




months pass them by and jungkook is still the same.





but that’s okay because jimin loves him.





i don't know where this went TT TT

i was listening to WINNER's Different and just suddenly got the urge to write. i don't know why ;-;

and gdi i'm starting to have a thing for lowercase writing


this doesn't really make sense but idk, i want to post it anyway.


ps. to those who are reading my chaptered fic, Just a Feeling: i'm so sorry i haven't updated yet. i got it all planned out in my head and on paper but it. won't. translate. itself. into. words. gdi.


pps. i'm jimin trash and i just like sad jimin so much why idek (but only in fanfics. never in real life. no, no, never.)


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Chapter 1: beautiful.
yunakun #2
Oh my gosh. Thank you guys so, so much. TT TT
jeonggukkie #3
Chapter 1: This is beautiful
lariix #4
Chapter 1: This is so beautifully written. I loved it so so much! You did an amazing job here ;-;
eyesmilegyu #5
Chapter 1: Wow that was beautifully written ;;
Chapter 1: This is the kind of relief I need in between all these angst fics ^-^ Thanks for the heartwarming read~
Chapter 1: This was pure gold... if it weren't for the fact that I'm in the kitchen and my mom is cooking I would be crying rivers by this masterpiece
Simplestsk #8
Chapter 1: This is brilliant. Very well written.