
Forever Idiot

It was already 7 o’clock when Jongin wake up. He stretched his hand to cuddle with his beloved wife who slept beside him. But then he was hugged a pillow instead. Not his wife. Not his cutie pie Kyungsoo. He sat down immediately and looks over the room but there’s was nobody in there. None. He started to get panic and was about to scream Kyungsoo’s name with all his heart then he smelled something. He smelled a newly made toast and coffee. His  breakfast.

Jongin immediately ran to the kitchen without washed his face and his obviously messy hair. Then he stopped.  ’There you are’. He just smile and watched his beloved wife prepared breakfast with his little bump showing. Kyungsoo was pregnant almost five month already. And then Jongin just walked over Kyungsoo and give a backhugged that made him startled.

“You’re leaving me alone, baby.” Jongin said while inhaling his wife scent.

And Kyungsoo smile, “Stop it, Jongin. You’re overreacting. Again.”

“I’m not. I can feel it that my always-full-of-love’s heart started decreasing. Did you forget to fill it?” Jongin said sadly with a pout and caressing Kyungsoo’s baby bump.

And it made Kyungsoo spin towards Jongin immediately. His face was full of worries. He cupped Jongin’s face and kissed his lips tenderly. “Jongin please don’t say that. You know that I love you and I’m sorry for being y these days and I’m really sorry if I disappointed you and not being the best wife that you ever wanted.” Kyungsoo looked down and sniffled. ‘Damn this hormonal state.’ Kyungsoo thought in his mind.

And it made Jongin feel bad. Like really really really bad. He was just wanted to be an overly cheesy and sensitive husband he’d be but he forgot something. Kyungsoo is pregnant. Pregnant means someone who tends to have very uncontrolled mood and hormonal. He chose a wrong day to mess up with Kyungsoo and he was really panicked when Kyungsoo let his tears fall down.

“Oh baby no please don’t cry I’m just kidding,” Jongin wipes Kyungsoo tears. “I’m sorry baby I’m just joking,” He kissed Kyungsoo’s forehead lovely. “Please forgive this idiot husband of yours?” Jongin stared into his wife eyes, begging for forgiveness.

“Hmm,” it’s all that Jongin received from Kyungsoo. It’s a bad sign. Really bad sign.

“Kyungsoo baby I’m so sorry. Ofcourse I lied to you that my love had been decreased because it already spilled over my heart from all your love that you give to me,” Kyungsoo looked into Jongin’s brown eyes and Jongin smiles. “And you are not y at all, sometimes, not that I mind though.” Kyungsoo punched Jongin’s chest that not even hurt at all. “And you are the super best, cute, beautiful, wonderful, y wife that I’ve ever wanted.” Jongin smiled sheepishly and pinched Kyungsoo’s chubby cheeks when he stops crying and chuckles.

“Thank you, love. And I love you so much.” Kyungsoo said and hugged his husband tightly.

“I love you too, baby. And don’t you ever say that again.” Jongin tighten the hugged, and then Kyungsoo look over him and nodded.

 They stared at each other lovingly. Jongin was too immersed to Kyungsoo lips and kissed him. He can feel that Kyungsoo was smiling and he deepen the kiss. It was getting heated when Kyungsoo grabbed Jongin’s hair and kissed him back. And then Jongin lifted Kyungsoo to the kitchen’s counter. It was a passionate kisses that made Kyungsoo moaned and Jongin grinded their crotch together and then…

“Mommy, daddy, what are you doing?” A little boy asked while yawning and holds his doll.

And that made both Jongin and Kyungsoo shocked because they were caught off guard.




Kim Jongin and Do Kyungsoo happily married three years ago and Kim Taeoh come to their life a year later. They were a happy family when Taeoh came to their life and their lives were full of rainbows. Not long after, Taeoh made a request that he need a baby brother that he will love every day to his father. And that was the reason why Kyungsoo is pregnant now.




“Mommy, daddy, what are you doing?” Taeoh asked when he saw his mother laying on the counter, and made weird sound.

Both Jongin and Kyungsoo stopped immediately and look at their son. And then Kyungsoo jumped onto Jongin to get down from counter and get his baby.

“Good morning, my baby. Did you get a good sleep?” Kyungsoo said to Taeoh and brings him to his seat. He dragged Jongin to his seat to have their breakfast together.

“Yes, mommy. I have a really good sleep last night.” Taeoh smiled cutely.

They were having their breakfast peacefully but then Taeoh asked again.

“Daddy, what are you doing to mommy just now?” Taeoh asked while munching his sandwich.

“I’m kissing him, Taeoh-ah.” Jongin said and patted his son head. He looked over Kyungsoo and he received a glared from him. What?

“Why are you kissing on the counter and why mommy makes weird sound? Are you hurting him, daddy?” Taeoh asked innocently.

“Ofcourse not, baby. It was the sound of pl---“

“DON’T YOU EVER SAY THAT TO OUR SON, JONGIN!” And that was really made Jongin and Taeoh jumped from their seat because Kyungsoo was screaming.





They continued their breakfast with some joking from Jongin and Taeoh that made Kyungsoo laugh. After that Jongin and Taeoh were enjoying their time by watching Pororo and Kyungsoo is cleaning the kitchen. It was Sunday afterall.

Kim Jongin and Kim Taeoh were so alike. They were father and son afterall. They got the same eyes, cheeky smiles and smirks, nose and thanks to Kyungsoo, their baby Taeoh skin was milky white. Jongin and Taeoh shared the same hobby, likes and even the same attitude. They were unpredictable. Sometimes they were overly sensitive, sometimes they were friendly. But both of them were so cute and Kyungsoo can’t really help but kissed them both all over their face. But then Jongin and Taeoh fight when Taeoh refused to shared his candies. They fight like they were the same age but Jongin is 28 years old for God sake! This give Kyungsoo headache, ‘Am I raised two son or what?’ , while caressing his bump.

A couple of minutes later, Taeoh asked Jongin. “Daddy, where am I come from?”

“Huh?” Jongin was silent after that because he was too absorbed to the Pororo cartoon. But then he continued, “Oh, you want to know where you come from?” Taeoh nodded and facing to his daddy instead.

Jongin glanced to his wife who was wiping the plates over the sink.

“See that, mommy’s belly is a bit big right?”

Taeoh nodded.

“You know that your brother is in it right? Mommy always let you touch it right?”

Taeoh nodded again and said, “He kicked me yesterday!” Taeoh was happy when his baby brother kicked his hand when he touch Kyungsoo bump.

Jongin smiles when Taeoh made a cute giggles.

“And that the same belly you was in, Taeoh-ah. You came from mommy’s belly,” Jongin laugh when Taeoh eyes getting big because he was shocked.

“Really?” Taeoh asked. “How I can fit in there? How I get in there? How I was made, daddy?” Taeoh asked nonstop to Jongin.

Kyungsoo was done from cleaning and he was all smiles when he heard Jongin and Taeoh conversations. He was heading to the living room when Jongin was about to answer Taeoh question.

“You know, when put my di---“

“KIM JONGINN!!” Kyungsoo hurriedly plopped to the sofas where the two sat and slammed shut Jongin’s mouth with his hand. Taeoh was laughing because Jongin was flapping like a retard seal. He was out of oxygen because Kyungsoo closed his nose too afterall.

“Don’t you ever say that to him!” Kyungsoo warned Jongin and he nodded immediately and hit Kyungsoo hand lightly to let his hand go from his mouth. And Kyungsoo noticed that and let go his hand from Jongin.

Jongin coughed and said, “What’s a big deal? It’s true right?”

Kyungsoo smacked his head and shake his head on why Jongin is so dumb sometimes.

“You can’t say like that to your son, you idiot.” And then Kyungsoo turned to his son and placed him on his lap. He cupped his son cheeks and kissed both of them.

“Tae baby, don’t listen to daddy, okay? Listen to me.” Taeoh nodded. “You were made from mommy and daddy love. Mommy and daddy love so much so an angel sent you to my belly because the angel knows that mommy and daddy love each other. Do you understand now, baby?” Kyungsoo asked Taeoh, who was immersed to his mommy story-telling.

“So the angel send baby to mommy belly because they know mommy and daddy love each other?” Taeoh asked.

“That’s my clever boy. Yes they send your baby here,” Kyungsoo rubs his belly together with Taeoh.

“Does angel know that I love mommy and daddy too? And baby also?” Taeoh asked again.

“Ofcourse baby. You are so cute, let me hug you!”

Kyungsoo was busy hugging Taeoh, not noticing that Jongin was pouting and hurt, heading to his room. Crying.

A couple of second later.

Kyungsoo seems to notice that his husband was not there anymore.

“Taeoh where’s your daddy?” Kyungsoo asked.

Taeoh just shrugged, “I don’t know.”

‘Is he getting his bath?’ Kyungsoo mumbles. “Taeoh, can you play at your playroom awhile?  Mommy will take you to bath later, okay?” Taeoh nodded and ran off to the playroom.

And then Kyungsoo head off to his room to find Jongin. But then he saw Jongin lying on bed. His back was facing Kyungsoo.

“Jongin, why don’t get your bath already? Do you want sleep mor---“ And then Kyungsoo heard a sobbed. He rushing laid beside Jongin and hugged him.

“Jongin are you crying? Why are you crying, love? Are you hurt? Am I hurting you again?” Kyungsoo turn Jongin body, facing him. And Kyungsoo wipes his tears.

“You call me idiot. And you won’t let me talk to our son and and…” Jongin sobbed more.

And the Kyungsoo caress Jongin cheeks lovingly. “Jonginnie, no ofcourse not. It’s not the time to talk about adult things to Taeoh, Jongin. He just turns two, you idiot. My idiot. You and your son are too cute. Let me hug and kiss you, idiot of mine.”

Jongin smiles. Now he knows that he is forever idiot with Kyungsoo. He will be forever idiot for his family. He couldn’t care less. And he love Kyungsoo so much.

“I’m going to give a bath to Taeoh. Do you want have a fun bath with our son or y bath with me?” Kyungsoo smirked.

“y bath? Are you crazy? Ofcourse yes!” Jongin said excitedly and winked to his wife with his puffy eyes.





The end.






KaiSoo feels strike again. Im sorry for this mess and ignore the grammar error (y.y) Saranghaeyo
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Chapter 1: Hahahahaha what you doing, Jonginah? Lol I really couldn't believe he was about to explain the real thing they did to make love XD
Kyungsoo's a lot wiser than his beloved husband hahaha >< I love the idiot Jongin, btw. He's just too cute but being hormonal as well ><
Ah, they really raised Taeoh so well! Such a smart kid they had. Thank you for writing this, Authornim! You really wrote a nice fict. Keep writing! xoxo.
Chapter 1: Jongin is hormonal too!!!
Chapter 1: Too funny idiot jongin just for kyungsoo's hahaha
exokimkyungsoo #4
Chapter 1: Its funny.. Lol