Chapter 6

But, I Like You [Semi-Hiatus]

'Yoomi?' Ken said softly as he tapped on your shoulders. 

'Hmm?' You mumbled as you blinked your eyes open, taking a while to figure out where you were, before you found his hand on your forehead, then your cheeks.  

'Are you feeling unwell? Tired? Sleepy?' 

'Just a little sleepy.' He pulled his chair to the side of the bed, while you glanced at the closed door. Did he really not come in at all?

'It's late, you'll have to eat a little before going back to sleep okay?' Ken moved the tray onto his lap as he scooped up a spoon of porridge. Only noticing that you were staring blankly at the door when he looked up. 'Open your mouthh~'

He blew lightly on the porridge before holding it up to your mouth, while you shrink back into the headboard. 'I can do it myself actually-' 

'No. I'm not letting go of this spoon until you finish everything.' He narrowed his eyes at you, and smiled when you finally complied to him. 

'Yummy, isn't it?' But before you could answer him, he stuck the spoon into your mouth again, while you glared at him jokingly. 

It went on with him stuffing you with spoonfuls of porridge after another, blowing on it to make sure that you wouldn't scald yourself.

'Feeling better?' He asked as you finished the last spoonful, before placing it back down on the table by the side. 

'Mm. Oppa, what time is it?' 

'Just sleep here tonight.' 

'But I can't sleep straight away after eating.' 

'Then do you want to go out?' 

You looked at him blankly. '... Where to?' 

'Maybe just a short walk around here?' 

And he grinned when you nodded slightly. 

'Okay! Let me go get something thicker for you.' Ken excitedly hopped towards his wardrobe as he took out a coat for you, and another one for himself. 'Do you want to change into something else? It might be a little breezy outside.' 

You looked down when he pointed to your legs, and only remembered then that you were wearing shorts. 



He was heading towards his room when you followed Ken out. 

But he did not even acknowledge you as he walked straight past the both of you, without even glancing at you. 

He forgot. He really did. 

Meanwhile, Ken wasn't used to this atmosphere. It was as though Ravi and you were at war. But since you were bent on not telling anyone, he didn't want to force it out of you either. 

Though he really wanted you to be the cheery girl he first met again. 

Ken tugged onto your arm when he noticed your steps slowing down. 'Yoomi, do you want to stay here instead?' 

'Let's go.' You quickly shook your head as you went ahead and headed out of the house, with him following closely behind you. 

As he predicted, with the cold night wind blowing, it was indeed quite chilly outside. And fortunately for you, he insisted for you to change into a pair of his pants so that you wouldn't catch a cold, or else you would be freezing by then. 

The both of you walked in silence down the street aimlessly, which was quite empty since it was already late, considering that it was a still a weekday the next day. 

And it was beginning to help in clearing your mind, as you finally managed to get your senses back slightly. Until you were distracted by your hand in his. 

'It's cold.' Ken mumbled shortly, stuffing your hand into his coat pocket, not letting go even afterwards, all the while feeling your eyes on him. 

But when he didn't look at you, you decided not to think too much about it and had your attention back on your surroundings again.

At least, until the silence was broken again. 

'You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.' 

Without including the way he said it, you already knew that even Ken was dead worried about you, but his tone now made you feel even more guilty. For keeping everything to yourself, worrying everyone around you who did nothing wrong. And that he especially, had to be out here in the cold with you, when there's school tomorrow. 

There was a slight pause before you started. 'Jaehwan oppa,'

'Hmm?' But being guilty didn't mean that you were going to explain your behaviour yet.

'How's school so far?' And he had to say that he wasn't exactly surprised. 

'I'm still adapting. Managing well I guess.'

'That's good.'

'But I'll be able to adapt faster with your help.'

That was when you looked up at him again. What help? 

'I miss the bright you that I met the first day I was here. And when we went grocery shopping, and eating afterwards.' You looked away when he turned to you, 'If you need help, you have to let me know too okay?'

You felt him squeezing your hand which was in his pocket lightly, before his mood took a 180 degree change. 

'Now let's bring you back! Before we turn into ice popsicles!' He broke into a run all of a sudden, pulling you along as he laughed. 'You know what, you'll look funny as an ice popsicle!'

He did not just- 'You'll look funnier!!' 


He thought through every possible thing that could have made you like this. Every single one. But he still couldn't know why. And it was starting to get on his nerves. 

Unless, it's him. 

His fingers immediately curled up as he felt his temper rising. But just when he was about to storm out of his room to confront that wretched male, what you said echoed through his mind. And he found himself back on his bed, throwing the pillows onto the ground. 

He waited for you to get back, determined to get it out from you as soon as possible, if his thoughts were true. But when he saw that the door opened to reveal only Ken, he retreated back into his room with a slam of his door. 


You weren't expecting him to be at your door the next morning, slightly distracted when you saw how obvious the circles beneath his eyes were. And it took your all to simply walk past him without any acknowledgement made again. 

'Mi.' He waited, his voice hoarse. But you continued to walk on. 'Park Yoomi.'

Your footsteps quickened, but you were sharply turned around with a strong tug on your wrist. 

Ravi sighed as you refused to look at him, and his grip tightened unknowingly. 

'Mi, I'm going to ask you one last time.' 

He was angry, you could tell. And that he was trying hard to control himself. However, you too were angry. You were angry that he was angry at you. When he forgot everything about it. 

'What happened?' 

Maybe he knew that it was impossible for you to give in immediately, but he, for sure, didn't expect you to glare at him. And he did not even realize that it made his grip loosened, until your back was turned towards him again as you rushed to the bus stop. 

'Park Yoomi! If this is what you want, then so be it!' 

It wasn't hard to find him at all. With his hyena-like laughter and his crowd of friends whom Ravi never understood why even made friends with such a person. But he didn't had the time to be bothered with any of that for now.

'What did you say to her?'

'Are you talking to me?' That cocky attitude also did not help with his mood then.

'What. Did. You. Say. To. Her.'

'Which her? I don't think I know what you're trying to refer to.' And he knew that he used the term 'what' on purpose.

This bastard-  'Oh, isn't that someone's bunny? And she's looking over here?' One of his sidekicks added. 

. She's not supposed to- But I didn't even lift my hands. I didn't go against her. 

While the person before him watched him amusingly, after seeing that Ravi did not turn to you even when you left. 'Why? Did you break up with the little bunny?' 

He hated it to the core when it came out from others, especially them. It disgusted him. 

'That means I can have her then?'

Kim Wonshik. Control. 

'Still not hitting me?' 

He glared at him, his clenched fists firmly by his side. 

'So no violence huh? You're such a pup.' 

'What did you say to her!' He gritted his teeth, voice raised such that passer-bys looked over.

'If I did say something, go ask her. Why are you even bothering to ask me. Do I look like I'll entertain you?' 


It goes without saying that that day was another terrible day for him, which was hard on Ken as he had to apologize for the tantrums Ravi threw, and when he knocked into others without bothering to say a 'sorry'.

'We're back.' Ken greeted as they stepped into the house, while the other headed straight for his room.

Until he was stopped midway by his mother.

'Wonshik-ah, you don't have anything after school tomorrow right?'

'No?' And from the expression on her son's face, she knew that something was wrong.

'Kim Wonshik. Did you actually forget about it?'

Forget about what?  

'Is that why Jaehwan was always the one with Yoomi? What have you been doing for the past week?!'

That was when he remembered. Oh no. 

'You know what you're supposed to do now. Before I disown you, you better-'

'Mom, I need to go first.' And with that, he immediately rushed off. 



He couldn't believe that he had actually forgotten about it. Every year, you would get depressed about a week before it. 

And every year, during that week, he would be even more cautious with things around you, staying with you through the entire day, for the entire week. In case you broke down. 

But it slipped off his mind this year, when he got into a fight right before that week was about to begin, which probably caused you to be even more troubled. And to make it even worse, he actually asked you what was wrong, got angry at you, and even shouted at you. 

When he didn't even shout at you during normal days. He actually did it to you during that one week where you were the most vulnerable.


'Mi, Yoomi?' You pulled your covers over you when you heard him, and the lights to your room was turned out soon after. 

'Mi. I'm really sorry.' It wasn't even your fault. It's mine. I didn't tell anyone anything. It's all my fault for being this angsty. 

'Yoomi, are you okay?' His voice was louder now, now that he was by your bed. 

'I don't want to talk to you.' 

'I didn't mean to- I shouldn't have been treating you this way. I should have remembered. I'm sorry.' 

Stop apologizing. It's all me. Why are you apologizing, when I was the angsty one. When every year, this week, I'll need you to take care of me. I'll bother you with my outbursts and bawling. 

'Mi, can you talk to me? Please?' He knew, that if you kept quiet, you would be thinking. And the more you let your thoughts roam, the more it doesn't make sense. And you would end up getting affected by it again. 

And that was exactly what was happening to you then. 

When it's my business. When I should be the one taking care of it. 

Why do you have to apologize for forgetting about it, that you were unable to be with me this time during the week before. Before their death anniversary. 

'Yoomi, stop it. It's not what you're thinking. Yoomi-ah?' He was starting to get desperate, as he was pretty sure that if he touched you, you might break again. 

But simply watching you wasn't going to solve anything either. 

And he needed to do something. 


[A/N] /Hides away.

I've been gone for ages (aarggh) (I know I said that I would have more time for this like more than 4 months ago and then I just disappeared for this fic ><) 

I didn't actually abandon this, (and no, I'm not going to!) it's just that I had trouble trying to link/continue to plot so that it would maybe make some sense (okay I just really took forever to look for inspiration I'm really sorry Dx)

Thank you so much for the subscribes and comments though! And for still staying even after when I just halted this without any notice <3

I hope that this chapter wasn't that bad, and I will try (extremely hard) to update at least once per month!

Reaally sorry again ><

Thank you! 



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Chapter 9: Finally they are dating!
But poor wonshikie :(
This is cruel >.<
sazuka #2
Chapter 9: Pabo ravi...
HappyVVirus #3
Chapter 8: *shocked* oooo whos the author? Ravi? i thought it was definitely ken.. until i read the last line!!!! Ravi? coz he cant express the emotions directly, so this is his release? he didnt pay any attention, so maybe hes trying to look like he doesnt know or care? cant be anyone else, yoomi didnt seem to know about it at all... ooooooorr its ken writing, but it got leaked or something? and he doesnt know how?
HappyVVirus #4
Chapter 7: Dont give up author~nim, im sure youll find something... Fighting~
Kuroneko_sinclair #5
Chapter 7: Thank you for the update glad ur back :))
Ravi is so adorable here XD
Chapter 6: take ur time author-nim
make this daebak!!
fighting!! :D
Kuroneko_sinclair #7
Chapter 6: Omg who died? Her parents?
HappyVVirus #8
Chapter 6: Ohh i had tears in my eyes.... Her parents? *sniff sniff*
Chapter 5: update please!
this is so good!