Chapter Two

I'll Listen
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A/N: It's coming smoothly so far so here's chapter 2. And, for those wondering who the main OTP is. Well it's.... a secret (HAHAHA). I just feel like it'd be better if I didn't reveal too much (>_<). Anyway, now that that's out of the way, enjoy~~~






“Unnie, you look pissed off,” Yerim pointed out as she watched the girl stab her lunch muttering what seemed like voodoo rituals. The negative energy that surrounded Seulgi sometimes also seemed to be so ‘happy’, as if she enjoyed drowning herself in her moments of evil thoughts.


“How do you deal being in the same class as Park Sooyoung?” Seulgi uttered as she stabbed the cherry tomato with all her might, it didn’t even have the chance to roll away. “How do you deal being her friend?”


Yerim shrugged, “She’s not even at school half the time.”


“She took my book.”


Yerim gave Seulgi a pat on the head, “It’s okay unnie. There’s next time.”


“You don’t get it. She mocked me, I swear to god if I see her again – ”


“If you see me again, what?” a voice interjected. Sooyoung walked over to Yerim not even glancing over at Seulgi, “Can you give me last week’s notes?”


Yerim nodded, “Sure.”


“Yah! I’m your unnie!” Seulgi spat as she pointed at Sooyoung. She already has a nickname for her, Sooyoung the brat. It was perfect. “Show some respect!” she scolded fearlessly. 


Sooyoung shrugged with her usual nonchalant expression, “I’ll be leaving now… unnie.”


Seulgi once again watched the tall girl walk off and once again became ticked off the young girl’s attitude, “Is she always that sarcastic?”


Yerim laughed, “You’ll get used to her.”


“I don’t think so” Seulgi went back to stabbing the rest of her food, picturing Sooyoung’s face on everything. She let out a sigh, realizing it wasn’t helping her cause and looked around the cafeteria for a distraction, maybe more food and actually eating it this time. “Oh” Seulgi squinted her eyes at the long cafeteria line, “It’s Joohyun-unnie with… who’s that?”


Yerim turned back and smiled, “Ah… that’s Son Seungwan. She transferred here today, they probably ended up in the same class.”


Seulgi nodded. They seemed close already. Joohyun never got close to people that fast. It felt strange thinking about it so Seulgi shook off her thoughts, “I hope she’s not like Sooyoung… That girl gives athletes a bad rep.”


“Unnie…” Yerim gave a chuckle, “She’s really not as bad as you think. She’s actually a really nice person.” She spoke from experience and the one-year friendship she’s had with the tall friend. Sure, Sooyoung hardly shows up in class because she’s busy with photo shoots and games but she’s had many great memories with the girl still. She’d always wonder though if it went both ways. Did Sooyoung think they were great memories too?


“You’re just biased” Seulgi stated before she stood up to go over and line up with Joohyun.


Yerim sighed, “They only just met and they’re already like this…” She went back to finishing her food until she felt a little weight placed on her head. The only person who pats her head in this fashion was Sooyoung, “Did I give you the wrong notes?”


Sooyoung walked around and plopped herself onto Seulgi’s seat; “Oh, no” she shook her head, “No.”  


“Oh, then what is it?”


The sports star tapped her fingers on the table as she simply looked at Yerim. Sooyoung shifted her chair a little closer before speaking, “Hey look… I didn’t want to say it in front of Seulgi but about last week.”


Yerim froze. She knew where it was headed and honestly she hoped that it was forgotten but who would forget? It was one of the best moments of her life but nothing ever lasts. She forced a faint smile, “Yeah?”


Sooyoung took a deep breath, trying to find the words to say. “You know that…” she began slowly; “You know that it didn’t mean anything right?” she finally breathed out.


“Y-yeah, of course” it wasn’t anything new but it would always hit her as if she’d never been hit before. It was an accident, a silly night of fun. No normal person would’ve taken it seriously but she wished for it to be.


Sooyoung nodded, she noted the heavy expression and felt a little guilt but she really didn’t want any misunderstandings. “Look,” she started again, “I’m really sorry. The kiss wasn’t meant to happen.”


Yerim nodded and masked her disappointment with the brightest grin she could give, “Yeah… it’s fine.”






Seungwan checked the time and stood up, “Sorry guys but I need to head to a shoot now.”


Joohyun’s gaze followed the girl and nodded, “Okay.”


“Nice meeting you by the way Seulgi and Yerim” Seungwan added before giving a little bow and dashing off.


“She seems busy like a certain somebody” Seulgi commented with the devil in her mind. Sooyoung will regret what she did this morning and Seulgi swore her revenge would be taken. But, above all else, she hopes she won’t be seeing the girl anymore. That itself would provide her a heaven on Earth.


Yerim chuckled with a slight bitter undertone, “You really hate her don’t you? I’ll never understand why.”


Joohyun just listened on without much clue of what happened between the two, “Did she do something to you?” she decided to ask even though the first idea that popped into her mind was that Seulgi had a thing against tall people.


“She took my book.”


“Really?” Joohyun deadpanned, “A book?” she had really hoped it was a height complex.


Seulgi looked over with hang wide open, “Whoa Bae. You did not just give me that tone.” She reached over and pinched the girl’s cheeks, “It was a book I really wanted to read.”


“Yah!” Joohyun tried her best to wiggle out of Seulgi’s cheek pinching but it was all in vain.


“You’re funny” Seulgi simply stated, finally deciding to st

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18smyths #1
Chapter 6: Pls keep updating
Favebolous 12 streak #2
-WenRene15- #3
I hope it's WenRene.
Favebolous 12 streak #4
Chapter 4: Interisting
Favebolous 12 streak #5
Chapter 3: I don't understand what Sooyoung means
Favebolous 12 streak #6
Chapter 2: They are both sweet, especially Joygi
Favebolous 12 streak #7
Chapter 1: Sweet at the beginning
dorkypumpkin09 #8
Chapter 6: okay joy is so sweet omg can she date me instead ;; but poor yerim our baby girl who will comfort her T___T
owbaekyeol #9
Chapter 6: It's clearly obvious that Wenrene and Joygi wil dominate this story.. We need someone else for Yeri