Announcement: Not Taking Request

Neverland Graphic Shop [NOT TAKING REQUESTS]

Hello! Good Day to Everyone. I just noticed this earlier, there are a long list in our Status List. Most of them are 2 months pending. I would like to apologize to the requesters for waiting long. I think there are some problems with my staffs, and maybe with me. So, I put the shop in NOT TAKING REQUESTS mode. I'm not going to open the shop till all the pending requests are done. Also, I noticed some requesters who already requested from other shop. PLEASE! Tell us if you want to cancel your request. CANCEL BEFORE YOU REQUEST FROM OTHER SHOP. I hate this but I think, we already have some few warnings. I won't mention their usernames, You know who you are! This message will serve as a warning, if you don't want to be BLACKLISTED, then please be warned. CANCEL your request now, before I BLACKLIST you. sorry for the words, but i just feel unease with those requesters. We staffs work hard for the requests, then we'll just find out that you already requested from other shop. Sorry for that, I don't want to be mean but there's just no other way.

Next Warning is for the staffs. I am pretty and so much aware that there are staffs who are not doing their requests. PLEASE don't make it long wait for the requesters. The reason why they change shop is because of the long wait. PLEASE staffs, do your work. I am aware of your personal lives but don't forget your RESPONSIBILITIES in NEVERLAND. okay?

Okay, so for the sake of everyone's satisfaction, for the requesters and for the staffs, everyone, please cooperate. Just some little consideration please? Thank You.


Yours Truly,


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OMO ! That poster "Hope is a dream that doesn't sleep"
IT HAS ALL MY BIASES! But no Eunhukkie >.<
I'll cooporate ! :)
Dang I don't know how to spell it correctly >.<

& Good luck with that long list of requests ! :)
OMG! Thank you so much!!! I love it!
requested trailer !
Donghae freebie !!! <3
Thank you for the poster...I shall credit and give feedback when I'm at home because right now I'm on my phone :) thanks again!
ASDFGHJKL !! I won !! I seriously can't believe it !!! OMO ! That whole hour paid off ! OMO ! I am still so shocked !! :O :O :O
First time I won something !!! *Still gaping, speechless*

Aigoo, kamsahamnida so so so much cutestmaknae !!! <333333

I'll go and pm you now ! ^^!
Requsted here~! :) /trailer.