

1 4 3 = I love you

1 is a story of a man who used to date women just because of their fortune.... Now while he was standing in a corner of a bar he saw a woman dancing crazy but with grace.... from that moment he started to lay eyes on that girl..... can that girl turn a stone-hearted man into a warn-hearted one???

4 is a story about a woman who is addicted in texting... one day a misterous number just text her accidentaly... and she started to know the guy through texting.... one day the guy asked to meet with her.... the woman dressed-up...fixed herself..... at first sight the woman thought he's only a face... until she started to get to know him better.....

3 is a story of a forbbiden love... this story shows how 2 lovers will fight to keep their love....would they be able to stand when standing isn't easy???

3 different lives and 3 different stories in one fanfic.....


after reading my fanfic please post your comments

and also don't forget your suggestions...<3<3<3


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