Chapter 7 - Finally

Negative Or Positive - Your Choice

A/N : In heaven or hell, 1 day is equal to 1 year in earth =) So don't get confuse ^^




L's heart was like struck by lightning.


"I knew it... Men are always heartless... No doubt" She said.

L was dumbfounded at there.

"Well Goodbye then~ Have a nice holiday ~" She waved and went away.

*That girl in my dream was..... her? *

----* After 22 days in other world / 22 years at earth - At heaven *----

"Annyeong!!!" Sungyeol happily greet the other angels at the meeting hall.

"Oh Sungyeol-ah! You're back!" One of the angel said.

"Hehe ~ See you all later ! I need to rush to see the Arch Angel" He waved to them and enter the room.

"He still can't forget right?" One of the cupid said to the other cupid.

"Yeah.... It's hurting though"

----* In the room *----

"Annyeong!!" He greeted the Arch Angel.

"Oh Sungyeol-ah! Welcome back! But I think you need to leave soon"

"Another mission?" Sungyeol look at him with anticipating eyes.

"Aniyo~ A holiday for you ~ You have been working hard these days, so have some rest"

"But Arch Angel! I am okay!"

"No! Listen to me okay? Have some rest, since that incident you never rest yourself"

"But - "

"No more buts, go ~ You can go anywhere ~ Even in earth"

"Ne.... Arasseo" Sungyeol leaves the room and straightly walk out from the hall.

He reached a park where they usually go with you. All the memories attack back to his mind. He sits at the bench and looking at the children playing around. Sungyeol was so into looking at them playing that he didn't even notice someone sits down beside him.

"Long time no see, my old friend" Sungyeol was snapped back from his dreamland.

"Oh... L... You are here too" He just plainly said.


"Having mission here?"

"No" L shakes his head while answering.

"Then?" Sungyeol was surprised.

"In holiday~ You?" L lay his back on the bench.

"Hmmm... Me too" Sungyeol answered and silence surrounds them.

"I am sorry"

"Huh?" Sungyeol was shocked when L apologized.

"For ruining.... her..."

Sungyeol was surrounded by sadness when he heard that.

"It's okay... It's over already" Sungyeol quickly recovered from the sadness.


They relaxed at there and watching them playing. Suddenly, something hard hit Sungyeol's head.

"Ouch!!!" He touches his head.

"Omo!!! I am so sorry!! My niece was too naughty! Sorry!" A girl voice said and came to check out Sungyeol.

Sungyeol was going to scold that person but freezes when he saw her.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"~~~~~" Sungyeol mumbled.

"Huh? How do you know my name?" She looked at him intently.


Destiny loves to play with people's love. They destined to be separated and then back together after long time. Fight for what you believes it's right and don't give up because miracle will only happen to someone who believes it.

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Finally found the time to read this! Even though I subscribed a long time ago. But seriously, it was quite depressing, why did I have to read this after watching a depressing Korean movie!!!
But still,it was good! Loved it. I think it's cute, the way it ended, and it let people assume the ending themselves. Wonderful
Make a sequel...pleaseeee!!!!!!
@b1a4cnblueblockb Haha XD Will let's see about it ! ^^ Cause this is a contest entry XD Hehe ^^
b1a4cnblueblockb #4
WAH! It's hanging! Kyaaaaaaa! Make a sequel, please!!
CookieYua #5
update soon!
justjamiee #6
Oh poor Sungyeol :( He got slapped. It's okay, I'm sure many inspirits would die to even have Sungyeol TALK to them! LAMAO! Update soon!!!
@ilovemilk Haha =) Counted as first to comment about the story XD Haha ! ^^ Will update soon =)
justjamiee #8
First to comment! YAY!!! Maybe not... Anyways, AWESOME story you have here! Update soon! Will be waiting for your update! Fighting!
Helloo~ ^^ Your request are ready for pick up~! ^^ hope you like it.