Chapter 4

But, I Like You [Semi-Hiatus]

‘Oppa! Wonshik oppa!’ You shouted as Ravi pushed Jungshin onto the ground, with the latter smirking. ‘Stop it oppa!’ But he did not hear you as it was his turn to be tackled onto the ground.

You wanted to step in to stop them, but you found someone pulling you back as Ken grabbed onto your arm. ‘But- op’

‘Don’t.’ He said sternly, before trying to pry Ravi’s hands off Jungshin himself, as a crowd started to form.

‘Wonshik-ah, stop it.’ Ken shouted as Ravi’s arms remained firmly on Jungshin, with the both of them lunging punches at each other, while you stood there watching helplessly.

‘Oppa stop it!’ Nothing was going into Ravi’s ears, and he flung Ken away, hitting him in the face at the same time in the hell of a situation. You quickly rushed to help Ken up, looking at the slight bruise by his lips. ‘J-Jaehwan oppa are you okay? He-‘ You switched frantically from looking at Ravi, and then to Ken, back and forth.

‘I’m f-‘ But it did not take long for your attention to be fixed back on Ravi as he landed another punch. 
‘Kim Ravi!’ And his hands immediately froze in mid air before he could do it again the nth time.


‘Whipped.’ Jungshin muttered under his breath, which Ravi heard, but was not able to do anything, especially when you just called him that.

Taking advantage of how Ravi immediately stopped and that his grip on Jungshin loosened, he pushed him off, and smirked at the both of you before staggering off. Ken watched as he left, with his head in a mess. What on earth is his business? And what does he want from them?

Meanwhile, Ravi, who was still on the ground, slowly turned to look at you and saw you glaring at him. ‘M-Mi.’ You stood rooted the ground, not going to help him at all, and feeling that something was amiss by the way you were looking at Ravi, Ken quickly went to help him up instead.

‘Wonshik you okay?’

‘Yeah hyung.’ He mumbled as he did not tear his eyes away from you, limping slightly as Ken helped him towards you. ‘Mi I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to-‘

You opened your mouth, but snapped it shut again as you stared at the wound and bruises on his face, and pulled him back towards the bus stop. You were mad at him, for not listening to you, and for injuring himself and also Ken. Why isn’t she shouting at me?

Ken was trying to hold Ravi up, as Ravi struggled to attempt to keep up with you who was brisk walking towards the bus stop. He could tell that you were angry, to the extent that you looked like you wanted to kill Ravi, and he found it weird. There’s definitely a back story to this. Why does she look so mad?



‘Mi…’ Ravi said softly as he looked at the seat beside you. He did not know if you would be even angrier with him if he took that seat, but he found himself there nonetheless, with a slight push from the back from Ken, who took the seat behind the both of you silently. ‘Yoomi?’ He asked again as you had your lips pursed in a thin line while you dug for tissues from your bag.
Ravi could see tears b in your eyes as you wiped off the blood on his face with tissues. He flinched slightly, when you touched the deeper wounds, but you did not say anything at all. And after much contemplation, he finally broke the deafening silence. ‘I’m sorry bunny.’ He wanted to ask you why you did not tell him that you saw him the previous day, but went against it, it was not the right time to do so. 

‘You know I hate it when you do that and yet you still do it.’ Your voice cracked slightly as you replied.

‘Okay, shhhh, I won’t do it again okay?’ Ravi reached out his hand to pat your head gently as he said it.

But that was when your tears came out. ‘That’s what you always say! Every single time!’

‘I’m sorry…’ His hands went to your face as he frantically wiped off your tears, ignoring the pain from his own wounds. Ken watched silently, not sure when, and whether he was suppose to interrupt, but decided to do so only when things go out of hand.

‘I already told you a million times!’ You swiped his hands away from you as you wiped off your tears using the sleeve of your shirt. You glared at him through the last of your tears as you turned behind to face Ken. ‘See you even injured Jaehwan oppa you idiot.’ You mumbled as you examined the bruise he had.

You felt Ken stiffen up immediately when your fingers came in contact with the side of his lips. ‘Does it hurt?’

‘N-No.’ He found his heart beating rapidly as he looked at you, your thumb gently rubbing across the bruise next to his lips.

‘At least it’s only a bruise. There’s no blood.’ You said tiredly as you looked at the other parts of his face, thankful that there were no other wounds. But you don’t look okay at all…


You murmured a soft bye to Ken, and ignored Ravi before heading to your class. Ken heard Ravi sigh as they watched your drooped figure disappear into the room down the corridor.

‘You can tell me when you feel like it.’ And I would greatly appreciate it if you do it soon.

‘Okay. Thanks hyung.’ Both of them sound extremely dead. Really, what’s going on?


The moment Jieun saw your expression when you entered the room, she knew immediately what was wrong. She pulled out your chair for you as you got closer, while you murmured a soft ‘thanks’ to her. ‘Did Ravi oppa get into a fight again?’


Jieun sighed. ‘He never listens.’


‘Don’t think about it for now okay?’

‘Mm.’ You mumbled again as you got ready for lessons, not noticing that Jieun got a message.

From: Ravi Oppa

     How’s Mi? Is she okay?

This stupid idiot. Can’t he just listen to her? After so many times and he still doesn’t listen?



Ravi immediately rushed to your class once the dismissal bell rang, only to find Jieun there, alone. ‘Where’s Mi?’

‘She went back.’ Ravi groaned as he threw his bag onto the ground, frustrated. Just then, Ken appeared as he finally found where he went right after running out of the class with that leg.

‘This is why it always happens. Can’t you control your violence even for a little bit?’

‘Where’s Yoomi?’ Jieun looked at the person who interrupted her that reached down to grab the distraught boy’s bag.

‘She left first.’ She answered, not removing her eyes from this unknown dude in front of her. ‘Who are you?’

‘Wonshik’s friend. Ken.’

‘Oh. I’m Jieun.’ Ken briefly nodded back at her before turning back to Ravi.

‘Hyung let’s go home.’

‘Then, I’ll bring him back first.’


For the entire afternoon, the house was extremely quiet. Ravi was in his own room, while Ken had no idea what was happening, and did not know what to do. It did not feel safe to confront you about it either, seeing that you left earlier alone for a reason.


You heard the sound of the passcode being typed in and you quickly ran into your room, making sure to lock the door behind you. Even if he has my passcode, he doesn’t have my room key.

‘Mi? Yoomi ah? Don’t do this. Open the door. Quick.’ You heard him knocking onto the door, but kept quiet, not moving your back away from it at all. His voice sounded even more restless than that morning. ‘Park Yoomi. Open it. I won’t do it again okay? I promise.’

‘There’s no point in you promising when you’re going to break it again.’ You spat, not willing to give in.

‘I’m really sorry. I-‘ But he himself knew that he would most probably go against his promise again. Why can’t she just listen to me? ‘I- Just open the door and then we can talk about it okay? Yoomi ah?’

‘There’s nothing to talk about. I don’t want to see you.’ This girl… Where are the spare keys again? ‘Don’t even try. It’s with me.’

And when she says that, it probably isn’t. ‘You can’t open the door even if you find the key. You’ll end up hurting me.’

‘Bun, get away from the door.’ There was no form of response from you. ‘Park Yoomi.’ Ravi did not know what to do with you. You knew him well, and that he would not do anything to hurt you, which also meant that he would not be able to open the door without injuring you if you stayed firmly behind it.   

‘Break it down then. Just break it.’ You mumbled, banging onto the door behind you.


‘Then you’ll end up injuring me even more. Why not? Just do it then. Do it!’ You shouted, you could feel your tears coming back again. 

However, you did not hear anything. You waited. And there was no reaction from the other side of the door. Did he leave? But he wouldn’t right? … Did he really leave?... That fast? ‘Oppa? Wonshik oppa?’

You opened the door slightly as you peeked out, and he tumbled backwards as he lost the support behind his back. ‘Yoomi-‘ Finding out that you were tricked a bit too late, you quickly tried to close the door back, but he had his feet lodged in between it within mere seconds. 

‘Ah-Ah- It hurts! I’m not wearing shoes!’ And with that, your grip on the door immediately loosened.

But his smile on his face made you realize that it was another one of his tactics again.

‘Still smiling huh?’ You muttered sarcastically as you quickly headed to your bed and hid under your covers without sparing him another glance.

‘It’s not that- Mi ah. Yoomi. Don’t be like this anymore hmm? I’m sorry. I know that I’m the one at fault.’ You felt the side of your bed dip down, but did not falter as you gripped tightly onto your blanket. You knew it was simply a matter of time before he pulls your blanket off, but you were not going to step back without a fight either.

‘Go.’ You kicked the weight on your bed once. ‘Away.’ Twice. You felt him slip off slightly and internally cheered, but not for long, before you felt him tugging onto your blanket.

‘Stop it. This is enough.’ With a sharp jerk, your protective shield was gone, and you were brought face to face with someone who was not smiling anymore. He was getting annoyed.

‘I already said so the previous time. That I wouldn’t let you get away with it if you do it again.’ You tried pushing him away but you could not go against his strength as his strong arms wrapped tightly around you.

‘Isn’t this enough? You already ignored me for the entire day. As though I didn’t exist.’

‘It’s not.’ You answered shortly, while you felt him pulling you closer, at the same time pulling the blanket over the both of you.

You sighed as he did not let go of you, in fact, he had no thoughts of moving away from you.

‘Wonshik oppa.’

Hearing how your tone changed, Ravi could see was coming. She’s probably going to say something not nice again. ‘Hmm.’ You could feel the vibration due to the distance between the both of you.

‘If you do it again, I’ll really leave. For real.’

 With that, you felt him tense up immediately. ‘Mi-ah…’

‘I mean it.’ She can’t.

‘Don’t say such things Mi-‘

‘Sleep.’ You mumbled, and closed your eyes, signaling an end to the conversation.

You heard him sigh as he pulled you closer to him. She can’t leave. I won’t let it happen. Never.



Ravi turned and moved his arms, and immediately shot up when he felt nothing next to him. That was probably the only thing that could wake him up effectively and immediately. Did she leave? Where is she?

He quickly got off the bed, nearly tripping as his leg got trapped in the blanket. ‘Mi? Yoomi-ah?’

You could hear him shouting for you from your room as you prepared toast for a simple breakfast. You looked up from the slice of bread on your hand to find a disheveled Ravi bursting out of your room. ‘How did you wake up that early? Nightmare again?’

Ravi eyed you as your attention went back to the bread, unable to tell if your mood has improved or not. To him, you just sounded sarcastic with your nasal voice from the morning.   

‘Are you still mad?’

‘A little.’

‘Y-You’re not going to leave now are you?’ He asked cautiously while he attempted to tidy up his hair as he ran his hand through it.

Ravi was actually scared of you. He is fine with anything, even when he got into trouble in school or got scolded by his parents or teachers, but when you were angry at him, he hated it.

‘No.’ You said. ‘Not now. When you do it again, I’ll leave.’ She wasn’t joking. She really means it.


‘Which will not happen if you just control yourself.’ You forced a slight smile at him as you handed him his toast. The both of you knew clearly, that due to his temper, as long as Jungshin comes along to push his buttons again, even slightly, Ravi will end up breaking his promise, again. 



[A/N] It's like nearly a month since I last updated this and this isn't exactly that long either. I was just questioning what I was writing throughout this chapter though I really hope that this was okay for you guys >< 

My end of year examinations are starting in less than a month (i know, it aint even near the end of the year yet but my school brought it forward) and it's only ending on 7 Oct, so I'm not entirely sure when the next update will be again.Though I'll try to update it soon if possible! 

Thank you so much for the support so far and do comment and subscribe! 

Hope that I aint boring you out with the story so far! xD

Thank you <3



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Chapter 9: Finally they are dating!
But poor wonshikie :(
This is cruel >.<
sazuka #2
Chapter 9: Pabo ravi...
HappyVVirus #3
Chapter 8: *shocked* oooo whos the author? Ravi? i thought it was definitely ken.. until i read the last line!!!! Ravi? coz he cant express the emotions directly, so this is his release? he didnt pay any attention, so maybe hes trying to look like he doesnt know or care? cant be anyone else, yoomi didnt seem to know about it at all... ooooooorr its ken writing, but it got leaked or something? and he doesnt know how?
HappyVVirus #4
Chapter 7: Dont give up author~nim, im sure youll find something... Fighting~
Kuroneko_sinclair #5
Chapter 7: Thank you for the update glad ur back :))
Ravi is so adorable here XD
Chapter 6: take ur time author-nim
make this daebak!!
fighting!! :D
Kuroneko_sinclair #7
Chapter 6: Omg who died? Her parents?
HappyVVirus #8
Chapter 6: Ohh i had tears in my eyes.... Her parents? *sniff sniff*
Chapter 5: update please!
this is so good!