7. I Need You

I Need You

“He what!?”

A few heads in the café turn their way, and there is a slight red blush on Yoora’s cheeks.

“Can you please be a little bit more subtle with the reaction?” Yoora says, trying her best to ignore the attention that was suddenly on them. Hyerin apologizes quickly, but of course she wanted to know more.

“I mean, he’s just a hybrid, right? So it’s impossible-”

“Impossible for him to have feelings for you?” Hyerin finishes her sentence. Yoora purses her lips and nods, not wanting to elaborate further.

“Well-” Hyerin nervously giggles and Yoora suddenly feels very uncomfortable with the response. “I have read a few articles saying it’s not impossible. They are half human as well, you know.”

Yoora quickly clutches her chest and takes a deep breath. This news is not helping her at all.

“A-Are you ok?” Hyerin asks concerned for her friend. Yoora nods. She was fine, but everything was just a little overwhelming right now.

“You know Yoora, it’s perfectly okay for him to like you and it’s absolutely okay that you like him too.” Hyerin tries to explain, but Yoora quickly shakes her head.

“No, you know how I feel about this.”

“I know” Hyerin holds Yooras hands and pats them to reassure her, “but it’s also obvious how you feel about him.”

“Really?” Yoora sighs. “I just don’t want to get hurt again.” Hyerin nods. “And I don’t want to hurt Jimin either.” Hyerin smiles and pats Yooras hand again.

“Come on. Let’s go see what they’re up to.” Hyerin urges as she gets up from her seat. Yoora hesitates, but she knows she has to deal with him sooner or later. And sooner was now.



“Hi guys” Hyerin greets the two as soon as they found them lying down on the grass in the park.

“Five more minutes” Yoongi groans. Jimin immediately gets up seeing his owner right above him. He blinks a few times, thinking whether to make the first move or not. Yoora decides for the both of them as she moves forward and lifts her arm to pat him on the head.

“Um. I think we should head home. It’s getting late.” She manages to say with an obvious red bloom on her face. She had no idea how to handle this, now that they were going to be alone again but she gave Hyerin an assuring smile. Anything wrong should happen, she would report it immediately back to her.

Yoora can see that Jimin is a little bit awkward too, but that she had to blame it on herself after neglecting him for nearly three days straight. She made a mental note to never do that again and then saying goodbye to Hyerin and a little pat on Yoongi’s head, she head back home, with Jimin quietly trailing right behind her.

The walk back home was a quiet and slow journey. Usually evenings at this time of the day was the slowest. There were fewer cars and no crowds around and it was her favourite time of the day, apart from bed time. She figured what they would have to do next once they get home. Have dinner? Talk? Apologize?


“I’m sorry”

Yoora stops in her tracks and sees Jimin a few feet behind her. To be honest, he was too far for her liking but he didn’t pull him closer either.

“Please don’t stay mad at me” he says and purses his lip. His ears folded back, afraid of her avoiding him again. Yoora stares at him for a few seconds but then she mentally cusses at herself because she was an idiot. Jimin thinks that she’s mad at him? Yes, she may be a little a bit upset about what happened but she was nowhere near angry, even if she was, it would be at herself.

“Jimin ah. I’m not mad, I promise.” And though she was still uncertain about herself and her own feelings towards him, she wanted him to know that he is very important to her. Although a little bit hesitant at first, she reached out her hand. She regretted not taking his hand this morning, so this time it was her turn and hopefully he wouldn’t turn it down.

Jimin takes her hand of course, and her lips curve up into a smile. Jimin does too and she squeezes his hand tightly to make sure that he knows that she feels better with him. And the feeling was just about right.




“Hey Jimin.” Jimin is quite lucky to be born a hybrid because his species, just like any normal dog had a really excellent sense of hearing because Yoora’s voice comes out soft and timid.


“Can we stop by one place for a while?” Yoora asks. They were just a few blocks away from their apartment but the road that Yoora seemingly wanted to take was in the other direction.

“Sure.” Jimin willingly agrees and lets her lead the way, at the same time constantly reassuring her presence with the squeeze of her hands.


They walk for a while and the day is gradually getting darker and soon, Jimin finds himself at another park. They were actually on the other side of the lake, that part of the park where not often people go to. It’s quiet, but serene with lamp posts lighting up the dark path. Jimin watches Yoora as she stares out into the lake. It’s dark now and they hear the soothing sound of the water and the rippling colour of the street lights reflected in the water.

“I haven’t come here in a while now. It’s nice to finally come back here.”

Jimin just stares at her. Yoora forms a silhouette in the darkness but Jimin can still see the glint of calmness in her eyes.

“You used to come here a lot?”

Yoora nods and pulls him over to a bench nearby. “This is where I would usually come to, especially on those bad days. Now I’m always too anxious to leave the house to come here anymore, until now.”

“We can always come here if you want to.” Jimin suggests and he sees the corner of her lips curl upward. Really slowly but surely, Yoora shifts closer to Jimin and places her head on his shoulder. She missed Jimin a lot. Three days locked up in her room was enough to realise that, so she hugs his arms and squeezes him tightly.

“I can go anywhere now if you’re with me.”

“And I’ll go anywhere with you if you’re with me.” Jimin says and hears her breath in deeply, content with his words.

“I’m sorry I neglected you.” Again, her voice came out like a whisper because she knows that was the worst thing she had ever done to anyone, so she feels regret and ashamed of herself. Jimin shakes his head though because he wants her to know that it wasn’t her fault in the beginning.

“You just… had me worried, Yoora.”

“Jimin?” Yoora pushes herself off of Jimin and stares at her tightening fists on her lap. She suddenly feels distant, afraid of what Jimin might think of her.

“Will you leave me?” She suddenly asks and it takes Jimin a back. How could she even think that way?

“Yoora, no. Never.” Jimin shakes his head. He doesn’t understand why she’s asking such a question. There was no way –

“It’s ok to leave you know.” She finally decides to look up at Jimin and he’s shocked to see tears in her eyes. “I know it’s very selfish of me to say this, but even if you think of leaving. I wish you wouldn’t.” Yoora finds herself chuckling in between the sobs because it was such a stupid request in the first place. She wipes away the tears with her sleeves, embarrassed because she hadn’t really cried in front of Jimin before.

“No Yoora. You’re wrong.” Jimin moves in close to her again, and wipes her tears with the pads of his thumbs. Yoora sniffles and looks up at him with wet eyes. “I have never thought of leaving you even once. Even if it were the other way round, even if you were the one leaving, I will always come back to find you. I promise.”




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A/N: AND 2 MONTHS LATER SHE FINALLY UPDATES! And it's really short one too. Writers block has gotten the best of me and it's so severe I'm not even sure how I'll be able to write again. Thanks again to all of you who has subscribed and commented and upvoted this story. It makes me happy knowing tehre are people out there who read and actually like my stories. Thank you!


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Chapter 1: Omg wtf u got to see bts?!??!?!?! Im so jealous btw im loving this!
Chapter 10: I really wanna know the outcome of this story. never knew i would be so attached to a hybrid fic :( i just hope u dont stop writing this..
Chapter 10: This is freaking adorable! Please keep going! I can't handle the feels! It's so cute!! ❤️❤️❤️
taehyungistaehung #4
I love love love love this!! I hope you update soon~~
Kuroneko_sinclair #5
Chapter 10: I read everything in one sitting i love this story !!
MoonSun-Hihybrid #6
Chapter 10: This is absolutely amazing! Keep going! 화이팅! Fighting!
aegyotrash_818 #7
Chapter 10: Thank you, thank you, thank for updating!!!! I love this story and can't wait to see what you do with it. :D
Nevrane #8
Chapter 10: Yes yes yessss thank you for updating! I love itttt <3
Nevrane #9
Chapter 9: Hi! Are you going to continue writing this story? It's amazing!