Little Steps

Little Steps

“Jiminnie~!” calls one of Jongup, one of Jimin’s friends. “Let’s go play later in the sandbox during play time!”

“Okay!” Jimin said with a bright smile and a thumb up. “Let’s build a sandcastle!”

“Can we join?! Can we join?! Can we join?!” asked the Jo twins simultaneously.

“Of course!” Jimin said. Then, he thought of a great idea. He grabbed his chair and went in front. Then, he stepped on the stool and with his loudest voice he said, “LET’S PLAY ALTOGETHER LATER!”

Everyone cheered and shouted their agreement. Jimin looked around the class, happy that everyone’s willing to play with him.

“Why are you all cheering?” asked their pretty teacher, Ms. Song Jieun. “And Jimin, why are you standing in your chair? You might fall off and bump your head.” She said as she assist Jimin down and carry his chair back.

When Jimin was back on his seat, everyone stood up and greeted their teacher. “GOOD MORNING MS. JIEUN! GOOD MORNING CLASSMATES!!!!!!” they greeted in unison with Jimin’s voice the loudest. That is the one and only reason why everyone chose him as the “class president” or the one who signals the greeting every day.

“I invited everyone to play with us later in the sandbox during play time.” Jimin explained. “We’re going to make a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig sandcastle!” he said enthusiastically.

Ms. Jieun laughed at his enthusiasm. “It’s nice of you to play with everyone but before that, let’s learn first!”


Jungkook looked around as his classmates talk to each other and made plans for their play time. Though he loves to join them, he’s too shy to do so.

“Hi Kookie!” one of his classmates said.

He smiled at him and bowed. “Good morning.”

“Uhhh….” his classmate said as he scratched the back of his neck. Jungkook tilted his head. “C-can you help me with our homework? I can’t solve it.” He asked with a pout.

“Oh.” Jungkook said. He was expecting his classmate to invite him to play or eat together. But at least someone’s talking to him. “Sure!”

His classmate handed over his notebook to Jungkook and Jungkook took it. “This is easy actually. Eomma helped me with our assignment. You just have to add this by counting with your fingers and…” he said, glancing at his classmate once in a while to see if he’s listening.

“Oh, I get it now! Thank you.” His classmate said and left him with a bow.

Just then their teacher came in and greeted them. “Maybe next time…” Jungkook thought as he prepares his notebook and pencil.


Play time came and Jimin and his friends came running out to the playground. They all rushed to the playground and on to the sandbox when Jimin stopped. His friends followed him and stopped as well.

“Why did you stop?” asked Youngmin.

“There’s a kid on the sandbox.” Jimin said as he points to the kid playing all alone in the big sandbox. “Maybe we should ask first if we could play with him.” He said and smiles at them.

“B-but…” Kwangmin said, looking scared. “He looks scary. I don’t want to talk to him.” Then, he hid behind his twin.

“I’ll go talk to him first.” Jimin volunteered.

“Hwaiting.” His classmates said. Jimin waved back at them and, although he’s scared as well, he gathered up his courage and walked to the sandbox.

“Hi!” Jimin started as he climbs inside the sandbox. The boy looked up at him and blinked. “I’m Park Jimin. Can me and my friends play with you?”

“No.” the boy said as he went back to loading his truck with sand.

“But it’s not fun to play alone.” Jimin said with a pout. “We’ll build sandcastles! You can play with us!” Jimin offered. The boy looked up and Jimin flashed a big smile where his eyes disappear into thin lines.

“I don’t want to.” The boy said. Jimin’s smile fell when he heard it and he started playing with the hem of his shirt. He doesn’t want to disappoint his friends so he still tried to convince the latter.

“Oh…” he said with his head hung low. “B-but we were looking forward to playing in the sandbox and making a big sandcastle.”

“I don’t care!” the boy shouted. “Now leave me alone.” He said and he pushed Jimin out of the sandbox. Jimin fell on the ground with a thump and, as he heard his friend gasped, he felt his eyes well up.


Jungkook headed out to the playground when the bell rang. He’s not gonna play but since all of them needs to get out of the room, he just followed his classmates. Once outside, he saw that the kindergarten classes are out as well. He then heard the loud cheering of one kindergarten class. He looked at them and saw a chubby, bubbly kid running to the direction of the sandbox followed by his classmates. Then, he stopped just a few steps away from the box. One of his classmates talked to him and, as they talked, Jungkook felt a slight envy towards the boy.

“He seems to have a lot of friend.” Jungkook thought. “How come I have none?”

He watched as he walked alone to the sandbox and talked to the only kid playing there. They’ve talked for a while with the bubbly kid’s smile slowly fading. Then he saw the other kid push the bubbly one out of the sandbox and, as if on reflex, he stood up. For whatever reason, he walked to the sandbox and punched the other boy. The other boy fought back and before they hurt each other more, they were pulled apart by their respective advisers.

“What happened here? Why are you two fighting?” one of the advisers asked.

“He started it! He punched me first!” Yoongi shouted as he points a finger to Jungkook.

“You pushed him out of the sandbox!” Jungkook said as he looked at Jimin who’s now silently crying.

“I-it’s my fault.” Jimin said with a sniff. “I- I want to play with my friends on the sandbox b-but he doesn’t want us too but I still asked him if we can so h-he g-got mad a-and p-pushed me.”

“Did you ask him nicely?” Jimin heard his teacher ask. He looked up to Ms. Jieun and nodded. “Then it’s not your fault.” She said as he rubbed Jimin’s back. “But the three of you needs to see the principal.”

“B-but he’s s-scary!” Jimin said as he clutched on to his teacher’s arm.

“No. Mr. Kim is not scary, don’t worry.” Ms. Jieun said. “And you’re gonna be there with your parents.”


“Good afternoon Mr. Kim and Mr. Jung,” the principal greeted to the two mothers seated in front of him on the other side of the desk. “And good afternoon to the both of you as well.” He said to Jimin and Jungkook. Then he nodded at the kid sitting alone across the others. “Good afternoon kid. Where’s your parent?”

 The boy looked up at the principal and then looked down on his hands. “Dad is on a meeting…” he said sadly.

“Well then,” the principal started. “I guess I just have to fill in for him.” Then he cleared his throat and introduced himself. “I’m Mr. Kim Taehyung, the principal and, because of the absence of this boy’s parent, I’ll stand as his guardian but I promise to view this matter fair and square.”


The meeting continued with introductions, explaining what happened, and both parties discussing the matter as calmly as possible as to not show any violence to the young ones. It ended with both parents talking to the boy nicely and the principal promising to never let this happen again, more to Mr. Kim than to Mr. Jung.

Once they were dismissed, the two boys went out with their parents and waved at each other once they’ve parted ways while the other kid stayed inside the office.


“Why did you do that?” asked the principal once they are alone.

“I don’t want to play with anyone.” The boy said with a pout.

Mr. Kim sighed. “Yoongi, you won’t have any friends if you keep acting like that. Do you want to be alone?” he asked as he peered to see Yoongi’s face.

“No!” Yoongi shouted as tears started to pool in the corners of his eyes. “But uncle, I don’t want to be friends with anyone here. All of them makes fun of me.” He said as tears came running down his cheeks.

Mr. Kim stood up from his chair and kneeled in front of his nephew. “What do they say to you?” he asked calmly.

“They said that I’m not normal because I’m paler and I don’t talk much.” He said in between sobs. “And make fun of my hair, too.”

It’s true. Yoongi was born with skin as white as snow due to lack of melanin and he doesn’t talk much because he’s an only child and is often left with the maids. Yoongi’s hair is naturally red and, since it’s different from his classmates’ black and brown hair, he stands out.

Mr. Kim hugged Yoongi and the kid cried harder. “Did Jimin and Jungkook make fun of you earlier?” he asked as he rubbed Yoongi’s back.

The boy shook his head and let out a sob. “But Jungkook punched me.”

“Try being friends with Jimin then.” His uncle suggested. “He’s a really nice kid and if you haven’t noticed, he’s friendly.”

“But he and Jungkook are friends now and Jungkook hates me so that means he hate me now, too.”

“That’s not true.” Taehyung said as he pulled away to look at Yoongi in the eyes. “They didn’t say that. Jungkook only did that to you because you pushed Jimin. Try again.” Then, he patted Yoongi’s head and gave an encouraging smile.


The next day, Yoongi tried to talk to Jimin but every time he attempts to do so, he backs out. He just doesn’t have the courage to talk to him first and Jimin being surrounded by his friends all the time is not helping him either. As everyone knows, he’s reserved. Although he wants to have a friend, he just can’t have one. He doesn’t know how to start a conversation and every time his classmates ask him a question, he can’t answer. With questions like “why are you so white” and “why is your hair like that”, how can he answer? It just makes matters worse. So here he is, playing alone and silently watching Jimin and Jungkook play with the rest of Jimin’s friends. Seeing them playing happily together makes Yoongi envious and, as he continues to watch, he made a silent promise to talk to Jimin the next day and try to befriend him.


The next few days came and Yoongi still hadn’t talked to Jimin. Yoongi grew more and more frustrated and in result, he ended up bullying Jimin. He teased, pushed and made fun of him every time they see each other and Jimin would always end up crying and he and Jungkook would end up fighting. As it got worse and worse and both Yoongi and Jungkook end up with a bruise or a cut every day, the three are once again called to the principal’s office. This time, all parents promised to be present. Ever since their sons became friends, Mr. Kim and Mr. Jung had become friends as well.

“Seriously, what’s up with that kid?” Mr. Kim asked as they walked to the office where their sons are waiting.

“I don’t know either, Jin.” Mr. Jung said while shaking his head. “I wonder if Jimin somehow made something wrong.”

“No way, Hobi.” Jin said. “Your son’s one of the nicest kid I’ve ever met.”

“Jungkook is as well.” Hoseok said. “And I’m thankful every time he stands up for Jimin. I’m sorry though. Because of Jimin, Jungkook ends up bruised.”

“Don’t be sorry.” Jin said with a reassuring smile. “It’s not yours or Jimin’s fault. Maybe the kid’s just troubled.”

They walked inside the office and Seokjin’s eyes instantly landed on his son’s face now covered in more bruises and tear stains mixed with dust and dirt.

“Oh my goodness what happened?” Hoseok was the first to break the silence that suddenly covered the atmosphere. Seokjin stood still near the doorway and, upon hearing Hoseok, he rushed to Jungkook and kneeled in front of him.

“Baby, what happened?” he asked while wiping Jungkook’s face with wet wipes.

“K-Kookie and that other kid fought again because of me.” Jimin answered, tears welling up in his eyes. He flinched when Jin turned to look at him and, realizing that the kid might be afraid he’d get mad at him, Jin sighed.

“Honey,” he said as he rubbed Jimin’s knee, “Did you think that I’ll get mad at you?” he asked softly.

“Eomma…” Jungkook started. “Please don’t get mad at Jimin hyung.”

Jin turned to his son and pinched his cheek. “Of course I won’t. You two are best friends and I’m glad.” Then he stood up, carried Jungkook and sat down on Jungkook’s seat. Hoseok mimicked his action and the two kids smiled at each other brightly. Their mothers did the same and then turned to the kid across them who, once again is alone. Unlike their first meeting, the kid had his head hung low. Seokjin and Hoseok pitied the child, wondered if his parents care enough for him, and both of them felt a slight pang on their chest when they thought that maybe that’s what the child is lacking.

The principal arrived and sat on the other side of the desk. He looked at Yoongi, let out a sigh and turned to the other parents. “I’m sorry about this. I know I promised you that this will never again but…”

“Kids are hard to control. We can understand that.” Hoseok said with a smile.

“Thank you. Anyway, he’s father’s gonna be here soon so do you mind if we wait a little longer?”

“No,” Seokjin said. “Not at all.”

“Mr. Jung,” the principal said, catching the latter’s attention. “You really don’t have to stay and discuss the matter with us. Jimin has been a great kid and I don’t really have any problem with him.”

“But,” Jimin started. “I want to play with Kookie. Can we wait for them?”

“Maybe outside the office, honey.” His mother said. Then he turned to Jin and said, “We’ll wait for you outside.”

“Bye, Kookie! Bye, Mr. Kim!”Jimin said as they walk out of the office.

Just then, a man entered the room. He bowed and apologized for being late. He introduced himself as Mr. Kim Namjoon, Yoongi’s father, and took the seat next to the kid and in front of Jin.

They discussed the matter and talked about their kids with Seokjin arguing about Yoongi being violent and Jungkook’s pretty face getting damaged while Namjoon just stares at him.

“Damn, he’s beautiful.” Namjoon thought as he got distracted by Jin’s beauty. He didn’t see the angry glare that Jin’s sending him.

Annoyed that Namjoon wasn’t responding, Seokjin turned his attention to Yoongi who, as usual, had his head hung low. “Yoongi, honey,” he said sweetly and when Yoongi looked at him, he continued. “Why are you hurting Jimin?”

“I-I wanted to be friends with him because the principal said that he won’t make fun of me like the other kids but he’s always with Jungkook so I got mad and jealous.” He said with a pout. Then he turns all red and cute as he glanced at the waiting room outside the office where Jimin and Hoseok are sitting while looking at them. Taehyung noticed he’s reaction and follows his gaze. He locked eyes with Hoseok for a moment before he too, blushed slightly.

Hearing the kid’s reason and also noticing his blush, Seokjin turns to Namjoon and looked at him squarely in the eyes. The latter snapped out of his trance and found Seokjin staring at him intently. Embarrassed, he felt his blood rush to his face, making him blush as well.

Jungkook looked at the three men’s red faces confusingly and tugged at his mother’s sleeves. “Mom, are they sick?”

“No,” Jin said. “Troubled, maybe. Really troubled.” Then he stood up, grabbed Jungkook and turned to leave but Namjoon stopped him by the hand.

"I am very s-sorry. But I can make it up to you! How about I treat you to dinner on Friday?”

Namjoon looks hopeful but Jin just stares at him blankly and says, "Why don't you try making your son apologies to my kid first?"

The latter suddenly felt ashamed but Jin plays with him. "Or do both, if it's not much of a bother to you."

Namjoon smiles then and holds his son's hands. "Why don't I do all that on Friday? What do you say?"

Seokjin smiles sweetly and says, "A much better idea."


Jin and Jungkook left the room and were greeted by Hoseok and Jimin. The kids instantly hi-fived each other and went on to play while their parents talk to each other. Yoongi saw it and felt really mad again.

"Violence can't make people love you. Try apologizing and then playing with them nicely." Namjoon said. Yoongi blinked at his father and started crying.


Jin started to walk away with Hoseok while he continued to talk about the matters they’ve discussed, how pitiful his son is for getting beat up, how annoying and dorky Yoongi’s father is and his dinner invitation. He insisted that Hoseok and Jimin should come as well and Hoseok just giggled, listened and agreed to come while they let the kids stay and play by the waiting area.

“Let’s go Jimin hyung!” Jungkook said but the latter just shook his head and smiled.

“You can go first. I’ll stay for a while.” And Jungkook lets him and the kid ran to Jin’s side when he got called.

Jimin sat back on the seats and swung his feet while he waited for Yoongi.


Inside the office, Taehyung asked for a private conversation with Namjoon.

“Yoongi-ah~,” Taehyung called. “Can you step out for a while? Daddy and I are just going to talk.”

Yoongi sniffed and nodded. “Okay, uncle.”

When he got out, he saw Jimin sitting alone while smiling at him. The latter jumped from his seat and approached the still crying Yoongi.

Jimin handed over his handkerchief to Yoongi. “Here you go, Suga.”

Yoongi tilts his head to the side. “Suga…?”

Jimin nodded brightly. “Ne. Because when you sit on the sandbox, you look like a sugar in the sand.”

Yoongi looked at Jimin who has a cute shy expression on his face. He’s thinking that Jimin might be making fun of him but the way Jimin smile’s at him says otherwise. He accepts the handkerchief and quickly wipes his tears.

“Here you go… and thank you.” He says shyly while sniffing.

Jimin just shook his head and says, "No. You can keep it. I'm Jimin by the way." He said while holding out his hand. Yoongi took it and shook hands with the latter. Hobi went back to fetch her son but stopped in his tracks when he saw the two. He secretly smiled at them from afar and silently watched as the two talked.


Friday came and Jin is struggling to find an outfit to where for the dinner while Jungkook is at the living room already prepped up cutely. He hears his son shout Jimin’s name and so he rushes out wrapped in his pink robe to greet his friend but instead found someone else.

“Junhong?” he calls.

The said boy looks up and bows. “Hi Seokjin. I just came to drop Jiminnie off. Hyung kinda have his hands full today so he can’t make it but he wants Jimin to be there too. Have fun tonight!” and with that, he leaves and Jin panics as he realizes that he’ll be alone with Namjoon beside the kids.


While on their way to the restaurant, Jimin tried to convince Jungkook to befriend Yoongi.

“He’s nice and feeling lonely. Can we play with him?” Jimin asked the younger and when he didn’t respond, he pulled out his cutest aegyo and said, “Pleeeeeaaaaaasssseee?” while rubbing his hands together.

Jungkook smiled at him and nodded. “If hyung is friends with him already then I’ll be friends with him two!” to which Jimin jumped on his seat in happiness and hugged Jungkook as a sign of thanks. The younger laughed at his hyung’s enthusiasm and he too felt excited about the dinner and meeting Yoongi.


Jin started fidgeting when they arrived at the restaurant. He really doesn’t know where Namjoon is or if they’re there already. Jungkook noticed this and holds his hand.

“Eomma are you alright?” he asks and Jin looks at him, smiles and nods as he continues to look for Namjoon. He’s saved when he spotted a guy waving his hand at them while a dorky smile is plastered on his face. Jin went to his direction while holding the two kids.

When they got closer, Jin noticed that Namjoon is dressed quite nicely and he finds it attractive. He sat across Namjoon while Jimin and Jungkook sat across Yoongi who gave them a small smile and gave Jin a polite nod.

Namjoon finds Jin fidgeting and so he smiles at him sweetly. “Relax.” He coaxed. “We’re here for the kids, remember?”

Jin rolled his eyes at him and then raised an eyebrow. “Really?” and they both chuckled. The kids looked at the both of them and they blushed as they find a good excuse for the children.

When nothing came out of his brain, Jin nudged Jimin slightly and said, “I thought you said Yoongi’s nice? How come you two aren’t talking to each other?”

Jimin looked at Yoongi but the latter avoided his gaze. “Yoongi and I are friends now but I want him and Jungkook to be friends too.” He said with a pout.

Yoongi’s face lit up when he heard Jimin. He turned to look at Jungkook whose busy staring at the restaurants fancy decoration. Namjoon sees this and he leans closer to whisper at Yoongi’s ear.

“Try calling him and say sorry. I’m sure you two will be friends as well.” Namjoon encourages.

So Yoongi fidgeted while everyone except Jungkook waited for him to speak. He looked at everyone who, in return, smiled or nodded at him as a sign of encouragement. Jungkook noticed the sudden silence and turned to look at everyone.

Yoongi cleared his throat and Jungkook looked at him with a cute curious expression. “So uhh…” Yoongi started. “I-I’m sorry for always fighting with you and Jimin. I didn’t mean to.” He said.

Jungkook smiled at him and offered his little hands. “It’s okay. Jiminnie hyung said that you’re nice. Friends?” and Yoongi happily took his hands and shook it.

“Friends.” And Jimin cheered and stood up from his chair to go to Yoongi and hugged him. Then, he hugged Jungkook and went back to his seat. The two adults laughed at them and the kids smiled at each other brightly.

“Well, that was fast.” Namjoon noted as he looks at Jin. “But let’s take ours slowly.” And he grins slyly, making Jin blush furiously. Good thing the kids are talking to each other and not paying attention to their parents.

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