playful pants

playful pants
Although Takuya had always been a rather eccentrric persoto Joon Jae-one of the many traits he adored about him if he was being honest -he never once imagined he would wake up one morning to a Chinese dragon draping from his bed frame. It tickled his forehaead as he shot up in the bed.In two minds about going out to face the mystery that awaited him he finally decided it best to confront the situation in his sleep addled state. Grabbing the Dragon from the bed he stumbled to the living room. ‘hey Takuya did you- He was cut off as he noticed many more Chinese articles adorning the living room table. ‘oh Joon Jae,did you like it?’ Joon Jae decided to change the subject instead of getting himself into trouble,his anger dissipated as soon as Takuya turned his large beautiful smile on him. ‘hey did you go shopping? Did you remember to get milk huh?’ ‘come here look at this’ Takuya reached out and grabbed Joon Jae’s hand to sit next to him on the floor completely ignoring his question. But Joon Jae didn’t seem to mind when Takuya was like this,his smile radiated and tended to infect everyone around him.His almost childlike innocence when he was talking about his travels or something he was passionate about gave Joon Jae goosebumps. How long had it been since Takuya had stopped talking he wondered? When he followed Takuya’s eyeline he found the reason why he may have stopped,as Joon Jae’s pants seemed to have pitched a tent in the crotch area from where he sat cross legged. He felt himself blush as he saw Takuya’s adam’s apple bobble. So he was nervous too right? He wasn’t just imagining it? As he tried to flatten the pants the motion only seemed to increase Takuya’s interest.Did he also hear heavy breathing from his direction or was it him? It took him a second to realise two pairs of hands join his on either side of the pants,the way you would hold a sheet when folding it. They locked eyes and Joon Jae’s mouth fell open instinctively when he became aware how close Takuya now was kneeling in front of him. This viewpoint gave him the opportunity to appreciate the various shades of Takuya’s blonde hair. ‘Joon Jae,you are becoming more interesting by the day’ Again with the deep predatory voice he had used when he pushed him up against the wall. In one swift move Takuya pulled each corner and flattened the pants while rocking back on his heels out of Joon Jae’s space ‘I mean who doesn’t know how to iron out their clothes properly,I’ll do them next time ok?’ The sweet voice mocked him and Joon Jae could’ve swore he saw Takuya wink at him. A least neither could deny the betrayal of their dilated pupils. Their mutual attraction mirroring each other.
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