy's eye level.

"No Taetae, you're not going anywhere both of you need to learn to play nicer together. I am concerned though, I mean don't you have an owner looking for you? I'm sure they're very worried, it's been a week already." Yoongi didn't want to seem like he was getting rid other the younger hybrid but Jiminie obviously didn't like him being there and he couldn't put his precious kitty through something like this. Just as he started talking about different methods of trying to find Taetae's owner he felt Jimin's tail wrap around his forearm and he stopped immediately.

"Taetae do you have an owner?" The shortest boy piped up looking upset, he couldn't imagine living without Yoongi and he didn't want Taetae to be lonely even if he did break his things.

"Of course I do, you're right he's probably really worried about me. I think the flyers idea is the best, it could be fun because we could go for a walk while doing it and get ice-cream too." 
He offered the other two his signature box smile hoping to seem genuine. Yoongi visibly relaxed but Jimin seemed hesitant to believe the younger hybrid. Saying you knew your owner was probably worried about you but then continuing with thoughts of ice-cream seemed odd to Jimin, rather cold and uncaring which was not Taetae's nature. Jimin moved forwards and stood really close, face only inches from the other, peering into his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Taetae and Yoongi exclaimed at the same time though the purple-haired hybrid didn't make to move away.

"Checking to see if you're lying, why are you here if you have an owner?" Taetae laughed, making Jimin's ears twitch, and moved away brushing Jimin of easily.

"I'm not lying, I don't know where I live because I was always with my owner and I didn't pay attention to directions. Let's hurry up and make the flyers, yeah?." The youngest boy scurried off towards the guest room he'd been using, tail swaying behind him.

"Jiminie why don't you believe him, I thought you wanted him gone." Yoongi whispered into the other boy's ear from behind, making Jimin turn around quickly look equal parts shocked and confused.

"Yoongi if I thought you were worried that I was missing I wouldn't be thinking about ice-cream?" The younger boy muttered appalled that the other didn't seemed shocked by what Taetae had say before.

"Not all hybrids have the same relationship with their owners Jiminie. You're so special to me and I promise you'll never have to be lonely okay?" Yoongi felt that he had to make sure there was no doubt in Jimin's mind that he was loved and was not going to be abandoned somewhere. The younger's eyes were tearing up again as he learned over to kiss Yoongi's nose gently, being reminded that his feelings were reciprocated just made him so happy.

"Hmpf." Taetae had walked back into the room at that moment to get a glass for his milk, he refused to meet the other's eyes whilst collecting his glass and then left to go back to his make shift bedroom without another word. He didn't want to admit that he was extremely envious of the relationship between Jimin and his owner, a relationship he had never had and probably never would.


The three boys spent the next week making flyers distributing them through parks that Taetae usually liked to play in and near coffee shops his owner would normally frequent. Jimin had noticed that over the week Taetae had become increasingly quiet, nothing like his usual chipper self but whenever he asked about it all he got in response was a cute little smile and a challenge to a movie marathon. The three boys had stopped for ice-cream at the parks just like Taetae had asked and during those times the younger hybrid seemed happier and content even letting Jimin steal a of his ice-cream. It was obvious that the other hybrid liked being around them; always wanting to play, letting Yoongi bathe him and he even stopped touching Jimin's stuff. If Jimin was honest with himself he actually liked having the younger hybrid around and he wasn't the only one. Yoongi had also gotten used to Taetae being around because he played with Jimin when the elder was too tired and Jimin never seemed to get bored as easily anymore which he was really grateful for. The elder had also noticed other things that proved just how much Taetae had become part of their little family, like the fact that he had gotten the hang of working out the right food portions to serve now, because before he was always making too much or too little as he was used to only cooking for two. There was one thing in particular that all three boys secretly enjoyed and that was arguing, or rather Yoongi watching the younger two argue over silly things like children, but they were playful and it was cute. Even when they were in the middle of the park oblivious to the other people around them Yoongi couldn't help but laugh at their antics.

"That's not fair you had two of mine, I want some more of yours!" Jimin was trying to reach over to the other hybrid's ice-cream cone without dropping his own.

"No way, you already had like five of mine, plus you don't even like the flavour I have that's why I got it!" Taetae was trying to pull away from the shorter hybrid but it was no use as Jimin had a firm grip on his sleeve.

"I do too like strawberry, it's just that chocolate is my favourite but when I steal yours it tastes better." Yoongi decided to intervene before both boys dropped their ice-creams and demanded more, it's not like he was made of money.

"Here Jiminie, have some of mine." He offered his ice-cream cone out to the other which was happily accepted. Taetae looked at the ground upset that their game was interrupted and jealous that he couldn't join in with Jimin and Yoongi, he was sure the other hybrid wouldn't allow him to share the elder's ice-cream.

"Tae try some of Yoongi's ice-cream it's delious!" Jimin looked over at the other hybrid kindly, deeply sympathetic of his feelings, knowing how lonely Taetae felt whenever he and Yoongi were intimate.

"It really is yummy, it think it's a new flavour they have." Yoongi smiled encouragingly at Taetae letting him know it was okay to join in.


It was almost a month into their living arrangement when Yoongi and Jimin had first seen the elder had missed a call from an unknown number. They knew this was going to be Tae's owner and their hearts dropped at little, because they were too way comfortable with having the crazy hybrid around now and they didn't want to see him leave. They had all gotten to know each other so well in such a short amount of time because they were with each other constantly the only time spent a part was when Yoongi had to go to the studio to work and in that tine the hybrids could play alone together, Jimin no longer feeling lonely waiting for Yoongi to come home. 
However when they listened to the voicemail they heard a familiar deep voice speaking in a very awful fake accent telling them to keep Taetae because "he dyes his hair a weird colour and I don't like it" . Both boys were over joyed that they weren't going to be handing Taetae over to someone else and only slightly amused at the thought of the younger boy putting on such a terrible accent and genuinely believing it would work. 
Later on that evening when all three boys were sprawled out in front of the tv munching on pizza Yoongi decided to "break the news" about the voicemail he had received.

"Taetae I have something to tell you." The youngest boy looked up at Yoongi with wide eyes and half a pizza slice hanging from his mouth before promptly putting the pizza back into the box and whining.

"I already had my bath, you know I hate getting my ears wet and plus it makes my tail look stupid and fluffy." He began pouting and Yoongi couldn't help but think about how disgustingly cute it looked.

"No Taetae it's not that." Jimin now sat up looking at the younger hybrid earnestly.

"Your owner called and said they don't want you back so you'll be staying here with us instead. Is that okay?" Yoongi thought it was probably best not to play this out too long because he knew that Taetae wanted to stay otherwise he wouldn't have made the phone call.

"Oh okay, so should we go take all the flyers down then?" Taetae struggled desperately not to let a huge smile spread across his face, he really didn't want the other boys realising he had made the phone call because he didn't have an owner.

"Yeah sure, we can go tomorrow if you want." Yoongi agreed deciding that, if Taetae didn't want to talk about not having an owner, he wouldn't pry. It was so obvious that this was what the younger hybrid wanted, he hadn't even tried to pretend to be sad that his "owner" didn't want him.

"We can get more ice-cream again as well?" Jimin looked excitedly at the other hybrid to back him up. That was when Yoongi realised that from now on it was going to be two against one and that he had no hope of saying no to those cute little hybrids especially when they were pouting so sweetly.

"Of course, I just live to buy the two of you treats don't I." He sounded only a little sarcastic but the other two didn't care because they had the answer they wanted no matter how sarcastic.


It was only after Taetae had been living with them for 6 months and was sure that he wasn't going to be kicked out that he admitted that he had made the phone call. They were all huddled on the sofa under a pile of blankets watching some sappy movie when he began muttering in a quiet voice, almost scared. Both Jimin and Yoongi laughed heartily surprising the younger hybrid.

"No kidding!" Jimin was almost falling to the floor in fits of giggles with Yoongi trying to speak but failing miserably so breathless from laughing.

"Did you really think we fell for that? Like seriously? I thought that we were just all mutually agreeing to pretend like we didn't know it was you!" Yoongi was feeling a little lightheaded but only laughed more when seeing the shocked expression on Taetae's face realising that the young hybrid had really thought he'd gotten away with it.

"Tae seriously that was the worst accent I've ever heard! Also who abandons a hybrid because of a dye job like seriously, you couldn't come up with better?" Jimin had managed to calm himself a little or at least enough to speak again.

"Hey it took me a week to come up with that and then I was really scared to make the call because I didn't know if you'd let me stay so it took my like a month to do it. Anyway I couldn't think of a reason someone would want to get rid of me, I'm just too cute and fun, don't you agree?" The purple-haired hybrid peeked over the edge of his blanket to look at the other two shyly.

"Of course you are, we both love having you with us Tae there was no need to be worried." Jimin started giggling again getting up to pounce on the boy, calling Yoongi for reinforcement when the younger hybrid flipped him over easily and began tickling him. That's how the they spent to rest of the evening, playing around and laughing, stopping only to order take-out when Yoongi complain about being worn out. The whole scene making Jimin feel so happy and content with how things had turned out not believing that only 6 months ago he'd wanted to younger hybrid to leave.

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Chapter 1: This was so cute oh my~ i really enjoyed this and i love the way you write <3 taehyung was the cutest thing ever :D
Jiminssi-Tae #2
Chapter 1: That was so cute!!!
that was a very cute ending! <3 I love it!
cookiesandcream308 #4
Chapter 1: That was so adorable! I really love your work so keep it up!