
Impressive; The Sequel [VIXX Hyuk One Shot]

You fidgeted nervously on your chair. You tried to hide your blushing face with your long hair. You wished you could immediately ran home and change right there and then. You looked up to Hyuk only to see him crossing his arms with an amused look plastered on his face.

You decided to put on a red hoodie and a pair of jeans tonight. You didn't have any thoughts on dressing up nicely. You just wanted to feel as comfortable as you can. "Remember, this is not a date," you said to yourself. Earlier at school, Hyuk passed a note to you. 'Let's meet up tonight. I'll wait for you at the Star Cafe by 9pm, don't be late! H' You instantly blushed at the little flashback going on in your mind. You glanced at your watch. 8:30. You gave a quick look on your VIXX poster hung on the wall above your bed. You couldn't believe the fact that you were going to meet your ultimate bias in 30 minutes time. I mean, it's only you and him though! This is greater than any other fan meeting. You grabbed your sling bag and happily walked to the cafe. 
You got in the cafe and waited for Hyuk at one of the tables. While waiting, you played with the games in your phone. Not long after, you heard the jingles of the windchimes as the signal of people coming in. Instinctively, you looked up only to see a shocked Hyuk who stopped on track after seeing you. You, too was shocked as well. He was wearing a red plaid shirt with a pair of dark blue jeans. He then tiltled his head in amusement and joined you at the table.
"So..." he started. He leaned forward a bit towards you who were sitting in front of him. 
Before he could say anything, you immediately stood up.
"What if I go buy you a drink," you smiled awkwardly and rushed to the counter.
You ordered two caramel latte and brought it back to your seat. 
"Here," you gave him a small smile before sitting back in front of him. He hesitated before taking the cup of latte you just bought. 
You wondered why didn't he get comfortable with me buying the drinks? Oh... You forgot. He's a man. It would probably poked his pride if you bought him a drink. 
"Well, consider this as a gift for you from a friend," you smiled sweetly. He returned the smile and cleared his throat.
"__-ah, you were spying on me again," he sighed.
you almost choked on your drink upon hearing those words.
"Sorry?" you coughed and looked at him in disbelief.
"Why are you wearing red too? Were you trying to have the couple look on us? This isn't a coincidence. I know you were spying on me," he complained.
"Excuse me, Mr Han Sanghyuk. I may have feelings for you but spying on you is the last thing I will think of doing. Do you think I have nothing better to do rather than spying on you?" you crossed your arms over your chest. 
"You are not even that hot," you whispered looking away from him.
"So you do have feelings for me?" he smirked. 
Again, you blushed and stayed silent. He chuckled and pinched your cheek lightly.
You two continued drinking while he kept on teasing you on a lot of things. You don't know why but he really loved to make you blush. Almost everything that he said either embarrased you or made you mad. You wanted to strangle him somehow but he was too precious to get strangled. You started to feel some sort of ease being around him. You would like to know him as Han Sanghyuk. Not that Hyuk from VIXX.
Once you were finished, he asked you to have a walk together. You walked side by side enjoying the night breeze. Slowly, you started to feel cold. You sneezed a few times which made him concerned.
"Are you okay?" he asked while rubbing his hands on your sides in order to keep you warm. 
You nodded and looked up at him.
"I'm fine. Just a bit cold," you then put your hands in the pockets of your hoodie.
You guys then continued walking and talked about school, friends and other random stuff. 
Watching you still struggling to keep yourself warm, he slipped his hand in the pocket of your hoodie and joined your hand there. He held your hand firmly and you could feel the warmth from his hand spread in your body.
He gave you a sweet smile and squeezed your hand lightly.
"Better?" you nodded in response. 
Suddenly, heavy rain poured down on you. 
Hyuk pulled you and ran towards the bus stop nearby. You started to shiver. You were already so cold and the rain that soaked you two has made it worse. Hyuk tried to hug you as an attempt to subside the coldness but it didn't seem to help as he was too, soaked in the rain. He quickly fished his phone in his pocket and dialed his driver. After a few minutes, his driver came and brought you to his apartment.
Once you reached his apartment, he quickly the heater. You were still shivering from the coldness. 
"You should change," he said while ing his plaid shirt. He then took it off and put his shirt in the dryer. 
What was he thinking? I was there. I nearly fainted for being too red.
"Um... Hyuk?" I turned my eyes away from looking at him. 
"Can you please put on a shirt quickly?" you looked down still blushing.
"Ah, right. Sorry __,"
"Here, these are mine. These are the smallest I can get for you I hope they fit," he handed you his grey shirt and shorts for you to change.
"Thanks," you said before taking the pieces of clothing from his hand and go change.
You put on his shirt and yes, it was big. The shirt and shorts hung loosely on your small body. Once you were done changing, you went back to the living room and joined him watching the television at the couch. You sat beside him hugging your legs. 
"It's late, my mum must be worried," you sighed. It's already 11:30 pm. You should have been home by that time. 
"Stay here tonight? It's still raining outside and your clothes are not dry yet," Hyuk suggested.
"Give me your phone, let me talk to your mum," 
"But..." you hesitated. Hyuk, immediately snatched your phone away and went through your contacts and called your mum. He put your phone on loudspeaker.
"Hello? __-ah! Where are you? I am worried! Do you want me to fetch you?" the soothing voice of your mum filled the space.
"Hello Mrs.__, I am __'s friend. We met earlier and we were caught in the rain. So, I bring her to my house, since it is still raining heavily, may I get your permission to let __ stay the night?" 
"So my daughter is with you? Who are you? How is she?"
"My name is Sanghyuk. I am in the same class as her. She is fine here. I promise I won't do anything towards her. We are not alone, my parents are around," 
You smacked him lightly. You heard your mum sighed.
"Yes, it is dangerous if she wants to go home now. Okay, please take a good care of her. If anything bad happen I won't let you go, understand?" 
"Yes, got it. Thank you Mrs. __," 
"Sure," your mum said.
"Thank you mum!" you said out loud to your mum.
"Yah, you better behave okay," she warned you.
"Understood. Bye mum," you said and hung up.
You took your phone back and went through your twitter. Without noticing, Hyuk was staring at you with his hand supporting his head. Feeling a little bit discomfort, you looked back at him.
"What are you staring at?" 
"You in my shirt," he said.
"What with it?" you asked trying to sound like you were unaffected by the stare.
"Adorable," he gave you that cheeky smile of his which melts you.
You rolled your eyes and continued going through your twitter.
"___-ah," he called.
You looked at him once again and your eyes met his. It was the soft gaze he was giving you. You felt embarrased straight away. Trying to get rid of whatever feeling that started to crept up to your heart.
"Are you still going to keep me friendzoned?" 
You silently cursed at his adorableness. You wanted to squish him for having that innocent and cute face.
"___-ah~ answer me~" he whined.
Was he pulling some aegyo trick? Oh god, I should strain my hand from slapping him right there and then.
After a moment, he sighed and looked away from you.
"I should have know, you never really li-" he stopped when suddenly you gave him a light peck on his cheek.
You pulled away quickly and continued fiddling with your phone.
He grazed his fingers on his cheek still feeling the kiss you gave him earlier. A smile slowly crept up on his face.
"Yah, __-ah~ what was that?" he teased.
"Nothing," you poked your tongue out towards him. 
"Eyy, you DO have feelings for me," he poked your arms repeatedly trying to annoy you.
"Even if I do, so what? You wouldn't want to date me though," 
"What if I do?" he said still poking you.
"Lies," you pushed his hand away from you, annoyed.
He then leaned towards you and lightly gave you a peck on your lips.
"What was that?" you asked blushing deeply.
"Nothing, just returning the favour," he shrugged and continue watching the television.
"Yah! Han Sanghyuk! Quit playing around!"  you nudged him with your extended leg.
He caught your leg and tickled your feet causing you to giggle uncontrolably.
You tried to push him away by swatting your hands at him but he swiftly caught your hands causing you to stop.
"So... are we on?" he wiggled his eyebrows.
"I don't know, maybe?" you giggled.
and that's how you get to call your bias yours.
(A/N: Imagine this as manhyuk version of highschool hyuk okay *^*)
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temonijji #1
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHAHA this story was cute, i can't handle it...
parkhaerin0314 #2
Chapter 1: Hyukkie , damnnnn adorbssss (':
kokowawa #3
Great story :)
kokowawa #4
Great story :)
Chapter 1: I couldn't stop myself from laughing when I read your story. This is SO ADORABLE!!! Good job. Looking forward to more stories.