Chapter 29

Ghost Husband

  I posted earlier today my little kittens, so this may be a double update.


    "Ma, this is Lee Hyukjae, my husband. I think you should sit down before I say anything else." Donghae led the others into the house and headed for the living room. The couple sat on the couch, the ghost's head on the mortal's shoulder. Once his mother was settled into a chair, Donghae let go of Hyukjae's hand to try and fail to pick up a vase of flowers.
  "Donghae? Married, what? I don't understand."
  "You said I've been in a coma for five years?"
  "Almost six. You went on a trip to Japan with some friends of yours and there was an accident on a boat trip you all were on. They died, and you were airlifted home in a coma. The doctors didn't think you'd ever wake up, but I never gave up hope. Why didn't you tell me you'd gotten married? I didn't even know you were dating anyone, let alone such a handsome young man. Where has he been all these years? I don't believe we've met, Hyukjae is it?"
  "Ma" Donghae said gently, "I haven't woken up."
  "What are you talking about? You're right here next to your husband, talking to me!"
  "I guess I should've said my body hasn't woken up. This is my spirit. I was wandering around, trapped in Japan until I met a ghost matchmaker named Heechul and started staying with him. I couldn't come home without an anchor, which meant I had to marry somebody. Hyukjae came a few weeks ago to meet me, and we just, clicked. We haven't been married long."
  "So, you're still in the hospital and haven't found love? My poor boy."
  Before Hyukjae knew it, he'd leaned over and taken his mother in law's hands in his. He hardly knew what he was saying, except somehow he knew it was the truth when he said, "Missus Lee, please believe me when I tell you I love your son very much, even if we haven't known each other long. We might not have met under the most conventional of circumstances, but I want nothing more for him to be whole and healthy and to stay with me for a very long time."
  Donghae's mother studied her son in law's face, then smiled and nodded. "I believe you young man, even if I don't know you yet. Please, call me Ma. Everyone does."
  Donghae looked stunned. "Hyukkie, you love me?" he asked in a whisper.
  Hyukjae released Ma's hands and turned to his husband. "Yes Lee Donghae, my y Fishy. I'm in love with you. You're all I've ever wanted and more"
  Donghae squealed and wiggled himself into Hyukjae's lap. He threw his arms around his husband, "I love you too Hyukkie my darling Monkey ert! I just didn't want to say anything in case you didn't feel the same way!"
  Hyukjae smiled and kissed Donghae's nose. "Well I do."
  Ma grinned and stood up. "Well, now that that's settled, may I offer you some tea and cookies Hyukjae? Donghae too if he can eat."
  "I can as long as I'm touching Hyukkie!"
  Hyukjae shook his head and snuggled his lapful. "That would be nice Ma. I'm surprised you're taking this all so calmly."
  "Why shouldn't I? My son is home in whatever form, and has found love to boot. I know Donghae well. He wouldn't fall in love with someone who wasn't worthy of him."
  "You don't mind I'm not a woman? We won't be able to give you grandchildren. We just have a pest."
  At her nickname Nat appeared, looking quite pleased with herself.
  "Speak of the devil. This is our ghost puppy, Nat the pest. She likes Donghae and loves to bite me."
  "Why should I mind? I've known Donghae was gay since he was ten years old and told me he thought he liked boys instead of girls. I don't need grandchildren, though if my older son would ever settle down he may still father some. What I want for my sons is their health and happiness. If you make Donghae happy, then that's what counts. Are you sure this sweet little girl bites?" Ma had carefully stretched out her hand, which Nat was happily rubbing her face against before getting her ears tickled.
  "Only me. I have an impressive collection of bite marks."
  Ma left and went to make tea, while the couple cuddled.
  "I can't believe you love me Hyukkie!" Donghae looked blissful.
  "I can't believe you love me back Hae. I also can't believe how well your mother is taking everything."
  At his mother's lack of shock and with the knowledge his husband loved him, Donghae was back to his happy, wiggly self. "my ma has always been awesome. I should've known there was nothing to worry about."
  Ma came back in with a tray of tea and cookies. "I didn't know what kind you liked Hyukjae, so I bought a few of every kind. Without a car, I've been baking out of boredom. Now, why don't you two tell me the whole story?"
  "I like anything as long as I don't make it myself, though I will admit strawberry is my favorite flavor."
  "Hyukkie can't cook, though our landlady has started giving him lessons." Donghae grinned and reached for a chocolate cookie before beginning to explain. With help from his husband who had found some strawberry jam cookies, the spirit began to talk, starting with wandering around Japan without remembering why he was there, to meeting Heechul and Siwon and the rest of his friends, to not being able to find a match since he was considered a special case, to meeting Hyukjae who had gotten fed up with his mother's interference, to their first date and meeting the priest, to their wedding, the trip home, meeting Hyukjae's students, their reception, and finally deciding he was ready to come home. He even told his mother about meeting Hyukjae's ex Kibum and tipping him into the cart.
  Donghae concluded with, "Ma, I don't remember anything about my trip to Japan. Who was I with?"
  "That's quite a story boys. As for your friends Donghae, let me see. There was an American girl, a Canadian boy, and a Chinese boy, though the others were of Chinese descent I believe. You met them when they came for a visit and were great text and email pals til they asked you to meet them in Japan. The girl's name was, Amber I think. The one boy was Henry, and the other you always called a girl's name."
  "That's who it was. You said on your last phone call before the accident Henry was getting jealous because he thought you were too close to Amber, and he had a crush on her. Did he not realize you were gay?"
  "I don't remember, but I knew Henry and Mimi after they died. Mimi married Heechul a couple of years ago, and Henry was tied to the house Chullie bought the business from. He did say he wasn't sure how long he'd been there. We ran into Amber the day they moved on."
  "Well, that explains Henry's hostility toward Hae even if he didn't know why." Hyukjae commented. "You would've liked Zhoumi  Ma. All arms and legs and the prettiest smile next to Donghae's I've ever seen. He was also extremely friendly."
  "I'm sure he was. My boy might not have made great marks in school, but he's always been an excellent judge of character."
  "Donghae can't remember, but what was his job and what hobbies did he have?"
  "He worked at an aquarium. His hobbies were eating sweets, dancing, and reading comic books."
  "So, he's always liked fish?"
  "Always. He's also worn out four or five copies of Finding Nemo, which isn't easy on DVD."
  "That explains his giant Nemo plush. I had it shipped from Japan. It lives in a corner of our apartment now."
  "So what's your side of the story Hyukjae? I want to hear all about my son in law now that I have one."
  In a much more linear fashion than Donghae's topsy-turvy chatter, Hyukjae told his mother in law everything about himself, from his mother's denial gay people existed, to Kibum, to his intimacy issues,to his friends, to meeting Ryeowook and Heechul and their crazy idea about Rella, to his father's support, to taking a chance on Japan, to his first impression of Donghae and their marriage, to his jobs and his students, to his mother becoming increasingly unbalanced and finally being put in the hospital after Heechul and Ryeowook's peep show.
  "That poor woman" Ma said after Hyukjae finished speaking. "I can understand your frustration, and no one has a right to tell you how to live or what should make you happy, but as a mother myself I can understand wanting only the best for her son. You're her only child after all. I'm assuming she had a traditional upbringing, where the husband worked and the wife raised the children to be sucessful and have fufilling careers and families. Am I right?"
  Hyukjae hadn't really thought about it, but memories of his very tradtional grandparents flickered through his mind. "You just might be Ma. I just wish she could understand that I'm happy with my life. I have a family with Donghae and our pest, it's just not traditional. I'm very fufilled in my choice of careers as well. I've had offers from much bigger companies, as a trainer or even an idol when I was younger, but the work would have brutal and I didn't want to be so far from home. She might drive me crazy, but I love my mother. Where I am, I get to mold not just one or two, but dozens of children, many of whom come to me for advice when they realize or are questioning their uality. I'm also close to my parents, even if I have moved out."
  "You're a good son. Someday your mother will come around. It's just going to take a lot of patience."
  "Now we know what Donghae's unfinished business is and why he's so special, though I still think he's special. It has to be to reunite his body and spirit."
  "Oh Hyukkie! Do you think so?"
  "It has to be Hae."
  Donghae buried his face in his husband's shoulder, a wild spark of hope ignited inside him. He wanted more than anything else to be mortal so he could stay with Hyukjae, and now there might be a chance he could.
  "It's too late to visit Donghae's body today. Are you staying overnight?"
  "Actually Ma, we were planning on staying a few days. Could you direct me to a hotel or something?"
  "Hotel, nonsense. You'll both stay here. Donghae has a double bed in his room if you don't mind the clutter."
  "Do you mind Ma? I couldn't ask you though."
  "You didn't ask, I offered. You're family. Of course you'll stay here. Why don't you go get your suitcase, and Donghae will show you his room while I start dinner?"
  "May I help? I've not very good yet, though Missus Park said I showed promise."
  "I'd be delighted. Donghae is hopeless in the kitchen unless sweets are involved."
  Followed by Nat, the couple went to get Hyukjae's suitcase, then the spirit led him up a narrow stairway to one of three bedrooms.
  "This is Ma's room, this was my brother's, and this is mine." Grabbing the mortal's arm, Donghae pushed the door open.
  Hyukjae could well believe it was Donghae's room. Though his mother in law obviously kept it clean and aired in hopes of her son coming home, it was still cluttered with pictures, stuffed toys, and stacks of comic books, with homemade curtains and a rug, and crazy quilt on the bed.
  "This is definitely your room Hae. Where should I put my stuff?"
  "Uh, you might have to make room in the drawers and closet. I don't have my own bathroom, but Ma keeps a shelf for guests to put their bathroom things. It's that door at the end of the hall."
  Opening drawers and the closet, Hyukjae smiled and shook his head at the untidy mess of clothing. Shoving his husband's socks aside, he added his own carefully folded ones, then pushed the tangle of hangers over so he could neatly hang up his own shirts and pants. He dropped off his toiletries, comb, and toothbrush in the old fashioned bathroom, then the couple clattered back downstairs, leaving Nat to explore, or lay in a patch of late afternoon sun.
  Hyukjae had never had so much fun learning something in his life. As much as he liked his landlady, Ma had a knack of turning even the most mundane of things like slicing daikon into something fun. She showed him how to keep his fingers out of the way while cutting and still maintaining a firm grip, and started making rice while Donghae perched on the counter and observed. She also told stories from when the spirit was younger, such as one time when he tried to cook and managed to burn instant rice, and the numerous animals he hauled home to try and help.
  "If anything had a hurt leg or wing or was just stray and hungry, it found its way here. Donghae has a very soft heart. He probably would have been a vet if it hadn't been for his grades."
  "I noticed his heart. Even as nasty as Henry could be, Donghae never gave up trying to be nice."
  "Just do yourself a favor and never let him in the kitchen if you don't want him to burn your apartment building down."
  "Don't Ma me Donghae. He's your husband. If you ever do become mortal again, Hyukjae should be warned what a menace you are in the kitchen. Now Hyukjae, why don't you tell me more about your mother?"
  Hyukjae tried to keep the bitterness out of his voice as he ruthlessly continued to chop vegetables and explained about his mother always trying to run his life for him, then softened as he thought.
  "I think my parents' marriage was arranged, though through my grandparents or a matchmaker I'm not sure. They do really love each other. Even at her worst, I've never seen Father raise a hand, or even his voice. I got yelled at and spanked as a child, but only when I really deserved it."
  "She's just doing what she was taught to do. People who are that sheltered have no idea other ways of living exist and that not everyone fits in a comfortable little box. Maybe when you boys go back I'll come with you if you don't mind. Maybe she'll understand better if it's one mother speaking to another."
  "Would you? I'd really appreciate it. Being men, I'm sure there are lots of things Father and I just don't get."
  "Of course I will. Now, if you're done mutilating those poor vegetables, dice this pork for me so it can go in the pan first once the oil heats."
  Hyukjae carefully cut the meat according to his mother in law's instructions, then gently scraped it off the cutting board a few pieces at a time so it didn't splatter everywhere. He washed his hands, then Ma showed him how to season, and when to add the vegetables so it would be all done at the same time, while lightly flipping everything so it would cook evenly and not burn.
  "Keep this up and youll be a pro in no time. Okay, drain off the oil and pour it into the serving dish while I dig out the kimchi and scoop out the rice."
  Seldom had Hyukjae enjoyed a meal more. His own mother was a wonderful cook, but she'd never let him help, and there was never much conversation at the dinner table. That was saved for afterwards, while with Ma, and Donghae who tangled his feet with his husband's so he could enjoy the food as well, the conversation was light and lively, plus he had the satisfaction of knowing he'd contributed.
  Once dinner was over and the kitchen cleaned up, the three moved back into the living room and the talking continued. It wasn't until Hyukjae let out a huge yawn that he realized the long drive had caught up with him, and that it was very late.
  "Good gods, look at the time! You must be exhausted Hyukjae. You two go to bed, and we can continue the conversation tomorrow."
  "I think I will Ma. I didn't realize how tired I was. Goodnight. Come on Hae, you might need to help me up the stairs."
  "Goodnight my boys. Just to let you know, the walls here are thin if you find you've caught your second wind."
  Hyukjae blushed, and Donghae squeaked out a "Ma!" before burying his face in his husband's neck.
  "What? You two are allowed to do such things, you're young, in love, and married. Even though it wouldn't be the same, how do you think you both got here? I assure you, it wasn't the stork or post office."
  Now completely embarassed, the couple stumbled upstairs to their room. Hyukjae managed to yawn his way through a quick shower, which Donghae joined him for, then the two tumbled into bed together the way they always did, the spirit wrapped in the mortal's arms.
  Hyukjae was almost asleep when he managed to say, "I love you Hae."
  "I love you too Hyukkie."

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Chapter 31: I am so glad I stumbled over this. The end nearly made me cry ;-; so beautiful
Chapter 31: Oh my god... this is the 2nd story I read that has reincarnation in it... and I must say, the reincarnation scene always make me cry..
bine84 #3
Chapter 31: This Story is just WOW..really amazing. I enjoyed reading it so much.Thumps up for your hard work in writing and Thank you for sharing it.
Just finished reading this story and it was beyond amazing! Eunhae was adorably cheesy for pretty much the whole time they were together. Such a unique and well written story line. I would have definitely read it all in one sitting if I didn't have to go to stupid work. Keep up the ridiculously awesome work author-nim!!!
Baegoppahansam #5
Chapter 31: This story is written well and it is one of the bests that I've read. For me the plot is unique, I love the way it was written; fluffy. It was a feel good story actually and I hope you'll write more beautiful stories like this. Thank you so much authornim!!
Chapter 31: Here are comments as I was reading from chapter 26 to 31:
Donghae's "I'd slice you into sashimi" is truly beautiful xD
I feel bad for Nat (well, actually myself haha) for biting Hyukkie, but as you said, it's for his own good!
Again, Donghae's "Can you please teach him to make something that doesn't look like a cat threw it up" made me nearly spit my wine!
I'm really impressed how nearly everybody in this story is so tolerant to gay people (especially Hyukkie's boss), given that it happens in South Korea. However, the atmosphere creates is really cozy :3
That couple dance... So niiiice!!!
Ahhhh, I missed Chulliiiieeee
I smirk so much in this story xD And can disappear? Awesome :3
Hmmm, Hyukkie with eyeliner? Oh yesss
Hyukkie's mother's " Get rid of that boy and I'll have your exorcised, " rocks hahaha
Whoa, it's all relateeeeed! (the ship accident)
I like Hae's mother :3 She has such a pleasant aura around her~ And she's so chilled out: "Keep this up and you;ll be a pro in no time!" xD
My gosh, their first time is so funny and cute at the same time!
Aw, my job is done T^T
YAY! Hyukkie's mother is less irritating for me now
Oh man, it's been a while since I saw the trio xD (Kyu, Yesung, and Wookie)
Yay! I got adopted :3 I happyyyyyy
Manager of tropical fish store? Sounds just right xD
Aw, Siwon... My heart shivers T^T
Nevertheless, really good story, my dearest Kitty! Absolutely worth it and strongly recommended!
Motahareh #7
Chapter 31: The end in the nursing home was just sad... All the people they knew were gone and it was their turn it:( kinda reminded me of the their real life in future
Chapter 31: Found this story and started to read it and I have to say it was AWESOME! I LOVED IT<333333333333333333333
It was BEAUTIFUL :) So happy that Siwon had finally found a way to get them together so they could spend the rest of lives together with the pest ...I laughing so hard when Heechul and Ryeowook stripped to prove to Hyuk's mom that they were men and happy that she finally came around to seeing that Hyuk is happy with Hae ...It was a nice ending for them all and a new beginning for Hyuk and Hae :D
kiahae #9
Chapter 31: Awww its was nice even i dont want it to finish
Thank u :)
Chapter 31: thankyu sooooo much for this beautiful story ending twas a lovely eunhae until the next life still together forever,twas so cute and funny their pet names for each other kkk tcand ehunhae hugs for you my dear and more eunhae story from you soon ❤♥❤