9. I Need You

I Need You

Jimin watches Yoora move around the house slowly, carefully putting everything back into its place. She woke up this morning and remembered why she retired early last night, forgetting to tell Jimin to help himself to the food inside the fridge. Jimin tells her that he had something to eat last night; that she didn’t need to worry about him. Yoora doubted it though, but doesn’t press him any further.

It’s quiet in the apartment, only sound of them shuffling and cleaning up. Instead of watching, Jimin gets up to help a little. He doesn’t exactly remember how everything was kept away before, but he tries his best. Yoora turns to see that he is helping out; she doesn’t have the energy but she tries her very best to smile brightly for him and turns back to rearranging her stuff.

Jimin is holding a book and a broken ornament but he notices the way Yoora looks so tired and weak and watches her from behind. He doesn’t like this feeling. He doesn’t like how Yoora pretends to feel like everything is ok because it’s not. He knows that’s she’s frightened and because of that she thinks of herself as weak. Jimin doesn’t want her to feel frightened or weak or worthless.


The colour on Yoora’s cheek rise up when she feels a certain warmth against her back. Two arms slide around her waist and they hold her tight.

“J-Jimin, What are you doing?”

“You’re trembling.”

“I’m fine, Jimin.”

“You don’t need to be scared anymore. I’m here, remember?”

“I-I know Jimin, but-”

“I promised. I’ll keep you from harm.”


 “I have to clean this up Jimin.” Reluctantly, Yoora pushes him away and Jimin frowns at the distance she puts between them.

“Yoora.” He grabs onto her shirt which unfortunately triggers her.


“Stop it Jimin, please!” She pushes him off of her, “I’m still so afraid, okay! It’s frightening enough to know that he can just break in and come in anytime he wants.” She’s choking and her eyes are teary. She always ends up crying and she hates it so much, but she can’t help it because that’s the only thing she could do. So pathetic! She thinks. “What if he comes in to hurt me again? Why can’t he just leave me alone?” She nearly screams because she can’t stand it. She can’t even handle herself anymore.

“Yoora, please.”

“No! You don’t know how it feels like to be so afraid of everything. It makes me feel so pathetic. I can’t even step out of my own house and now I’m too afraid to even be inside it.” She falls down to the ground and hugs her knees as she cries in them.

She hears Jimin move in closer and he kneels down beside her. He has his hands on her arm for reassurance, but she still hides away from him, from everything. She hears Jimin sigh.  He must be sick of her too, she thinks.

“I’m sorry I don’t’ understand how you feel but I thought you at least trusted me?” There’s a strain in his voice and a hint of disappointment, but she’s not surprised. Yoora lifts her head up and sniffles. She was always a disappointment to everyone but with Jimin however; she always wanted to do her best, never to disappoint him.

“Jimin, i-it’s not that. He can do anything to us-”

“So you just don’t trust me enough?” he looks at her with those eyes. Disappointment.

“That’s not what I’m trying to say.” Her heart is beating faster. Jimin is taking it the wrong way. Why won’t he understand what she feels right now? Jimin-

“I told you I promised. Do you think I’d let anyone just simply hurt the person I love?” He bursts out. He clenches his jaw and he’s shaking. They both are. Soaking in the silent atmosphere of confusion. This wasn’t the first time he had confessed to her however –


“I don’t care about what we are. All I really care is for you and I’m in love with you. Even if you don’t feel the same way at least trust me a little.” He gets up, obviously frustrated with this whole situation. He raises his voice, this whole situation is unfair. Why won’t she understand how he feels? “Everything you said the other day, was it all just a lie? We promised each other, didn’t we?”

Yoora looks away, just anywhere other than Jimin. She’s trembling now. Why doesn’t he see that she needs him so much? What can she do to make him understand?

“Jimin, stop it, please.”

No, that’s not what she was supposed to say.

Jimin falls silent. He’s angry, his ears hot and it became a little too late to realize that he just shout at Yoora. He sees Yoora is still in tears and he’s the one who caused it. Yoora is crying because of him. Now he’s the bad guy and the feeling makes him sick to his stomach.

Frustrated, clenching his fist, Jimin leaves the apartment. He needs to cool down and maybe come back later when he’s not angry. Or should he even come back at all. He couldn’t bare look at Yoora again. Would Yoora even want to see his face again after what he had done? So humiliating.


Yoora is on the floor in tears. Her phone right next to her ear. She’s sobbing and choking and her chest hurts but Jimin has left and there is no one there to tell her that everything will be okay.



When she doesn’t answer, she hears shuffling on the other side of the line. Hyerin has sensed that something bad has happened.

“Yoora? Are you ok?”


“He left.” She chokes on her words, evidently still sobbing. She could at least have done something to stop him but she didn’t. Why didn’t she do anything!

“Yoora? Oh my God, Yoora. Are you ok? Who left Yoora? Who are you talking about?” More shuffling on the other line, “I-I’m coming, I’ll be right over. Stay put!”

“It’s Jimin. Jimin left.”





Jimin is in a muddle. He has his head in his hands and he can’t figure out why had to be so stupid! Ugh! That was never the confession he had been thinking about. Never angry at Yoora. Oh god no. he messed up everything.

Jimin why are you so stupid! He says to himself and proceeds to mess up his hair.

“Your hair will rip out if you do that”

Jimin turns his head to see Hyerin walking down towards him.


“What, you didn’t catch my scent?” She asks.

“Sorry, I was too preoccupied” he heaved out a sigh. “Did she – did she ask you to look for me?” Hyerin shakes her head and this news disappoints Jimin, although he much deserves it anyway.

“She told me what happened and she thought you had left her. Yoongi told me you would be around here. I didn’t know cats had a good sense of smell too.” She chuckles lightly but there’s the look of concern in her eyes.

“She- she thought I left her?” Now Jimin feels like throwing up. He didn’t leave. He would never! How could Yoora think that? He slams his fist on the brick wall. He realizes that he’s messed up everything for good.

“Jimin?” Hyerin reaches out to make sure he’s okay. He’s never looked that way before.

“I want to meet him.”

“Meet who- him? Jimin, I-I think that’s not the best of ideas.” Hyerin holds onto Jimin's arms and can feel how tense he is to the point that it makes her feel a little bit nervous about what he’s about to do.

“What other great idea do you have then, Hyerin?” He turns to her and pulls away his arm from her grip, “If he doesn’t stop now, Yoora will be afraid forever.”

Hyerin knows that he’s determined to help Yoora, and as her best friend she would want to do the same thing too. She was sick of seeing Yoora so helpless and all that she ever wanted was to see her friend happy like she once was before. Hyerin takes in a deep breath before she makes her decision.






Jimin is in front of his door. Apartment 605 according to Hyerin. Jimin promises Hyerin 10 minutes while she waits outside for him, and tells Jimin that she’ll come running if he’s even one minute late.

He knocks a few times. It’s silent but he knows that he’s in because is stench is strong from the other side of the door. Impatient, he bangs on the door now; fuming but at the same time reluctantly not wanting to break down the door.


“Yeah, yeah!” he hears a voice from inside.


The door opens from the other side and it’s definitely him. Jimin just wants to jump on him and sock him in the jaw until it dislocates, but of course he holds back for Yoora’s sake.

“It’s the mutt.” He snorts and glares Jimin up and down with a in between his lips. Unfazed, Jimin steps up to him, and unlike months ago Jimin is now nearly the same height and the same build as this damned human being.

“I want to talk to you about Yoora.”

“What the do you want from me, mutt?” he cusses. “I don’t have time for you or that pathetic excuse for a person. Now get lost!” He shouts and throws the cigarette at Jimin. He nearly closes the door on Jimin, but Jimin blocks it from closing with his foot and holds it open with his arms.

“The fu-

“Let me say what I came here to say.” He grunts but he’s not backing down.

Bull! Leave before I call the police!” he dares to threat Jimin but with a swift movement, he pushes the door with all his might, forcing the guy to fall backwards onto the floor. Jimin kneels over him before he could get back up and grabs his collar with a tight grip; any tighter it would leave marks on this man’s neck.

“If you ever come near Yoora again, I swear you’ll go home with a broken nose.”

The man struggles, choking in Jimin’s grasp and when he finally lets go, the man gasps for air and glares up at the hybrid. He’s pissed but gladly enough doesn’t do anything in return. Jimin gets up and leaves the house and the man slams the door behind him shouting a cuss before he does.

Jimin is glad and hopefully the message got through, now all he has to do now was face Yoora which was the toughest part of all.







Jimin is forced through the hall by Hyerin. He’s doesn’t want to do this yet. He’s embarrassed of himself. What if Yoora didn’t want to look at him anymore? How could he say sorry then?

“But- Hyerin- wait-”

Before he knew it, he’s pushed into the living room right in front of Yoora. And suddenly his throat is dry and his lips are frozen. What was he supposed to say? Now, especially with the sight of Yoora Yoongi’s head as he rests his head on her thighs. That was supposed to be him. He should be cuddled up to Yoora while she scratches his chin, not Yoongi!

Unlike a while ago, where Jimin was all angry and hostile, he lets out a small whimper. Frustrated with the both of them, Hyerin rolls her eyes and pushes Jimin closer towards Yoora; then pulls Yoongi out from her lap. Yoongi pouts at the sudden loss of affection and is pulled away to a different room so that the other two would be left to talk it out.

“Yoora.” He starts, but swallows back his words. Jimin knows he’s not one of the smartest hybrids around but he could at least construct a sentence, couldn’t he?

And she’s not even looking his way. Crap!

“You left.” She says, still not looking his way. She fidgets with the fabric of the couch where Yoongi was before. Jimin takes a deep breath before speaking.

“I did. But I came back.”

Carefully, Jimin steps forward. She doesn’t flinch so he proceeds to sit next to her and hold her hand that was fidgeting a while ago. Gladly enough, she doesn’t pull away and Jimin exhales with relief. He knits their fingers together, his thumb gently caressing the back of her palm.

 “I promised.” He says softly and Yoora nods. He did promise and he kept to it.


“Just give me some more time. I promise I’ll try harder.” She says out of a sudden. Tears start forming in the corner of her eyes and she tightens her grip on his hand. Jimin’s eyes widen and his chest feels lighter now. At least now he knows there is some hope for his feelings to be returned.




9:12 PM 220316

A/N: And here it is, 4 bloody months later! A lot of people have been asking me and tweeting me when I'll be updating this story (and many others that I've left hanging, yikes!). I can't make promises on when my next update will be but let's all pray that it will not be as long as 4 months. Really though,thanks for reading this story, the comments and the reminders on twitter :D


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Chapter 1: Omg wtf u got to see bts?!??!?!?! Im so jealous btw im loving this!
Chapter 10: I really wanna know the outcome of this story. never knew i would be so attached to a hybrid fic :( i just hope u dont stop writing this..
Chapter 10: This is freaking adorable! Please keep going! I can't handle the feels! It's so cute!! ❤️❤️❤️
taehyungistaehung #4
I love love love love this!! I hope you update soon~~
Kuroneko_sinclair #5
Chapter 10: I read everything in one sitting i love this story !!
MoonSun-Hihybrid #6
Chapter 10: This is absolutely amazing! Keep going! 화이팅! Fighting!
aegyotrash_818 #7
Chapter 10: Thank you, thank you, thank for updating!!!! I love this story and can't wait to see what you do with it. :D
Nevrane #8
Chapter 10: Yes yes yessss thank you for updating! I love itttt <3
Nevrane #9
Chapter 9: Hi! Are you going to continue writing this story? It's amazing!